Heliotrope – Symbol of Devotion – Care

Heliotrope (Heliotropium, this. Borage) is a perennial ornamental flowering plant. Homeland of heliotrope South America. The most common type is heliotrope european (Heliotropium europaeum). In floriculture, they are most often used treelike heliotrope, or Peruvian (Heliotropium arborescens or Heliotropium peruvianum), originally from Peru and Ecuador. It is rare to find stalk heliotrope (Helianthus amplexicaule) и heliotrope corymboseй (Heliotropium corymbosum).

Гелиотроп. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Louisa Billeter

Treelike heliotrope grows well and blooms in the apartment. Its height is 40-60 cm. The leaves are rather large, oval-ovate, bright green. Their surface seems velvety due to pubescence. Heliotrope flowers are attractive not only for their beauty, but also for their pleasant aroma. They are small, bluish-lilac or purple, collected in a scutellum inflorescence. However, there are varieties of heliotrope with white, pink, purple flowers. The inflorescence, depending on the variety, can reach 15 cm in diameter.

The heliotrope blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. The most popular varieties of heliotrope: Marine, Mini Marine, Princess Marina, White Lady and others.


Growing heliotrope

Heliotrope requires good lighting, when placed in the shade, its shoots stretch out, and the flowers become small and pale. In summer, the optimal temperature for heliotrope is at the level of 22–23 ° С, in winter, a cool content at 5–6 ° С is necessary.

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Heliotrope does not need high air humidity, but responds well to spraying leaves.

Heliotrope can be grown as an annual garden plant, it will decorate any flower garden, perfectly combined with marigolds, petunia, salvia. The classic option is to plant heliotrope between rose bushes.

Caring for heliotrope at home

In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, the earthen lump should always be moderately moistened. From March to October, heliotrope needs to be fed with flower fertilizers three times a month. In winter, watering is reduced, but still they do not allow the substrate in the pot to dry out completely.

The heliotrope is transplanted every spring. Before this, the plant is cut, you can form a heliotrope in the form of a standard tree.

The substrate for heliotrope is prepared from leaf, turf, clay soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1.

Heliotrope is propagated by cuttings in February – April. Lower heating of the substrate up to 22–25 ° C is required.

Seeds of heliotrope are sown in March; for seedlings, when they reach 10 cm, it is necessary to pinch the top to enhance tillering and avoid stretching.

HeliotropeHeliotrope. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Forest & Kim Starr

Diseases and pests of heliotrope

Of the pests, heliotrope affects aphids, whiteflies and spider mites. For the fight, actellic, fufanon or other insecticides are used.

Gray rot and rust can develop on a weakened plant as a result of improper care, in which case it is necessary to treat with appropriate fungicides.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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