Containers for indoor trees – selection criteria

Large indoor plants are special decorations for any home. And it’s not just about size. With the help of indoor giants, they divide space, seek balance and harmony, catch the eye, and to some extent – and control attention. Tad shrubs and trees, most often, are exhibited in splendid isolation and are considered as a living analogue of sculptures. Containers also play an important role in visual perception. You cannot grow a large plant in any pot, and in the selection of containers you have to be guided by slightly different rules than for most other indoor crops.

Large plants in the interior


Why is the pot for the indoor large size important?

Large-sized ones are introduced into the interior not for years, but for decades. They become an analogue of a family tree in the garden, the main and most reliable objects of landscaping. Regardless of their function in the interior, the role of a background, functional or catchy accent element, they so significantly affect the atmosphere in the room and the perception of space that not a single nuance can be ignored – both in the selection of the plant itself and the place for it.

Choosing the right pot or tub that meets the requirements, nature and appearance of the plant is not the last factor in this matter. To avoid mistakes in the selection of containers for the largest indoor plants – trees and shrubs – it is worth carefully weighing all options and evaluating containers for practical and decorative characteristics. They are equally important for the plant itself and for the room in which it will be located.

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Practical characteristics of large containers

When choosing containers for growing the most durable and large indoor plants, first of all, you need to make sure that the container is “convenient”, corresponds to all the features of the indoor plant and its root system, is proportional to the size of the crown and provides all the necessary parameters for normal life …

Drain hole

The first thing to look out for the presence of drainage holes and their sizes. Unlike herbaceous indoor crops, the presence of small, but numerous holes for large-sized tubs is not the best option. The drainage hole must be large enough for water to drain freely and not get trapped in the bottom of the container.

The absence of a drainage hole cannot be compensated for with a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Constant dampness in the lower layer of the substrate will threaten the spread of rot and the loss of such valuable plants. Therefore, the size of the holes on the bottom of the containers is the main thing to be assessed.

Dimensions and proportions

Sizes and proportions in the selection of containers for indoor large-sized ones are also very important. Proportionality determines the impression that the plant produces on the โ€œviewersโ€, how harmoniously it is perceived in the interior.

For plants that do not have a deep or large root system, such as ficuses and bougainvillea, it is imperative to follow the rule of choosing containers with a width exceeding the height.

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But for more moisture-loving and powerful woody ones, such as myrtle, deep containers with high walls are more suitable. Usually, the recommendations for each plant indicate in what type of containers they are grown – regular, deep or wide. And this requirement cannot be ignored even in the case of indoor giants.

Palms in room design in large containersPalms in the design of premises in large containers. Farmer marinebusiness

Pot stability

Capacity stability is important for plants that develop a spreading, heavy, unstable crown. In light containers, such plants will roll over from any careless movement. It is best to opt for heavier pots, but you can compensate for their instability by placing heavy stones on the bottom.

The decorativeness of the container is a decisive factor in the presentation of large plants

When working with large indoor crops, choosing a place that is comfortable for a plant in terms of lighting level, air circulation, temperatures is almost the most important task. The possibilities of using large-sized plants in the interior are much more limited than opportunities.

For each large-sized person, you need to choose a place so that it can develop in it for years without problems. And this reduces the field of solutions for purely decorative tasks in the interior.

The limitations on the possibilities of finding interesting decorative solutions are compensated for by only one possibility – the choice of a beautiful container. After all, you need to take care not only that the plant is comfortable, but also that it fits perfectly into the interior.

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In the case of indoor trees, the correct choice of container in terms of style, materials, color, design details is the only available way of a beautiful “presentation”.

In the right container, the beauty and all the advantages of the plant itself will be revealed, its role in the room will be perceived in a new way. But an unsuccessful choice can make even luxurious indoor conifers get lost.

After evaluating the practical characteristics and determining those benchmarks by which to evaluate the available range of large tubs and pots, it is worth carefully evaluating their decorative qualities.

In the selection of containers for large-sized trees, indoor shrubs and trees, you can safely decide on any experiments with design – the more original and extravagant the solution is, the better. But still, there are several nuances that you should never forget about.

The basic principles for the selection of pots for large-sized plants include:

  • assessment for compliance with the style of interior decoration;
  • the combination of the color of the container with the color scheme of the interior;
  • analysis of textures and possible interactions with textiles and furniture in the room;
  • assessment of materials and their interaction with materials used in the interior.

The shape of the container is very important. Despite the space saving and practicality, square pots are not the best choice for large indoor growers. Rounded containers or complex trapezoidal shapes are always perceived better, because their contours soften the size and massiveness. The dimensions of the pot and crown of a tree or bush should be proportional – you need to find a balance of mass, contour and volume.

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There are rules in choosing the color of pots that allow you to reveal the beauty of large indoor trees and bushes from a new side. First of all, you need to be guided by the tone of the greenery and the features of the crown:

  • If the plant has dark foliage, and even more so dark bark, then it is better to choose dark containers for it, visually balancing the appearance and emphasizing the play of shades (for example, dark blue, dark gray or dark green colors).
  • For all flowering plants or species with variegated, light, gray leaves, light, pastel or white vessels are preferred.

Textures can also be “matched” to the plant. Flowering and variegated plants look best in glossy containers, and dark-leaved ones in matte containers.

In the matter of selecting large tubs and pots, additional decor can be a big problem. You can decorate even the most boring container by selecting decorative pallets contrasting with the color of the container itself, decorative mulching of the soil, or by directly decorating the tub itself with painting and large applique.

Palm trees in a ceramic pot in the interiorPalm trees in a ceramic pot in the interior. Farmer Daniel Sambraus

Variety of containers for indoor trees and shrubs

The choice of large containers in which the largest indoor trees and shrubs can be planted is always inferior to the choice of standard indoor planters and pots. They are not only much more expensive, but also cannot boast of such a variety of shapes, materials, quality, decor, etc.

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All containers for indoor large-sized ones can be divided into two categories:

  1. Special tubs, containers, created specifically for growing large tub crops.
  2. Regular pots of very large sizes, which are found in the lines and series of manufacturers of containers for indoor plants.

Containers for large size wood

Actually, tubs for growing plants, most often, are made of wood or are various modifications of “buckets” and “barrels”. Today, more and more popular are “chiseled” tubs, which are cut from tree trunks and solid wood, as well as various natural forms from trunks and hemp without a core – large driftwood.

It is worth remembering that wooden containers suffer significantly from constant contact with water, require additional insulation or the choice of an option with double containers, special impregnation, which is not always safe for plants.

Wooden tubs for large sizeWooden tubs for large size. Farmer 49ersstorelike

Tubs made of stone

A separate category of tubs is imitation of artificial stone and containers of natural stone, which are considered elite types of tubs. Whichever option you choose, these are original, massive, very beautiful and never out of fashion containers, in which the largest indoor giants feel great.

Shefflers, hibiscus, large palms take root well in the tub. They are appropriate in classic interiors, kitchens, hallways, furnishings where the emphasis is not on modern materials and technologies, but on romantic or nostalgic motives.

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Plastic pots

Large indoor plant pots are made of either ceramic or plastic. Plastic containers have many advantages. They are much more budgetary than ceramic containers, lightweight, comfortable, do not increase the weight of the plant itself, and are more often found on sale. But they also have enough disadvantages:

  • plastic pots are unstable and not suitable for all plants;
  • “Non-breathable” material does not allow the substrate to breathe and does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • the risk of waterlogging in such containers is higher;
  • drainage holes, most often, do not correspond to the volume of the pot;
  • over time, containers are deformed.

Clay containers

Clay containers are a real classic and a genuine luxury item. Even small ceramic containers are more expensive than any other counterparts. And large analogs of tubs will create a significant burden on the family budget.

From real terracotta to more economical materials, there are plenty to choose from. Now modern models with interesting glaze are again giving way to the popularity of aged containers. This is the heaviest type of container, but it allows plants to breathe and allows water to pass through.

Clay containers make any plant, even the most spreading, stable, they reduce the risk of water stagnation and do not lose their decorative effect over time. It is clay containers that should be chosen for those large-sized ones who are extremely sensitive to overflow and stagnation of water, do not tolerate any waterlogging and are prone to diseases of the root system.

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In ceramic pots, for example, abutilones, callistemon, dizigoteka, goffmania, etc. feel great.In terms of style, clay pots are absolute favorites for planting large trees and shrubs for the kitchen, for all types of evergreen, coniferous and fruiting trees, in including citrus fruits, as well as ficuses, bougainvillea and other Mediterranean exotic plants. All young plants look better in clay containers.

Olive tree in ceramic containerOlive tree in a ceramic container. Farmer Bloesem

Double containers

Especially valuable containers for growing large-sized plants are often used just as an outer container, planting plants in another container and simply placing them in a highly decorative outdoor planter.

The same is done when the container that fits into the interior does not have a sufficient number of drainage holes or is not equipped with them at all. If the containers in which large-sized trees grow are unattractive, then the use of decorative external vessels is an excellent option to help achieve the set task and present a tree or shrub in all its splendor.

Various types of flower girls and flower boxes and decorative stands are also used as decorative containers. The only rule to remember when growing large-sized plants in double containers is that drainage is necessarily laid on the bottom of the outer vessel, and the gaps between the walls are filled with peat or other light substrate.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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