What to do with indoor flowers that were presented to you? care

Did you get a potted flower? Do not rush to immediately transplant it and put it in a permanent place. Any indoor flowers after “moving” to a new place of residence require an adaptation period. Careful care, the use of special means to reduce stress will help plants not only get used to new conditions faster, but will also give the result in the form of abundant and long flowering.

What to do with indoor flowers that were presented to you?

Popular indoor flowers

What flowering houseplants are most popular today? Below are six of the most common representatives.


Great for beginner florists. It blooms beautifully, unpretentious, for the summer it can be planted in the garden directly into the ground, or by dropping in a pot. Proper care can extend the life of geraniums up to 10 years.

Geranium does not require spraying and is easily propagated by cuttings. He loves water very much, however, it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Drafts are not welcome. Of the shortcomings of geranium, flower growers note one – a specific smell. However, this is not for everybody. Despite this, geranium has many uses in medicine – decoctions are made from it for insomnia, fever, rheumatism and other troubles.


This charming and delicate flower will beautify any interior. It cheers up, purifies the air. Moreover, the orchid is used in medicine as a remedy for pain, and in the food industry, as a spicy plant.
Contrary to popular belief, orchids are not difficult flowers to grow. Of course, they require regular spraying and careful watering (the soil should not be waterlogged or dry).

It is advisable to plant in a translucent pot in order to be able to observe the state of the root system. The roots of an orchid have a structure different from other plants, therefore they require increased attention. The fact is that they tend to rot, therefore they need to be checked periodically. Sometimes you have to remove the plant from the pot in order to carry out a more detailed inspection or treatment.

The plant is practically not affected by diseases. It blooms for a long time and is very beautiful. Can be used for cutting – orchid bouquets retain their decorative effect for a long time. It does not need to be replanted every year, it is enough to observe the irrigation regime and periodically spray and fertilize with a special complex fertilizer.


The plant helps with allergies, has the ability to heal wounds. Abundant flowering, with proper care, will delight you all year round. And caring for her is not difficult even for beginners.

Begonia does not like too wet soil. Even in summer, one watering a week will be enough for her, and in winter – two to three times a month. It is not sprayed, and when watering, they make sure that water does not get on the flowers and leaves. Despite this, it is advisable for the flower to create conditions with high air humidity. However, it should be borne in mind that individual recommendations are not universal for all types of begonias – there are more than a thousand of them.

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The plant is very fond of sun rays and fertilizers. Periodic application of special complex preparations contributes to year-round abundant flowering, rapid growth and health of begonia.


Delicate and graceful violets are loved by many flower growers. They are compact, beautiful, do not cause allergies.? However, not all growers succeed in achieving lush flowering. The main reasons: draft, lack of ultraviolet radiation, improper watering.

Violets are especially sensitive to the watering regime. In no case should moisture get on the leaves – this can lead to fungal infections or burns if the plant is in a place illuminated by the sun. Therefore, watering violets should only be through the pallet.

Another reason for the lack of flowering is too large a pot. These flowers love crowded roots, so until the root system fills the entire space of the pot, there is no need to wait for flowers.

Blooming violets on the windowsillBlooming violets on the windowsill


Anthurium can delight you with flowers all year round. To do this, he needs to create favorable conditions: sufficient watering without waterlogging the soil, light, no drafts, constant temperature. Responds well to fertilization and annual replanting.

For watering, you need to take only settled water, since an excess of salt can lead to yellowing of the leaves. Also, anthurium loves periodic spraying of the leaves, especially in the summer.

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This beautiful, richly flowering plant has medicinal properties. Azalea eliminates inflammation, kills pathogenic microorganisms. The flower is quite capricious, it requires increased attention to care.

Prefers abundant watering without accumulation of excess moisture in the soil, a special temperature regime. It is desirable that the air temperature in the place where the azalea grows be within 12-15˚. Regular application of complex fertilizers promotes growth and lush flowering. The soil should have a slightly acidic pH reaction.

How to care for a donated plant

The opinion has been established that indoor flowers bought in stores do not take root well at home or die. There is a deal of truth in it. In order for the plant to acquire a marketable appearance, many manufacturers use special agents that accelerate growth and stimulate abundant flowering. As a result, the plant quickly spends its energy potential, therefore, after flowering, it simply does not have the strength for further development.

In addition, the plant, having “moved” to new living conditions, experiences colossal stress. Changes in illumination, temperature, watering regime, water composition, and so on – all this weakens the flower, making it a target for various diseases and pests.

Another problem is related to pests. Not every grower, when mass-growing indoor plants for sale, will inspect them in production. Also, plants that are in large quantities on store shelves have another problem – thickening. It is often the reason for the active reproduction of insect pests, for example, spider mites, aphids, and scale insects.

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How to keep a potted flower donated or bought on your own? First you need to pay attention to the following points of care:

  • Do not immediately remove the packaging from the plant, especially if it was transported during the cold season. Let it sit for at least one to two hours.
  • Examine the flower carefully. If there are broken or clearly sore parts, they must be removed immediately. If there are signs of disease or the presence of insect pests, the plant should be treated with a special preparation. It is better to do this not immediately, but the next day after purchase. If there are no signs, it still needs to be sprayed with the same prophylaxis agent.
  • Transplanting is also a strong stress factor for flowers. Therefore, it is impossible to transplant a new plant at once, it is better to wait until it “comes to its senses”, signs of growth will appear.
  • You can not water the immediately acquired plant. The roots also need to get used to the temperature a little. It is permissible to add a small amount of water if the soil is completely dry.
  • Do not place the flower immediately in a lighted place, let it stand a little in the shade, even if this plant is light-loving.
  • The temperature regime for the “newcomer” should be moderate. If the plant is cold-resistant, then it is cool.

Also, it is not recommended to constantly change the location of the flower, transfer it from place to place, turn towards the sun, cut (except for sanitary pruning done immediately). Even if he looks sick, it is best to leave him alone for about 2-3 weeks. That is, the less manipulations are made with a new plant, the faster it will get used to the conditions.

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What drugs will help you adapt

The use of special preparations to improve the survival rate of plants in a new place and to mitigate the effects of stress will help the flower adapt faster in a new place. The company “August” offers several products that shorten the adaptation period of indoor plants, contributing to their health, growth and abundant flowering.

Liquid organic fertilizer with amino acids for orchids and other flower crops - "Aminosol for orchids"Liquid organic fertilizer with amino acids for orchids and other flower crops – “Aminosol for orchids”
Pochkorost is more than just a growth regulatorPochkorost is more than just a growth regulator
Biological preparation against ticks "Kleschevit"Biological preparation against ticks “Kleschevit”

“Aminosol for Orchids”. Despite the name, the drug is great not only for orchids, but also for other flower crops. Contains: amino acids (more than 20).

Increases the endurance of indoor plants in stressful conditions, promotes the development of the root system, lush and long flowering.

Pochkorost. This drug is a paste with cytokinins – substances that stimulate plant cell division. Provides the growth of new shoots and peduncles.

Promotes the awakening of dormant kidneys. When processing bulbous plants, it leads to the formation of new “babies”. The paste is applied with a special applicator to the bottom of the bulb or dormant kidney.

“Kleschevit”. Biological product. Destroys all types of herbivorous mites. Suitable for both indoor plants and garden plants. Insects stop feeding on flower sap within a few hours after treatment.

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The pests die completely in 3-4 days. Treatment with these preparations and adherence to the recommendations described above will provide the new plant with energy for growth and abundant flowering.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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