“Epin” – plant growth stimulator

Any plant organism during the period of growth and development is faced with a whole complex of unfavorable factors that reduce the immunity of plants and cause various diseases. To overcome all negative environmental factors, the plant needs strong immunity for the entire growing season. Of course, you can try to cheer up the plants with the help of additional fertilization, an improved set of agrotechnical measures, but it is better to use the results of modern scientific advances, using growth stimulants and immunomodulators, such as, for example, Epin, which we will talk about in detail today.

Stimulating plant growth with Epin


What is Epin?

The Epin preparation contains the active ingredient – epinbrassinolide – it is a synthetically obtained phytohormone that is completely natural. Thanks to the action of this substance, plants recover more easily from various stress factors, such as low temperatures, excess or lack of moisture, insufficient lighting, and the like. The effect of Epin on plants leads to the activation of enzymatic reactions and stimulation of protein synthesis. Plant immunity is increased by stimulating the growth and development of cells, activating the metabolic processes of the plant organism.

In addition to using Epin to increase the immunity of plants, it can be used both as a prophylactic agent and a substance that can increase the productivity of plants that have entered the season of fruiting.

This drug is sold in ampoules containing one milliliter (ml) of the substance. This substance must be dissolved in water, preferably soft (rain, melted, settled).

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The instructions for use of Epin say that the drug can be used to stimulate seed germination immediately before sowing, to increase the immunity of seedlings before planting in a permanent place, for preventive treatment of tubers and bulbs in order to protect against fungal infection and accelerate their germination, to increase yields and strengthening immunity during unfavorable periods of the year.

This drug is good because it is completely safe, does not lead to a violation of the phenological stages of development of plant organisms, does not cause dependence on the drug.

Features of the use of Epin

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account a number of its features. So, it is important to know that the active substance of the drug is quickly destroyed under the influence of direct sunlight, as well as if alkali is present in the water. Given this, in order to increase the positive effect of Epin on plants, it is necessary to make solutions and treat the plants with them in the evening, preferably after sunset.

When diluting the solution, make sure that the water does not contain alkali; for greater confidence, you can add citric acid to the water (one gram of citric acid per bucket of water).

When processing plants with Epin, try to ensure that the bulk of the substance falls on the plant, and not on the soil. Do not carry out treatments too often, it is enough to carry them out once every 10-12 days.

You can use the drug without fear, at any period of plant development, without keeping a distance from residential buildings, ponds, apiaries, since the drug is absolutely safe. In order to avoid allergic reactions, people prone to allergies should still use protective equipment – a respirator and protective rubber gloves.

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The use of Epin on vegetable crops

Epin’s influence on vegetable crops is to increase their resistance to diseases, to improve fruit set, reduce ovary shedding, improve the appearance of fruits, their taste characteristics, and increase the shelf life of vegetable products. It is appropriate to process vegetable plants before and immediately after flowering, and it is also allowed to soak seeds in Epin’s solution to increase their germination.

Usually, for one hundred square meters of land occupied by a particular crop, you need about five liters of ready-made solution. To prepare a working solution, dilute one ampoule (1 ml of the drug) in five liters of water (0,02% solution). 

A 1 ml ampoule contains 40 drops of Epin. 1 drop = 0,025ml.

The use of Epin on bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes

Soaking the seed of these vegetable crops can be carried out in 0,05% Epin’s solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water). It is advisable to soak the seeds for 2-4 hours, while the water should not be cold, but at room temperature.

When growing these crops through seedlings, the treatment of plants can be carried out with 0,02% working solution (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water) immediately before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, and then 10-12 days after planting.

Subsequent treatments can be carried out with the working solution a few days before the beginning of flowering and a couple of days after it ends. In the case of bell peppers, Epin treatment can be carried out during the flowering period of this culture.

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Epin’s application on potatoes

The first treatment is carried out before planting the tubers in the soil, for this it is necessary to dissolve one ampoule (1 ml) of Epin in 250 ml of water (0,4% solution), this amount is enough for 50 kg of potato tubers. It is better to carry out the processing in a dark place and after processing, let the tubers lie in these conditions for 4-5 hours.

The reprocessing of potatoes can be carried out with 0,02% working solution (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water) during the period of bud formation, for one hundred square meters occupied by potatoes, it is permissible to spend 4 liters of solution.

Application of Epin on radishes and eggplant

The first application of Epin on these crops is carried out before sowing seeds, they are soaked in a 0,05% solution of the drug (2 drops per 100 ml of water) for three hours.

Another treatment on radishes can be carried out with a working 0,02% solution (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water) during the appearance of the second leaf and at this end the processing, and on eggplants, additional processing should be carried out before the beginning of flowering and during the period of the beginning of the formation of ovaries, strictly in the evening, spending 4 liters of solution per one hundred square meters of land.

Germinating seeds using EpinGerminating seeds using Epin

The use of Epin on cabbage

For cabbage in Epin, seeds are soaked for 4-5 hours in a 0,05% solution (2 drops per 100 ml of water), at a solution consumption rate of 10 grams. seeds – 10 ml of solution. Further, before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to treat the plants with a working 0,02% solution (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water) Epin.

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To increase immunity after planting seedlings to a permanent place, treatment with Epin should be carried out with a working solution during the formation of a head of cabbage, the norm per hundred square meters of land is 2,5 liters of solution.

Application of Epine on the port – sevke

The first treatment is carried out before sowing the bulbs, they are soaked for half an hour in a 0,05% solution (1 ml per 2 liters of water).

The second processing is carried out when three true leaves appear. During this period, it is advisable to treat the plants with a 0,02% working solution (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water); about 3,5 liters of solution are consumed per one hundred square meters of land.

Using Epin on watermelons and melons

In Epin, the seeds of watermelons and melons are soaked before sowing (for a couple of hours). The concentration of the drug should be 2 drops per 100 ml of water (0,05% solution), this amount is enough for 25-30 seeds.

During the budding period, to increase the number of ovaries, it is also possible to process these plants, for which a 0,02% working solution is prepared (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water) and 4 liters of solution are consumed per one hundred square meters of land.

Application of Epin on mushrooms

When growing oyster mushrooms and champignons, it is also permissible to use Epin, it stimulates the growth and development of mycelium and promotes the accelerated formation of mushrooms.

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Epin needs to process the mycelium before the start of active growth, for which a 1% solution is made for 0,005 kg of mycelium, consisting of 2 drops of the drug diluted in a liter of water.

Application of Epin on flowers

The use of Epin on flower crops increases their immunity, enhances the decorative qualities, and prolongs the flowering period. You can use Epin on flower crops at the stage of soaking seeds (0,1% solution – 4 drops per 100 ml) or bulbs (0,05% solution – 1 ml per 2 liters of water), as well as before flowering and during the period of bud appearance …

Epin, when used during the forcing of bulbous flowers in the winter, will allow you to get flowering plants about a week earlier than usual, along with their improved appearance.

The use of Epin also has a positive effect when transplanting a variety of indoor plants. In this case, it must be applied by spraying the newly transplanted plants into a new container and leaving them for 3-5 hours in a dark room.

The use of Epin on trees and shrubs

You can apply Epin immediately after planting tree and shrub saplings in spring, in the amount of 1 ml per 10 liters of water (0,01% solution). The rate is for 5-6 tree seedlings and 7-8 shrubs. Re-processing can be carried out during the period of bud formation and another – after flowering. On a pear, it is advisable to carry out processing a week after the formation of the ovary, and on red currants – on green fruits.

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It is advisable to carry out treatments in the summer with a double dosage, that is, two ampoules of the drug (0,02% solution) must be dissolved in a bucket of water. The processing rates are the same as in the spring.

It is permissible to process the grafting after it is carried out in the spring and in the middle of summer (copulation and budding, respectively), these processing have a positive effect on the survival rate of both cuttings and buds. For the treatment of vaccinations, you need to prepare a 0,05% solution of the drug (1 ml per 2 liters of water).

Rooting cuttings using EpinRooting cuttings using Epin

The use of Epin when rooting cuttings

To increase the rhizogenic activity of cuttings, before planting in the greenhouse, they can be soaked in a 0,02% solution (1 ml per 5 liters of water) of Epin. This amount is enough to soak several thousand cuttings, provided that the solution and cuttings are placed in a shallow but wide container with a side height of 5-6 cm.The main thing is that the cuttings ready for planting are immersed in the solution by 2-3 cm.

Soaking begins at dusk and ends in the morning before sunrise, after which the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse. To soak the next batch of cuttings, prepare a new solution of the drug. Usually, soaking cuttings in Epin allows you to get a more powerful root system, ripe and fully developed. You should know that Epin is able to positively affect the rhizogenesis of green cuttings only if the timing of their cutting is met, that is, when the cuttings are not yet lignified.

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We have indicated the average dosages of the drug, but depending on the cuttings of a particular culture, they vary quite a lot. So, it is advisable to soak cuttings of roses overnight in a solution consisting of 0,5 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water; for lilac cuttings, 0,6 ml of the drug must be diluted in five liters of water; for grape cuttings you need 1,2 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water; for cuttings of blue spruce, euonymus and juniper, 2 ml of the drug is needed for 5 liters of water; for currants, gooseberries, irgi, dogwood, honeysuckle and similar crops, dilute 1 ml of the drug in 5 liters of water.

The use of Epin in the propagation of tuberous plants

When dividing the tubers and before they are planted in the ground, it is advisable to soak them in a 0,05% solution of the drug (1 ml per 2 liters of water) for 3-5 hours, this will increase the resistance to fungal infection, accelerate the germination of tubers and stimulate their growth activity after germination.

The use of Epin in agriculture

Epin is successfully used on all agricultural crops, without exception, its use can increase yields by 15-25%. The use of Epin, in addition to increasing yields, can reduce the content of harmful substances in agricultural products and reduce the number of planned treatments for diseases.

The processing of crops should be carried out from the beginning of the appearance of the green leaf and finished one week before harvest, carrying out processing after 14-16 days. In this case, usually a 0,02% solution of the drug is used.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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