What should be the soil for orchids? care

Lovers of vibrant and exotic orchids know that they are epiphytes. What does it mean? In their natural habitat, they grow not at all on the ground, but on tree trunks, snags, stumps, mountain rocky ledges. Their thick aerial roots containing porous velamen, like a sponge, absorb water from the surrounding space. The moisture needs of plants are met by fogs, morning dew, and warm tropical showers. Fleshy leaves and stems are able to hold and store the resulting liquid in their tissues for a long time, therefore drought is not terrible for epiphytes. But it’s not that simple!

What should be the soil for orchids?

Orchids, even the most fertile and high-quality soil, are completely unsuitable for orchids, because they receive food from the outside – from the air. At the same time, all parts of the plant, including the root system, take part in photosynthesis. The orchid substrate serves to anchor the epiphyte roots in the planting container and create an optimal level of moisture around them. The substrate must transmit light well, as well as large volumes of air.

The wrong choice of substrate is fraught with the most tragic and sad consequences for the orchid. The soil in the pot, and then the root system of the plant, can be covered with shaggy mold, over time it will inevitably move to the stem and leaves. Mold, caused by favorable conditions for it, most often develops due to high humidity. This problem occurs when the substrate does not have time to completely dry out between waterings.

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Active putrefactive processes seriously disrupt the full development of the epiphyte and may even provoke its death. You will have to forget about flowering altogether. In good soil, water does not stagnate, but its components remain moist for a long time. Drying out of delicate roots should also not occur, because this is extremely detrimental to the general state of tropical culture.

Too heavy fragments present in an illiterately selected substrate squeeze the fragile and delicate aerial roots of the orchid, preventing it from feeding normally. Small and dusty particles aggregate over time, leading to compaction of the soil. In the absence of protection from mechanical damage, direct sunlight, as well as temperature changes, which is usually provided by a high-quality substrate, the orchid will gradually wither away.

Malicious midges and other insects often interfere with the life of home orchids planted in the wrong soil. Disease-causing bacteria and viruses also do not sleep, trapping tropical sissies, weakened by unfavorable conditions of detention. Orkhievod expects an endless and not always effective struggle against all sorts of misfortunes, which takes a lot of time and effort.

Disappointment, in any case, cannot be avoided, since it will not be possible to enjoy the expected lush and bright flowering. Not to mention the possible financial costs associated with the loss of a plant and the acquisition of a new one. In order to prevent such a situation from arising, you should worry in advance and choose a suitable substrate for orchids.

The solution to the problems will be the acquisition of an innovative moisture-saving and moisture-regulating soil for orchids “ZeoFlora”, which is made on the basis of a unique natural microporous mineral zeolite. Zeolite-bearing rock of sedimentary-volcanic origin was formed more than 80 million years ago at the bottom of an ancient sea basin. Natural, environmentally friendly mineral has the characteristics of a molecular sieve, as it is densely penetrated with microscopic holes and the finest channels.

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Moisture-regulating soil for orchids "ZeoFlora"Moisture-regulating soil for orchids “ZeoFlora”


Due to the porous internal structure, this polymineral material is able to actively absorb moisture, store it and release it at the right time (depending on the available temperature and humidity indicators). The mineral of the XXI century, as zeolite is often called, has truly unique properties that make it possible to use it useful in various industries in the production of high-tech products. It is used in almost all spheres of human life: in medicine, construction, agriculture, chemical industry, oil production and oil refining, housing and communal services, ecology, cosmetology, everyday life, etc.

Such soil for orchids is distinguished by the richest mineral composition, as it contains many macro- and microelements vital for the full development of plants (iron, calcium, titanium, molybdenum, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, sodium, boron, etc.). This material is especially rich in amorphous silica – silicon, which is available and easily assimilated by plant organisms. An element that is indispensable as an anti-stress factor in unfavorable conditions, increasing resistance to cold, heat, drought, etc.

There are several important advantages of using ZeoFlora soils for orchids:

  • Mineral microporous granules of orchid substrate absorb (sorb) water during irrigation together with nutrients dissolved in it, and then give the liquid to the roots as needed. As a result, the frequency of irrigation activities is reduced, as well as the amount of applied fertilizers. The root system of plants is supplied with moisture and nutrition constantly and systematically, without peak loads.
  • Light pieces of zeolite for orchids retain their original structure for a long time without crumbling or crumbling. This quality of soil for orchids “ZeoFlora” compares favorably with some ordinary soils, which gradually disintegrate into smaller elements and settle in the pot, deforming, “suffocating” and squeezing the roots of plants.
  • Since the structure of the substrate is very porous, nothing interferes with free air exchange in the root zone. It provides good aeration and ventilation of the roots, but at the same time retains the necessary supply of liquid without waterlogging, which is critical and dangerous for epiphytes. That completely excludes the development of various pathogenic putrefactive and moldy processes.
  • Soil for orchids “ZeoFlora” turns out to be practically sterile, since the initial mineral raw materials in the production process are subjected to high-temperature processing, in which all pathogenic microflora perishes. It does not require any additional preparation before use. The same cannot be said about some low-quality substrates, because quite often they contain pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores and other harmful microorganisms, as well as eggs and insect larvae. All this extremely dangerous “inheritance” can in the future harm not only the plants themselves, but also the residents of the premises in which it settles. Due to mold developing in contaminated soils, the ecological situation in the house is deteriorating. Small flower flies, hatched from eggs and developed from larvae, scatter throughout the rooms. Although they do not cause direct harm, they are extremely annoying.
  • Zeolite-containing soil for orchids makes the cultivation of epiphytes clean and tidy, without dirty streaks, loose dust and water spills on the windowsill. At the same time, cleanliness and order in the house are at a high level.
    Soil granules for orchids “ZeoFlora” are an excellent indicator of the need for the next watering of an orchid (this usually causes some difficulties for a beginner orchid grower). After being saturated with water, the substrate turns dark brown. As it dries and gives off moisture, it changes color, becoming light brown.
  • Convenience and ease of growing (using the substrate). It is very simple to use the soil for orchids “ZeoFlora” – you need to place the roots of the orchid in a pot, having previously poured a few granules on the bottom. You don’t even need to remove the remnants of the old soil from the root system. Then you need to fill in the remaining voids in the planting container and shed the flower well from above or below through the pallet.
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Spilling the plant after transplantingSpilling the plant after transplanting

All of the above benefits make this innovative orchid growing substrate extremely beneficial and beneficial. Due to the unique physicochemical properties of the soil, it is possible to maintain the excellent condition of the plants grown in it, as well as strengthen their immunity and resistance to various stress situations – unfavorable factors always associated with strong shocks for plant crops: transplantation, pest activity, disease, overflow or on the contrary, lack of moisture, etc.

Soil “Ceoflora” can be used in both open and closed systems for growing epiphytes. At the same time, the level of comfort and convenience for the grower is significantly increased, since the substrate does not require any additional refinement. It can be used both in an independent and self-sufficient form, and as an additive to basic soils in a mixture with other soil components (from 10 to 90%). Zeolite-containing soil for orchids in its pure form is suitable for planting children (seedlings) and transplanting adult plants. Since the substrate is sterile, it is ideal for the rehabilitation and recovery of diseased or damaged epiphytes, which are already in a seemingly hopeless state.

In addition, ZeoFlora moisture-regulating soil for orchids has an excellent appearance. The substrate granules are equally attractive inside glass or plastic transparent containers and on the surface of pots as a decorative mulch. Granular zeolite mulch not only creates a great visual composition, but also serves as a sensitive indicator of watering.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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