Cissus is the fastest growing indoor vine-Care

Cissus grows into such spectacular cascades that the lush and dense crown is not accidentally compared to green waterfalls. Quickly turning into a “cloud”, he earned his place in the list of the most unpretentious and hardy indoor plants. Cissus is suitable for anyone, because it is not easy to destroy this vine. She forgives care mistakes and requires only “average” conditions, dispensing with the coolness in winter and any additional lighting.

Cissus is the fastest growing indoor vine. Farmer Autumn

Description of the plant

Cissus in room culture have been popular for many, many years, despite the large number of bright competitors. And it is not at all accidental. Finding another plant that is so lush and stably decorative, while unpretentious in care, is almost impossible. Cissus is popularly called “birches” or “home grapes”.

These are unique evergreen climbing plants with very thin and flexible, actively branching shoots up to 2 m, clinging to any supports thanks to the antennae. Fast growth is no less a virtue of cissus than dark, beautiful leaves. True, the rate of development of a plant, like the density of foliage, directly depends on the care and the number of “misses”.

Simple, three-, five- or seven-lobed, alternate leaves of cissus can be oval-pointed or diamond-shaped. The reverse side is light, in some species it is purple.

Blooming comant cissus is rare. And false umbrellas with pale four-petal flowers are difficult to notice in the mass of leaves.

Cissus (Cissus) in room culture has been popular for many, many years, despite a large number of bright competitors.Cissus (Cissus) in the room culture has been popular for many, many years, despite the large number of bright competitors. Farmer frolicking_foliage

Read also our material 10 of the best fast growing indoor plants.

Types of indoor cissus

In nature, you can find more than three hundred species of cissus, but indoor floriculture has only a few favorite species.

Winged cissus (Cissus alata)better known as rhombic cissus, or rhombic (Cissus rhombifolia), has three-lobed diamond-shaped leaves with large denticles along the edges. Glossy greens are striking in their growth rate.

Cissus antarctic (Cissus antarctica) – one of the most popular species with oval-lanceolate, serrated edges, dark leaves and very flexible shoots.

Cissus stretch marks (cissus fluted) Is a flexible, compact species with a large selection of varieties with reddish five-lobed leaves, very similar to maiden grapes.

Cissus Javanese (Cissus javana) used to be known by a synonymous name cissus multicolored (Cissus discolor). Spectacular variegated appearance with cordate-elongated leaves, on the emerald surface of which pale silvery spots appear between the veins. The purple shoots and the flip side are very showy.

Rhombic Cissus, or Rhombic (Cissus rhombifolia)Rhombic Cissus, or Rhombic (Cissus rhombifolia). Farmer Etienne Cazin
Antarctic cissus (Cissus antarctica)Antarctic cissus (Cissus antarctica). Farmer plantsrescue
Cissus striataCissus striata. Farmer crocus

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Growing conditions for indoor cissus

Cissus plants are highly adaptable to different conditions and are suitable for any office and home. They grow equally well in different lighting conditions, it is enough to take care only of protection from the cold and gentle habituation to moderate lighting.

Cissus are truly versatile. They are suitable for:

  • creating green walls and cascades,
  • ampel,
  • decorating and masking,
  • creating screens and verticals,
  • growing on all types of supports or in floor baskets.

At the same time, cissus plants go well with any plants with a similar growth form.

Lighting and placement

Cissus are lovers of diffused lighting. They react equally to natural light and artificial lighting, which allows you to create green walls and eco-compositions even in rooms without windows. Diffuse, bright light without direct sun or light partial shade remains ideal for any cissus. But the correct selection of views allows you to find options even for the shade.

So, unlike the rhombic cissus, the Antarctic cissus is strikingly shade-tolerant. All cissus can be taught to shade – at a young age and gradually reduce the lighting.

Temperature control and ventilation

Cissus should grow at room temperatures. Despite the fact that they can withstand a temperature drop of up to 10 degrees, the decorativeness of the plant suffers. Even in winter, it is better to limit the minimum to 18 degrees Celsius. The plant is not afraid of heat, but it becomes extremely moisture-loving. The optimal temperature range for growing cissus is from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.

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Cissus love stability. They do not react very well not only to sudden temperature fluctuations, but also to drafts. The latter can cause massive leaf shedding and stunted growth, especially if temperatures drop dramatically.

Cissus javanaCissus javana. Farmer gramho

Cissus care at home

Thanks to its hardiness, cissus is perfect even for inexperienced growers. It recovers easily, grows back quickly and is able to withstand almost any extremes. He really needs minimal care.

Watering and air humidity

For rapid growth, cissus plants need frequent and abundant watering, but the plant’s need for moisture constantly fluctuates and depends on a combination of all factors – light, temperature, ventilation. You should not allow dampness, overflow and stagnation of water in the pallets. But the cissus are not too afraid of droughts, although they affect growth. Constant light humidity is ideal.

It is better to monitor the degree of drying of the substrate and carry out the next watering when the top of the soil dries up. For autumn and winter, watering is reduced in accordance with how the plant “behaves”.

Cissus plants adore high humidity and do not grow well in dry air. They can be content with sprays in combination with a warm shower, provided these procedures are regular. But it will be enough to install pallets or bowls with damp decorative stones or moss. It is important to keep cissus leaves clean and free of dust.

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Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

For any type of cissus, ordinary universal full mineral fertilizers are suitable. It is fed once every 1 weeks with a standard dose or once a week, halved only with active growth. When growth stops, feeding is stopped. If the plant develops in autumn and winter, the frequency is halved.

Pruning and shaping cissus

In early spring, cissus plants can be restrained and shaped. You can shorten old shoots or too long branches at your discretion, leaving at least 2-3 internodes. Young shoots can be pinched throughout the year to thicken and reduce the size of the vines (if the plant has not stopped growing).

Transplant, containers and substrate

Cissus transplant is carried out only as needed, when the substrate is completely filled with roots. This vine can be replanted at any time during the active growth phase. Any universal substrate with neutral characteristics is suitable for cissus.

Cissus are transplanted by the transshipment method. At the bottom of the containers, a drainage layer of at least 2 cm must be laid.

Diseases, pests and problems in the cultivation of cissus

Cissus can suffer from dry air, heat, direct sun, damp soil, lack of fertilizing and transplants, but very rarely from diseases and pests. This vine always signals problems with stunted growth and leaves (they fade, wither, become stained, turn pale, dry, bend).

Read also our article 10 basic rules for caring for indoor vines.

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In early spring, cissus plants can be restrained and shapedIn early spring, cissus plants can be restrained and shaped. Farmer MaNiPa

Reproduction of cissus

Cissus can be cut at any time of the year. Apical cuttings are preferred. Provided a stable heat (about 21 degrees), they can be rooted both in water and in the substrate.

Large cissus bushes can be separated during transplantation. After separation, it is necessary to prune, shorten the shoots to accelerate the adaptation of the divisions.

Seeds are propagated mainly by arctic cissus. Sowing is carried out in the spring, superficially, on spilled soil, sprinkling with a thin layer of sand.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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