Guava is good for everyone! – leaving

The impetus for the purchase of the then unknown guava or psidium (Psidium guajava) was the characteristic I heard from the seller of the flower shop. She presented her as a fruit-bearing plant in indoor conditions. And in the accompanying leaflet, in addition, it was written about the medicinal qualities of all its parts.

ะ“ัƒะฐะฒะฐ (Psidium guajava). Farmer ptrkhahn

Help: Guava is an evergreen or semi-deciduous shrub of the Myrtle family. Presumably, her homeland is Central America and southern Mexico. Archaeological excavations in Peru have shown that psidium was cultivated by the locals several thousand years ago.

I decided to transplant immediately, as soon as I brought it home, in a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand (2: 1: 1), not forgetting to make good drainage. A layer of expanded clay was poured into a slightly larger pot, a little rotted cow dung was laid, then new soil. To less disturb the plant, she planted it with a clod of earth, covered the remaining gaps with soil, trying not to deepen the root collar.

In the summer I water the guava abundantly, in the winter – as needed, but I do not forget that drying out the earthen coma leads to the drying out of young shoots and edges of leaves. I feed it once a month with an infused mullein.

Humidity is not important when growing guava, but I occasionally shower almost all of my plants, including hers. In winter, when there is little light, I sometimes spray many of my pets with epin.

Despite the fact that guava loves light, I try to accustom to it after winter gradually. Since in the summer she lives on the balcony, at first I put it in partial shade, and by the middle of summer – in the sun, which comes here only in the morning.

Sesquiterpenes, tannins and leukocyanidin are found in all parts of the plant. In addition, b-sitosterol, quercetin, tannin were found in the roots. Essential oils containing cineole, benzaldehyde, caryophyllene and other compounds were isolated from the leaves.
Shoot bark and unripe fruits have the greatest biological activity. The bark contains ellagic acid diglycosides, ellagic acid, leukodelphinidin, saponins. The chemical composition of the bark varies greatly depending on the age of the plant. Immature fruits contain a lot of insoluble calcium oxalate, soluble potassium and sodium oxalate salts, protein, carotenoids, quercetin, giyarivin, halic acid, cyanidin, ellagic acid, free sugar (up to 7,2%), etc.
Unripe fruits are very acidic (pH 4,0), contain an ester of hexahydroxydiphenoic acid with arabinose, which disappears in ripe fruits.

ะ“ัƒะฐะฒะฐ (Psidium guajava)ะ“ัƒะฐะฒะฐ (Psidium guajava). Farmer mauroguanandi

The fruits are eaten fresh, they are made into juice, nectar or jelly. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, the percentage of which is higher than that of citrus fruits.

Tea made from guava leaves is drunk for diarrhea, dysentery, stomach upset, dizziness, for the regulation of menstrual cycles.

The crushed leaves are applied to wounds and chewed to relieve toothache. A decoction of the leaves is used as a remedy for coughs, for respiratory diseases, for gargling to relieve pain in case of ulcers, and for diseases of the oral cavity. It has also been shown to be used for skin diseases. Can be used as an antipyretic agent. The leaf extract is useful for epilepsy (tincture is rubbed into the skin in the spine) and chorea (a disease of the nervous system), nephritis and cachexia (general exhaustion of the body). A combined decoction of leaves and bark is used to separate the placenta after childbirth.

Plants decorate the premises with wood, and make handles, engravings and combs from it. The leaves are used to make black dye for cotton and silk.

In addition, I noticed that you should not change the position abruptly – guava can partially shed its leaves.

ะ“ัƒะฐะฒะฐ (Psidium guajava)ะ“ัƒะฐะฒะฐ (Psidium guajava). Farmer CaribbeanGarden

Archaeological excavations carried out in Peru have shown that local people cultivated guava several thousand years ago. Later, the plant was cultivated in all tropical and some subtropical regions of the world.

For the winter I take out the psidium to the staircase, where it is cool, but not cold. This is a heat-loving plant that can hardly tolerate frosts – already at -2 degrees, the leaves are damaged, and at -3 degrees, the plant dies. Young specimens are especially sensitive to cold. The minimum temperature for normal development is + 15 degrees.

Guava is easy to grow from seeds – almost a full-grown plant is obtained in a year. I make the substrate from turf, humus and sand (1: 1: 1). I don’t close the seeds deeply. For germination, I keep it in a warm, bright place (+ 22 … + 24 ยฐ C). To make the plant more bushy, I pinch the growth point. But it happens that the first time it “does not work”, and the guava still goes into one trunk. You have to pinch it several times.

Cuttings root with difficulty, with a rooting stimulator and heating. And, unfortunately, I have not yet managed to get a positive result.

My guava blossomed and delighted with fruits, but there were few of them. It turns out that the guava has its own specificity when pollinating. I read about this in the issue of the “Fruit Paradise on the Windowsill” magazine (October 2008) – the so-called protandria is peculiar to flowers. In practice, this means that the pollen must be taken from the stamens of freshly blooming flowers and transferred to the pistils of the fading ones. I did just that, as a result I got four fruits.

The guava was hit by a whitefly. But during fruiting, it is advisable to fight pests not by chemical means.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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