Preparations and nutritional plum in the fall

A balanced and regular diet plays an important role in the plum garden. It is especially important to enter it correctly and in time before the onset. Let’s look at how to feed a plum in the fall, and in what time frame is it better to do this?

  1. Why do we need autumn feeding
  2. Terms of work
  3. Fertilizer Types
  4. Overripe manure or compost
  5. Urea
  6. Horse dung
  7. Wood ash
  8. Potassium <
  9. phosphorus
  10. superphosphate
  11. calcium
  12. Common mistakes
  13. Summarize

Preparations and nutritional plum in the fall

Preparation and timing of feeding plums in autumn

Why do we need autumn clothes

During the season, trees spend a lot of energy on growth, development and fruiting, as a result of which they weaken.

To increase frost resistance, resistance to diseases, pests, they should be properly fed and on time. Balanced autumn nutrition will ensure good productivity next year.

After harvesting, each plant begins to lay flower buds, and fruit ovaries will form on them in early spring. Organic and mineral fertilizers protect the eyes from freezing and death.

Dates of work

You can feed the plum with different components, but the timing of work depends on the region and age of the tree .

  • In the first three years after planting, seedlings that are planted in fertile land do not need food.
  • In the fourth year of life, useful products are brought in at the end of summer, a month before the onset of sustainable autumn cold so that the root system has time to absorb all the necessary substances. Due to this, frost resistance and winter hardiness of drains increase.
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The timing of fertilizer application in October is as follows:

  • in the southern zone and central strip – the second half of the month;
  • Northern regions – the first decade.

Foliar nutrition of the crown with a solution of copper, iron sulfate or Bordeaux liquid is carried out immediately after harvesting the fruits, and preferably before the leaves fall. The best time for this is evening hours. It is important that the day is dry and warm.

Types of fertilizers

Autumn top dressing of plums involves the introduction of a complex composition – organics and minerals.

Overripe manure or compost

Both components have two important advantages for a tree – they nourish the root system, the aerial part, and improve the soil structure. It becomes lighter, friable, it passes moisture and air well. Consumption per plant – 1 bucket. After their introduction into the near-stem zone, a deep digging is necessary.

If the soil is acidified, add a complex composition of rotted manure (10 kg) and 0.5 kg of slaked lime. The mixture is scattered under the crown of a tree, then loosening and abundant watering is carried out.

It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to fertilize the plum garden with fresh manure in autumn. This product emits gases, heat that can damage the root system.


The second nutritional option is spilling with a urea solution. 30 g of substance are dissolved in 10 l of water. Make no later than 1.5 months before the onset of the first steady colds.

Horse manure

Use manure after annual exposure. 1.5 kg of the substance is dissolved in a bucket of water, insisted for three days.Then the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The treeโ€™s near-tree zone is watered at the rate of 10 liters per instance.

Wood ash

This is a nutritious and accessible substance that is formed as a result of wood burning. Ash is rich in trace elements (contains 17 items). They provide full growth, development and high-quality fruiting of the tree.

The choice of fertilizer depends on the age of the tree

The choice of fertilizer depends on tree age

The second advantage of this fertilizer is the ability to deoxidize the soil, which is important for a plum garden. 300 g of ash are given per adult plant.

In combination with wood ash, the trunks can be sprinkled with egg shells. It helps to reduce soil acidity, which favorably affects further growth and fruiting.


This trace element helps to remove excess moisture from the wood, which increases the frost resistance of plums before wintering. Potassium chloride is considered the best drug – it is introduced for autumn digging, followed by watering. The consumption of dry matter per tree is 100 g. It can be used in liquid form – dissolve the same amount in 10 liters of water.

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Autumn feeding with phosphorus strengthens the root system , promotes its growth, and also increases the ability of the tree to absorb proteins and sugar.

You can feed the plum garden with bone meal at the rate of 50 g per 1 mยฒ. Then abundant watering should be carried out for better absorption of the active substance.

If the plum grows on sandy soil, phosphorus fertilizers do not apply.


These are complex top dressing, which includes several trace elements – potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and a small amount of nitrogen. They dissolve well and are quickly absorbed by the tree. For one adult plum, it will take 70 g.

Together with superphosphates, potassium magnesia must be added – 100 g per plant. This component contributes to the rapid growth of young growth in the spring.


It is contained in dolomite flour, helps to strengthen and thicken the roots. The trace element stabilizes the level of iron and manganese in the soil, which increase acidity.

25 g of calcium nitrate, chloride or sulfate are dissolved in 10 l of water. This amount is for a plot of 1 mยฒ. You can also use 20% calcium nitrate. They are applied in a dry form for each plant – not more than 40 g. After this, they are watered.

To replenish the iron in the soil, after the fall in the autumn, bolts and nuts are inserted into the near-stem zone. Then carry out abundant watering.

Frequent mistakes

During fertilizing in the fall, many gardeners make mistakes that can lead to lower yields, stunted growth and development of fruit crops:

  1. Not adhering to dosage when feeding. Determining the amount of components per eye can lead to overfeeding or underfeeding, as a result of which winter hardiness and immunity are reduced, growth is slowed down, and productivity indicators fall. Therefore, before each feeding, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions and the nutrition scheme.
  2. Violation of the terms. If you make it too late (on the eve of the first autumn frosts), the tree does not have time to assimilate them, it easily freezes and dies.
  3. Use of fertilizers without moisture. The introduction of nutrients in dry form is always combined with abundant watering. Otherwise, the fruit crop, especially in dry weather, will not be able to get the required amount of active substances, so such nutrition will be useless. It is also important to conduct a deep digging of the garden a day after watering in order to improve the quality of feeding.
  4. Use only root dressings. Without irrigation of the crown with nutritious preparations, the drain becomes weakened, therefore, in the fall a month before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to fertilize the sheet with a solution of iron, copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. These components increase resistance not only to cold, but also immunity against diseases, pests.
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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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