We grow euphorbia whitewashed at home

Euphorbiaceae can decorate not only an apartment, but also a personal plot. In addition, this flower, according to experts in the field of feng shui, has simply magical properties. He is able to protect the house from evil spirits and bring harmony to the family.But if it is impossible to prove the magical properties of the plant, then the fact that Euphorbia leuconeura (Euphorbia / euphorbia) is able to neutralize the radiation that comes from the TV, computer and other equipment has been scientifically confirmed. Consider how to grow a flower to care for it.

Table of Contents
  1. Appearance
  2. Milk Care>
  • Watering and lighting
  • Plant nutrition
  • Transplant
  • Pruning <
  • Propagation
  • Cuttings <
  • Growing from seeds
  • Common diseases
  • Benefits and harms of the plant

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Euphorbia White-faced


Externally, the white-veined euphorbia is a miniature copy of the palm tree. The color of its leaves varies from light green to emerald. Moreover, the older the leaf, the darker its color. The young plant has a rather thin stem, which coarsens over time. As the plant grows, the lower leaves fall off, exposing this part of the stem. New leaves grow on top of the pot. On each leaf, streaks that decorate it are drawn in a lighter color.From the description it is obvious that the similarity of the flowerpot with the palm tree is striking, which is confirmed by the photo of the flower.

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With proper care, euphorbia will surely delight you with delicate white flowers. It is worth noting that the flowering period in white-breasted milkweed is quite long. Flowers appear in the spring, and the flowerpot completely fades away only at the end of summer. In this case, the seeds, which are as if in boxes, can fly far enough. So the white-euphorbia euphorbia often migrates into the pots to the neighboring flowerpots. When properly maintained, the flowerpot will delight the eye with unusually delicate colors for 3 months.

You need to start by choosing a place for the flowerpot. White-eared Euphorbia loves light, so you need to pick up a sunny windowsill for it. But at the same time, direct sunlight on the leaves will not bring the plant any benefit. It is desirable that sunlight indirectly fall on the flower. It is also worth noting that the flowerpot loves fresh air. Therefore, you can settle it on a balcony or loggia, where the windows are opened most often. And in winter, you can put heating appliances next to it. As practice shows, this has a positive effect on the appearance of the flowerpot.

Superstitious people should know that keeping a plant in the bedroom that has thorns on the stem or leaves is considered a bad omen.Therefore, it is better to put a flower in the hallway or hall.

Watering and lighting

White-chested euphorbia cannot be called a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, abundantly watering the flower is not necessary. It is enough to carry out watering at room temperature several times a week. As for the summer period, it is possible to cool the water for irrigation to 18 degrees, but no more.

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In late spring, winter and early autumn, daylight hours are significantly reduced. The plant lacks natural light for normal photosynthesis. Accordingly, this is reflected in its appearance. Namely, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. But do not take this phenomenon as a disease, and try to cure it at home. With an increase in daylight, the flower will return to normal. And so that this period for the plant is the least painful, put it in the place where there is the greatest amount of sunlight throughout the day.

The root system of the plant begins to decay under conditions of excessive watering, which leads to its death. Therefore, watering is carried out exclusively as necessary. Winter content is different from summer content. At this time, it is enough to water the pot once a month. At the same time, you need to put it in a cool place.

Plant nutrition

As soon as new leaves appear on the plant, he will need enhanced nutrition.Therefore, it is advisable with the appearance of the first spring sun to feed the pot. In this case, one feeding will not be enough. It is advisable to feed the plant in the spring at least 2 times, and it is possible to feed 3. It is advisable to feed euphorbia in 7-10 days.

It will not be superfluous to maintain a white-veined euphorbia in the winter as well. But in the winter period, top dressing is carried out with a solution of a weak concentration. Specialists do not recommend fertilizing more than once during the winter period.

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Home care involves not only watering and feeding, but also transplanting. Initially, the flower should be planted in a container of an appropriate size. As asthenia grows, you need to change the pot. But before you start transplanting, you need to prepare the ground. Euphorbia white-veined (white-veined) belong to succulents. Accordingly, those soils that are used for planting cacti are suitable for him. It is advisable to purchase such soil in a specialized store. But, if you do not want to buy the finished mixture, then you can do it yourself.

To prepare the soil for the white-eared milkweed, we need sand, peat and turf land. In this case, all components are taken in equal proportions. As a result, a slightly acidic soil should be obtained, the acidity index of which does not exceed 6.

Young plants that grow quickly enough are transplanted no less than once a year. As they grow older, growth will slow slightly.Therefore, a plant needs a transplant once every 2-3 years. A flowering flowerpot cannot be transplanted.

The root system of this flowerpot is shallow. Accordingly, choosing a tall pot is pointless. Euphorbia alba will feel comfortable in a low but wide pot.


Care includes pruning a pot. Trimming is divided into 2 types: anti-aging and shaping. Anti-aging pruning is performed to remove all unnecessary leaves and old shoots that have already faded. Accordingly, the euphorbia should be cut after flowering. First of all, we remove all those shoots that have bloomed. Then, those processes that are longer than the others should be slightly shortened. During the anti-aging pruning, it is very important not to remove the shoots that will bloom next year.

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As for the pruning pruning, it will help give the flower an elegant shape. You can do it at any time, except when the euphorbia blooms. There are no special rules for forming pruning. You give the crown the shape you like. In order for the crown to be magnificent, it is necessary to remove absolutely all shoots from the flower before hibernation. Accordingly, in the spring you should not wait for flowers. However, in a year the number of shoots on which delicate white flowers bloom will be almost 2 times greater.


There are two ways to propagate a plant:

  • by cuttings;
  • by seeds.

Milkweed propagation by cuttings is much faster and easier than by seeds.


Cuttings should be done in June. It was during this period that euforbia actively gives lateral shoots that are optimally suited for cuttings.

Using a sharp knife, we cut off the shoots we like and put them in water. Water should be warm. Put the shoots in the water immediately after cutting it is necessary in order to stack the milky juice. Leave the cuttings in water for 20-24 hours. After this time, we take out the shoots from the water, and sprinkle the cut places with crushed activated carbon. Then, put the cuttings in a dark and cool place for 48-72 hours. During this time, the cuttings are slightly faded. As soon as this happens, we plant them in a prepared soil. At first, we try to maintain the room temperature in the region of 230C.

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The only drawback of this method is that propagation by cuttings can only be done if there are suitable shoots.

Growing from seeds

Regarding the cultivation of milkweed white-veined from seeds, this method will take much longer. Moreover, not all seeds germinate. The process itself is not much different from growing any flowers from seeds. First of all, it is worth preparing the container and soil. The composition of the soil is the same as for plant transplantation. And the dishes should be small.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases in the soil, it is advisable to dry it in the oven at 1200C. Drying time – 15-20 minutes. An alternative to thermal soil treatment is fungicide treatment.But this tool must be used according to the instructions. Otherwise, the seeds can be harmed and they will not germinate.

Sowing seeds is shallow. It is best to sow in a small pot in which the flower will grow the first year. The soil layer above the seeds should not exceed 5-7 mm. It is advisable to sow several seeds at once at a small distance from each other. It remains to moisten the soil and cover with cling film. It is very important that the soil is constantly moist. It is desirable that the indoor temperature does not fall below 200C. The optimum temperature for growing white-veined milkweed is 250C.

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Common diseases

In general, the white-veined milkweed is not particularly susceptible to various diseases. Do not sound the alarm if his leaves are yellow or fallen. This is far from always a sign of some kind of disease. Before you start resuscitating a flowerpot, make sure that it is not in a “hibernation” period.

Most often, fungal diseases attack the flower. They are determined by the brown spots that appear on the leaves. You can get rid of fungal diseases with the help of products that are sold in specialized stores. In order not to harm the flower when using any means, clearly follow the instructions.

Pests can also attack the plant. Most often, mildew and root mealybugs are planted on milkweed.A sign that the plant is susceptible to attack by a mealybug is the appearance of a white coating on the leaves. To save the plant, it is enough to remove pests that can be seen with the naked eye, and treat the leaves with a soapy solution. Alcohol is an alternative to a soap solution.

When a root worm appears, the plant begins to wilt and drop leaves. You can get rid of the parasite by sterilizing the soil. First, the flower must be removed from the soil and the roots cleaned from parasitic insects. It will not be amiss to rinse the root system under running water.

The benefits and harms of the plant

Many people wonder whether this indoor plant can be kept at home, because it contains a milky juice that can cause burns on the skin. And when this juice enters the mucous membranes, it causes more serious consequences (blindness, for example). Accordingly, euphorbia is a poisonous plant. But if we talk about the benefits of the plant, it becomes clear that this indoor flower should be in every home.

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Infusions from milkweed are used even in medicine. This indicates the presence of medicinal properties in the pot. They are prescribed for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. The plant also helps to get rid of such ailments as hemorrhoids or cystitis. And in antiquity, paralysis was treated with drugs, which included white-veined euphorbia. It was also used to improve skin condition.

Despite all the useful properties of a houseplant, in view of the fact that it is poisonous, growing at home should be done very carefully. The plant should not have access to both children and pets.

And finally, I want to note that the flower is easy to care for and has many useful properties, it can adapt to any conditions. This fact is confirmed by the fact that you can meet euphorbia in almost every corner of the globe. Scientists cannot even really tell which country is the homeland of milkweed.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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