In what places does wormwood grass grow

Widow grass, Chernobyl, Evshan – all these are different names of the same plant. Generic name in Latin Arteres is associated with the name Greek goddess Artemis. The Russian version originates from the word “flame”, “fire” due to the burning, bitter taste of grass. Where does wormwood grow, how is it used, what and how many varieties of it exist?

  1. General information
  2. Tall specimens
  3. Sacrificial (Gmelin)
  4. Bitter
  5. Louisiana
  6. Milk-flowered
  7. Ordinary
  8. One-year-old
  9. Root-leaved
  10. Low-growing varieties
  11. Field
  12. Brilliant
  13. Cold
  14. Steller
  15. Schmidt <
  16. Conclusion <

В каких местах растет трава полынь

In what places does the wormwood grass

General Information

Total Known more than 400 species, 170 of which grows in Russia. Belongs to the Astrov family. Unpretentious to external conditions, can go without moisture for a long time.

There are annual, biennial and perennial, as well as tall and stunted species.

Tall specimens

Representatives of this species reach a height of 80 cm to 2 meters, less often 2.5 m. Ideal for decorating a garden plot, making a hedge, decoration of flower beds, etc.

Sacrificial (Gmelin)

Grows in the Far East, before honoring glades, edges, meadows, riverbanks.It has a number of medicinal properties (analgesic, antipyretic, mucolytic, antiseptic, decongestant), because it contains:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids, alkaloids, etc.

It is part of the drug Hamazulen.


Originally from Europe, has long been growing in West Asia, North Africa. It often grows:

  • on the roadsides;
  • on the forest edges;
  • near residential buildings.

The United States and southern European countries make oil from a bitter variety of grass. In the Leningrad Region, Moscow and Moscow Region, its collection for the preparation of absinthe at home is widespread.

It is used in a variety of areas:

  1. Medicine. Wormwood-based medicines and essential oils, thanks to their bitter taste, contribute to irritation of nerves from the taste buds. This leads to increased gastrointestinal function. Leaves for medicine are collected in the first stage of flowering.
  2. Cooking. It is a wonderful spice for fried meat dishes.
  3. Alcohol industry. Grass is part of absinthe.
  4. Textile industry. From the upper part they make paint for fabrics of various green shades.
  5. Gardening and horticulture. Used to destroy caterpillars, codling moth.

Reaches 2-meter growth.Description: The stalk is erect, has a pubescent silver color, reminiscent of felt. The flowers form spherical baskets in yellow.

Warning! Bitter shoots are contraindicated during pregnancy


Настойку из полыни нельзя принимать долгое время

Tincture of wormwood cannot be taken for a long time

North America is the homeland. Perennial variety, blooms in August. Helps in the fight against moths. As a medicine, it is found in various extracts, tinctures and decoctions. For their manufacture, the aboveground part of the shoots is used.

Caution! It is not recommended to take wormwood for a long period of time, this is fraught with the appearance of hallucinations, seizures, involuntary convulsive muscle contractions.


It grows best in moist soil with rich peat content in areas with plenty of sunlight. A perennial look with large dark green leaves and creamy fragrant flowers.

To preserve the decorative properties, it needs periodic trimming. Often used as a decorating element in landscape design.


The common variety is widespread in many European countries, North Africa, North America, Asia .In Russia, it can be found on almost the entire territory, throughout the entire Central European part (for example, it grows everywhere in the Kirov region, in Novgorod, etc.). The exception is the Amur River basin (Far East).

Likes the common variety of wormwood to take over:

  • uncultivated fields;
  • overgrown pastures;
  • roadsides;
  • the banks of small rivers, ponds.

It is a weed that is difficult to remove.


Can be found in the southeast and south of Europe, in Central and East Asia. Prefers to choose areas near the railways, with a high content of sand. It gained the greatest popularity in the 70s of the XX century as a substance that is part of the drug for malaria.

It is used for other purposes:

  • modern medicine uses to treat dysentery;
  • in cosmetology, soap and perfume are being made;
  • yellow-lemon dye for leather, wool and silk products, and red dye for leather items are received by the textile industry.

On the garden plot you can take and plant an annual as a decoration.


Grows in the western and eastern Siberian steppes, in Central Asia. In the form of a decoction, it perfectly cures tonsillitis, as a powder it helps with toothache, the infusion is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

Low-growing varieties

Полынь обладает целебными свойствами

Wormwood possesses healing properties

They are smaller in comparison with tall varieties. In the descriptions, specimens are found from 80 to 20 cm in height.


Grows in Western Siberia, Central Asian countries. Distributed both in the steppe region, and in forest glades and edges. It looks very nice because of the stems of a reddish hue, the same reddish small flowers and densely green leaves.

The lower part contains artemisia-ketone, dehydrofolcarinone, the upper – rubber, essential oils, phenolcarboxylic acids, which give the variety healing properties . It helps with:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • urological and gynecological diseases.

The composition of leaves and pork fat is used as a healing agent.


It is found in the Alpine mountains, on the southeast side. The leaves are very low, they smell strongly and look like they were coated with a layer of silver.

Most often used as a decor in areas. In winter, the beautiful silver look of the leaf plates is preserved.


It is found in North Asia and Northern China.It is divided into:

  • steppe;
  • in coniferous forests;
  • on the mountain slopes.

properties: antipyretic, warming. Used for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.


Grows in Japan, Norway, the Far East, preferring rocky mountain slopes. The natural beauty of silver openwork leaves turns the shoots into a good decorative adornment. Looks good on flower beds with colorful bright colors, on artificial pebble slides, etc.


Perennial variety reaching a height of 20 cm. The most common use: decor of borders, flower beds. Has a pleasant spicy aroma with bitterness. Leaflets are cut, flowers are small.

Wormwood. Clearly how to find and how to properly prepare.
common wormwood
Bitter Wormwood Plant Properties


Wormwood has a wide variety of varieties, areas of application, places of growth, which makes it a very interesting topic to study.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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