The appearance of diseases or pests is a consequence of violations of the conditions for caring for an orchid. If the plant is properly grown, if the roots are well developed and the irrigation and fertilization regime is observed, then the disease does not threaten it. Orchids, pampered by high fever and nutrition, easily fall ill.
Orchid Cymbidium. Farmer Magnus Manske
Non-communicable diseases are diseases that develop when the conditions of detention are violated. They can kill the flower or weaken it. They are the cause of the development of most pathogenic microorganisms.
Noncommunicable diseases are associated with abnormal thermoregulation (leaf burns) and steaming of the plant (usually in greenhouses). Steaming is much more dangerous than a burn, because the entire plant is exposed to overheating. In a mild case, steaming damages the buds and buds. In more severe cases, dead cells of various sizes appear in the tissues of leaves and bulbs. They become the centers of development of pathogenic diseases.
In winter, plants are easy to freeze because they are dormant. Short term exposure to low or high temperatures has no noticeable effect. But if this effect lasts 10-12 hours, then in some species the vegetative buds are damaged. After that, they stop growing, become exhausted and often die. Orchids usually do not recover from cold damage.
Orchids stretch out from lack of light. The tissues become light green and the leaves become elongated. These orchids are easily susceptible to disease.
Excess and deficiency of minerals have an equally negative effect on orchids. With an excess, orchids acquire a rich green color, stretch out, and longitudinal cracks appear on the bulbs. The flowering is weak, the inflorescences fall off quickly. Also, with an excess of orchids, they easily fall ill and succumb to pests.
With insufficient nutrition, orchids form small growths that quickly complete growth. They soon grow weak and die.
Infectious diseases in orchids are caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Cattleya Orchid. Farmer BotBln
The most common orchid pests
Growths, bumps, under which lice sit. Located on the surface of leaves, stems and flowers. Slow growth.
Cause of the disease: not enough humidity and too hot.
Eliminated: treatment with soapy alkaline solution.
Pemfigi (Mealybug)
Insects are white. They are located under the bases of the leaves.
Reason: dry air.
Eliminated: treatment with soap-alkaline solution. In case of severe damage, special chemicals are used.
Insects are green or black in color. They live on flowers and leaves.
Consequences: fungi or viruses.
Reason: poor thermoregulation.
Eliminated: by treatment with a milk-water mixture. For severe lesions, special chemicals are used.
Thrips (vesiculate or fringed)
The leaves are covered with specks.
Reason: high fever.
Treatment: with special chemicals.
Red flat tick
Difficulty in detection. The appearance of white or yellow spots is a symptom of this condition. Leaves and flowers lose their shape and twist.
Treatment: acaricides.
Small white midge. It is characterized by the appearance of white or yellow spots. Falling foliage.
Eliminated: spray with insecticides every 3 days. Remove the affected areas of the flower. It is difficult to eliminate this disease, sometimes it takes several weeks to eliminate. You should also spray other plants so that the disease does not spread to them.
spider mite
The upper sides of the leaves are covered with yellow-white spots, the lower ones are covered with silvery-white cobwebs.
Reason: lack of moisture.
It is processed with soap-alkaline solution. For severe lesions, use acaricides.