Features of orchids and ferns

In recent years, more and more flower lovers have been growing various varieties of orchids, and fern, formerly the most popular domestic plant, is losing its leading position.

  1. External differences between orchids and ferns
  2. Effect of lighting
  3. Exposure to moisture
  4. Optimum temperature
  5. Secrets of caring for fern and orchid
  6. To summarize

Особенности орхидеи и папоротника

Features of the orchid and fern

External differences between the orchid and fern

Currently, there are more than 40 thousand species of orchid species and more than 20 thousand ferns.

Fern consists of a root and leaves similar to ostrich feathers. Orchid varieties have ordinary and airy roots, on top of which is spongy tissue from dead, air-filled cells. They absorb moisture from air and soil. Fern-like food and water are taken out only from the soil.

In addition to deciduous and root parts of orchids have flowers. In all varieties, 3 petal sepals with 3 petals alternate. The middle part of the petals is called the lip. It has a large size and a 3-blade incision. The flowers have stamens, a pistil and stigma, in which there are small seeds.

An orchid is similar to a fern not visually, but by its properties. Stems and roots can store water and nutrients, so these flowers withstand prolonged drought.

The effect of lighting

Orchid is a photophilous culture. It grows well with a large amount of sunlight. In a darkened room, orchids do not grow well, and flowers do not appear on them at all. Only in the spring, the flower is slightly shaded, so as not to damage the delicate leaves with excessive amounts of sunlight.

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Unlike orchids, the fern does not tolerate a lot of light. It grows well and develops in shady areas.

Exposure to moisture

A sufficient amount of moisture is provided to the flowers for good growth. It is not necessary to water the plants heavily: an excess of moisture leads to rotting of the root, as a result of which the whole flower dies.

To provide moisture to orchid and fern varieties, they are sprayed with water. At the same time, they take a liquid of optimal temperature: cold water provokes the development of crop diseases.

Optimum temperature

Для растений приемлем разный температурный режим

For plants, a different temperature regime is acceptable

It is better to keep the orchid in a greenhouse with illumination, regularly spraying it 2-3 times a day in the summer in winter – only on sunny days or at elevated air temperatures. In winter, the temperature is reduced only by 3 ° C-4 ° C compared to summer. Excessively low regime leads to the death of the plant.

Fern is unpretentious.It grows well at low temperatures.

Secrets of caring for ferns and orchids

Flower lovers should be careful about the volume of the container for planting orchids. If the flower pot is small, the culture is transplanted to another.

Orchid transplant rules:

  • water the earth;
  • carefully remove the root of the flower from the small pot;
  • carefully examine the culture for rot, disease;
  • pour it into another container in a sufficient amount of substrate in the form of crushed roots of fern, pine and spruce bark;
  • plant orchid sort.
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After transplanting, the plant is protected from excessive sunlight, and the roots from cold watering. Non-compliance with the rules leads to the development of diseases, as a result of which the orchid culture dies.

Fern-shaped varieties are unpretentious. They do not require special care and grow well on any land.

To summarize

Orchid and fern varieties can decorate any home. Even in the absence of sufficient knowledge of caring for crops, anyone can get beautiful flowers pleasing to the eye.

If orchids require good lighting, then ferns grow well in the shade, while the latter almost do not require care, they only need watering once in 5-6 days.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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