Description of Rootstone

Finger tree, or dactylorosis, refers to herbaceous plants of the orchid family. It has up to 40 species and about 70 hybrids, among which 14 species specimens and 8 hybrid species grow in Russia. The most widely occurring is the spotted fingerling, however there are other varieties.

  1. Botanical characteristic
  2. Places of growth
  3. Spotted <
  4. Baltic
  5. Fuchsa
  6. Meat- red
  7. Maiski
  8. Traunshteiner
  9. Conclusion

Описание Пальчатокоренника

Description of Root-root

Botanical characteristic

The genus is isolated from orchis, a distinctive feature is the structure of tubers, which have a rounded shape, palmately separate according to the description, which makes The tubers have medicinal properties and contain:

  • up to 50% of mucus, the product of cell secretion,
  • up to 30% starch,
  • up to 15% of the protein component.

Does not grow above 1 m. Dwarf representatives reach no more than 10 cm, tall – from 70 cm and above. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, saturated green. Many varieties, including spotted dwarf root, are covered with dark specks.

Inflorescences are formed by flowers resembling an orchid in appearance, 10-25 mm long. Color – red and lilac. The flowering period is the beginning to mid-summer.


Distributed throughout the European territory, on the North African continent, in the west and north of Asia, in North America.

Prefers meadows and pastures, forests and wetlands. Due to the small number of growths, some species are listed in the Red Book. The species grows in shaded places. Frost resistance of all varieties is high; therefore, it is often found in northern regions with cold climatic conditions.

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The palmatokorenny spotted, or speckled, is distributed on the territory limited to the Atlantic coast to Europe and Siberia. Landing is also present in northwestern Africa. On the territory of Russia, the spotted palm root grows in the northern and central regions, spreading to the east, near the Volga region.

The spotted palm root prefers moist areas of mossy forested areas with sphagnum moss plantations, wet meadows, glades.

The height of the spotted species is 15-50 cm. The stem is dense, up to 8 mm in diameter at the base. Leaves are flat or folded along, large size. On a dark green base there are purple spots.

Inflorescences are formed in the form of an ear of flowers. The length of the inflorescences is 3-9 cm, the width is 3-4 cm. The color is white, red, purple. The flowering period is June-July.


Красивая форма колоса

Beautiful shape spike

Baltic palmatocorns grows on the European territory of Russia, mainly in the northern and central regions. Found in the Baltic and Altai regions, found in Scandinavia.

The Baltic species prefers green marshes, humid meadow and forest areas, shrubbery, limestone quarries and ravines.

The height of the plant is 30-60 cm. The stem is thick, hollow. The foliage is oblong, covered with spots.

The inflorescence has a short-cylindrical spike shape formed by purple flowers. The flowering period is the beginning to mid-summer.

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Fuchs palmatocorns are distributed in the forest zone of Russia from the southern regions of Karelia to Volgodonsk. Present in the west and east of Siberia. There are in Ukraine and Northern Mongolia.

The Fuchs flower is listed in the Red Book.

Plant height – 20-70 cm, the stem is dense. The lower tier of foliage has a broad-lanceolate or ovoid shape, the lower one is oblong or blunt-pointed.

A dense inflorescence is formed by lilac-pink flowers. It has a conical appearance, 6-14 cm long. The flowering period is June-early July.


Meat-red is widespread in Siberia and the Ciscaucasia.It is found on the territory of Iran and Mongolia, and is present in northwestern China.

Meat-red fingerling prefers swampy meadows, shrubs, and upland bogs in sphagnum. Mass plantings.

Plant height – 25-55 cm. On the stem of 4-6 leaves 8-30 cm long, lanceolate, narrowed at the ends. The color is green, without spots.

It has a variety – bloody palmate, according to the description of a wider foliage covered with purple specks.

Inflorescences have the appearance of an ear, formed by dark red, less often – pink-lilac flowers. The flowering period is June.


The May spotted palmwort grows on the territory of Crimea and in the Kaliningrad region, but the main range is located in the northern and western parts of Europe.

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The May species can be found in humid meadows and forest edges.

The stem is 15-60 cm tall. The foliage is wide, has a lanceolate-ovate shape, covered with dark specks. It blooms in purple, lilac and dark purple. The inflorescence has the appearance of an ear. The flowering period is the end of spring and the beginning of summer.


Orchid of the genus Palmworm Traunshteiner spotted, according to the description, grows in the territory from Europe to the west of Siberia.

Traunshteiner’s flower is found in solitary specimens in humid meadow areas and swamps.

Traunshteiner’s orchid has a thin stalk up to 0.5 m high. The foliage is narrow, lanceolate, covered with dark specks. Inflorescences are formed by pink-purple flowers. The flowering period is June-early July.

Fuchs fingernail Dactylorhiza fuchsii .
Wild Orchid Palmatokorennik
Spotted Rhizome (Orchis) orchid Dactylorhiza maculata


All varieties of fingerlings belong to the orchid family.They are grown as a garden or indoor plant, but many varieties poorly take root in unnatural environments due to dependence on soil fungi: they receive food from them.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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