Where is the homeland of the orchid plant

Professionals are engaged in the cultivation of Orchids on their windowsill. The flower is whimsical to growing conditions, but has such a beautiful flowering that the work pays off in full. For successful cultivation, it is important to know where the homeland of the Orchid plant is located, what the climate and soil are in this region. This will help to form the necessary conditions.

  1. Orchid species and growth conditions
  2. Epiphytes
  3. Lithophytes <
  4. Grassy <
  5. What type of soil do flowers prefer
  6. Conclusion <

Родина орхидеи

Orchid homeland

Orchid species and growth conditions

Depending on the growth method The following species are distinguished:

  • epiphytes;
  • lithophytes;
  • grassy.

Most plants live in the tropics, where there is high temperature and humidity. depending on water and poor tolerance of direct sunlight. Tall trees protect the plant from the sun and wind. Some species live in the middle lane.


This is a type plants that settle on others of a larger size Orchids are not a parasite and do not feed on other people’s juice. Epiphytes receive the necessary substances through photosynthesis, and moisture is taken from the air.

The homeland of epiphytic orchids is South and Central America, as well as tropical regions of Asia. Evolution forced the plant to grow without dependence on soil. They are characterized by the presence of aerial roots, which take everything necessary from rainfall on the bark of trees.

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The plant feels good in a constant shadow.Also, the flower is not picky about fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which makes the tropics ideal conditions.

One of the most common type of epiphytes is Precious. Its homeland is Malaysia and New Guinea.


These include flowers that live in the mountains and among the stones. A distinctive feature is their developed root system.

Lithophytic orchid lives in:

  • Andes;
  • Peru;
  • Venezuela;
  • Brazil;
  • Colombia.

Lithophytes prefer a humid but cool climate. They can grow at an altitude of 2 km above sea level and normally tolerate sharp jumps in temperature. In some habitats, temperatures can drop to -13 ℃ at night, and during the day rise to 20 ℃.

One of the rare species is Komperiya. This flower lives only on the shores of the Crimean peninsula.

Орхидеи Литофиты

Orchids Lithophytes


Such flowers prefer a temperate climate of the middle zone. They live in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Some species are found in Australia.

In Russia, some species are listed in the Red Book. One of the recently discovered types is the Venus slipper. This flower is found in the northern countries of Europe, England, as well as in southern Russia.The slipper is sometimes found in the mountains of the Urals, as well as in the Caucasus.

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Russia is also the birthplace of Two-Leafed Lyubka. It grows in the west of the country, as well as in the Caucasus. Occasionally, it can be met in the Far East. The flower prefers open areas and forest edges.

What type of soil do flowers prefer

A flower prefers this kind of soil:

  • peat;
  • moss;
  • bark;
  • fern roots;
  • charcoal.

Epiphytes do not require the presence of soil, but other types prefer fertile loose soil with a lot of moisture.

Orchids prefer to grow in the soil, which allows the roots to get enough oxygen. Tropical soil is rich in natural fertilizers and moisture.


Since orchids are difficult to cultivate flowers, to successfully grow a house, you must repeat the natural conditions. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and conduct a timely transplant. You also need to monitor the temperature and wet Tew. Do not grow flowers in direct sunlight.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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