Arrowroot white-veined – care

Astrologers call the arrowroot the talisman of Aquarius. This exquisite houseplant is said to stimulate people to find new, unconventional solutions, and helps to look at old problems in a new way. Popular rumor attributes almost magical properties to arrowroot: a beneficial effect on the atmosphere at home, emotional state, health. It seems to absorb the energy of aggression and prevents the pollution of housing with negative energy. In the evening, it soothes naughty nerves, relieves stress, overwork and insomnia. And besides, the arrowroot is very beautiful.

Maranta (Maranta) Is a genus of plants of the Marantovaya family, which includes about 40 species that grow in tropical America.

Maranta leuconeura ‘Fascinator’. Farmer Drew Avery

Description of arrowroot whitish

У Maranta whitish, varieties “Fascinator” (Maranta leuconeura ‘Fascinator’) each of the oval leaves looks like it is painted by hand. In the middle, the leaves are dark green, light at the edges, or vice versa, and along the middle red vein there are zigzag stripes. At night, the leaves rise up and curl up, and in the morning with sunrise they straighten again.

Arrowroot is a very tenacious plant. It puts up with coolness and heat, partial shade, but prefers high humidity, since it comes from tropical America. Under unfavorable conditions, arrowroot drops its leaves, but with the onset of better times, it resurrects again. This happened twice on my window, when the air temperature dropped to 6 ° C in winter.

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Maranty leaf «Fascinator»Maranta leaf “Fascinator”. Farmer Babij

Caring for white-veined arrowroot at home

In general, arrowroot feels good when the air temperature is within + 16..30 ° C. Loves light, but not bright. Its thin leaves fade in the sun. It is better to water arrowroot in a pan, but she will never refuse spraying on the leaves. So that moisture does not evaporate longer, the soil in the pot is mulched with moss.

It is believed that arrowroot does not bloom at home, but this is not the case. Here it blooms annually, and mainly in the winter. But the flowers are inconspicuous, and this plant is valued for the beauty of the leaves, not flowers.

We feed our arrowroot not so often: 1-2 times a month (more often in summer, less often in winter) with soluble complex fertilizers. By the way, she is very responsive to mushroom plums, that is, to the water left over from washing forest mushrooms. I collect it with the remnants of mushroom scraps in a bottle, close it with a cork and, if necessary, feed the flowers.

Maranta white-veined variety "Fascinator" (Maranta leuconeura 'Fascinator')Maranta leuconeura ‘Fascinator’. Farmer Maja Dumat

Arrowroot does not need to be formed, and when the plants begin to press against each other, I plant them, separating them from the rhizomes. You can also propagate by cuttings, using the shoots branched in the form of the Latin letter “V”. When transplanting, I use a light nutrient mixture consisting of equal parts of sod and leafy soil, humus and sand.

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I cut off faded and dried leaves with scissors near the ground. And arrowroot prettier, and pruning encourages it to release new shoots from the middle of the bush, making the plant even lush and more spectacular.

Author: Anastasia Zhuravleva, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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