Peperomia – a relative of pepper – care

Peperomia (Peperomia). Pepper family, or Pepper (lat.Piperaceae). These are erect or curly perennial or annual grasses, shrubs, and sometimes small trees. Some of them are valuable as decorative ones and make up the collections of botanical gardens.

Peperomia cape (Peperomia caperata). Farmer Jerzy Opioła

Some types of peperomia are bred for decorative purposes. Among them – peperomia magnoliaefolia – a low-growing plant with large fleshy leaves. The stems are also fleshy, hanging down in an adult plant. This species has a variety with variegated leaves. The flowers are small, collected in an inflorescence-spike. The root system is weak, superficial.

Prefers damp rooms, shaded areas. In autumn and winter, it requires moderate watering, in summer, abundant. The leaves are regularly washed and sprayed. The transplant is carried out in the spring in loose soil, consisting of leafy, soddy soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1/2).

Propagated by seeds, which are sown in March, and by cuttings, rooting them in a warm greenhouse with high humidity.

Peperomia resedosvetnaya, or Fraser (Peperomia fraseri)Peperomia resedoaceous, or Fraser (Peperomia fraseri). Farmer D.Eickhoff

Peperomia resedosvetnaya, or Fraser (Peperomia fraseri) has a high (up to 30 cm) branched stem with small, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are small, white, with a fragrant smell.

Very decorative wrinkled peperomia (Peperomia caperata) with dark green corrugated small leaves growing in a dense bunch. The flowers are white, collected in inflorescences on a long peduncle that rises above the bush.

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In recent years, peperomia has attracted the attention of decorators, amateur flower growers, as it looks great in compositions among other plants. Some ampelous species, for example, peperomia creeping (Peperomia serpens) can be hung in decorative pots on the walls.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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