How to cure orchid rot

Representatives of the orchid family are demanding care and often suffer from rotting of the roots, stem and foliage. The orchid rots even from the inside, which causes difficulties in identifying the disease.

  1. Features of rotting orchids
  2. Causes of leaf rot
  3. Fungal and bacterial infections
  4. Use of inappropriate fertilizers
  5. Excess moisture
  6. Dense soil
  7. Lighting and temperature
  8. What to do with rotten
  9. Rotting of the neck
  10. Rotting of the growth point
  11. Preventive measures
  12. Conclusion

Как вылечить гниль у орхидеи

How to cure rot in orchids and

Features of rotting orchids

Phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria pose a great threat to indoor flowers, they most often appear in the place where the orchid is most vulnerable. harmful microorganisms creates all conditions for the appearance of signs of rot. At the same time, the peduncle, foliage and roots suffer.

Any part of the plant quickly rotes away, and the infection, spreading, gets to the point of flower growth, it can minimize the chances of restoring the crop. Foliage turns yellow or darkens at the base, loses turgor, photosynthesis is inhibited. All this is reflected in the decorative features of the orchid and gradually kills it.

The development of leaf blade damage often leads to the spread of infection to the core of the flower. With such a localization of pathological processes, the foliage darkens and falls, and the stem becomes sluggish and unstable. Even if all the upper parts of the flower are rotten away, there is still a chance to save it. The main thing is that the infection does not reach the root system.

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Causes of decay of leaves

There are a number of factors that lead to diseases of the home flower. The most common mistakes are flower growers to care for a capricious plant. Rot occurs due to:

  • improper watering;
  • low temperature and high humidity;
  • improper choice of fertilizer;
  • poor lighting;
  • dense soil;
  • infection with fungal infections.

The cause is often mechanical damage to parts of the flower. If it was dropped or accidentally injured without timely first aid, this leads to the decay of the stem or leaf plate of the orchid, therefore, for any damage, problem areas are treated with antiseptic compounds.

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Causes of the home flower disease

Fungal and bacterial infections

The most common orchid diseases, the infection of which leads to rotting of the flower, are wet, gray and brown bacterial rot, as well as fusariosis. All these diseases are distinguished by the appearance of pronounced spotting and active growth of spots on healthy tissues.

The fight against all these diseases is based on the removal of rotten parts of the flower and its treatment with fungicides. To prevent infection of diseases of other contained domestic flowers, the orchid should be quarantined.

Use of unsuitable fertilizers

Some gardeners use complex mineral compounds to feed the orchid. You can’t do this: such fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which negatively affects the immunity of the flower.

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Only specialized formulations are used to fertilize orchids, and fertilizers are applied according to the instructions.

Excess moisture

The main rule of orchid watering is to moisten the soil, which is carried out if the substrate is completely dry. Excessive watering creates pathological conditions for decay of the roots of the flower.

Also pay attention to temperature, water quality and humidity. She must be defended and not cold.If the humidity is high, spraying should be discarded. The flower will have enough moisture in the soil.

Dense soil

Improper soil selection also causes the flower to rot. If it is heavy and dense, root ventilation may be difficult. Another reason is the excess moisture to drain into the pallet.

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Incorrect soil selection also leads to decay of the flower

To restore an orchid grown in dense soil, the plant is transplanted into a specialized light granulate of zeolite or tree bark, as a result, the plant comes to life.

Lighting and temperature

For the development of fungal infections, the ideal conditions are the lack of sunlight, as well as coolness. They take care of natural light, for which a pot of orchids is placed on the windowsill. On cloudy days they use a phytolamp.

The favorable temperature for growing orchids is 18 ° C-24 ° C. With any deviations from the norm, the living conditions negatively affect the flower.

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What to do with a rotten plant

Representatives of the orchid family often suffer from decay of the leaves and the core. The roots also suffer. The plant rots, slowly dying at the hands of the host, i.e., due to non-compliance with the features of flower care.

When the leaves rot away and the middle of the neck and stem look healthy, the core is untouched. If at least one leaf has not decayed on the stem, the growth point is still alive, and there is still a chance to save the plant.

If the orchid has rotted leaves, fungicides that kill the fungus are required due to the aldehydes and organic substances contained in the composition. The most popular fungicides are:

  • “Fitosporin-M”. This is the best treatment option for fungal and bacterial diseases of orchids.
  • “Mioxan”. A tool that normalizes the work of lectins. Supports flower immunity.
  • “Quadrix”. A broad-spectrum fungicide with the active substance azoxystrobin. It is suitable both for treatment and for the prevention of diseases.

If the leaves only rot, that is, the disease is still at the initial stage, it is acceptable to use folk remedies. Iodine solution is popular (5 drops of iodine are diluted with 5 l of water) and garlic tincture (100 g of husk is infused in 10 l of water during the day).

Decay of the neck

If the orchids rotted and the leaves fell on the stem, pathological processes occur in the neck itself. It will not be difficult to save the flower, because the growth point is not damaged.

Лечение при гниении шейки

Treatment for rotting of the neck

The plant is restored as follows:

  • A sharp blade is prepared and treated with an alcohol-containing agent.
  • Cut the rotten part of the plant and clean the places of the slices.
  • Prepare a 0.2% solution of foundationazole and treat them with the slice and soil.
  • a flower pot in place, waiting for the lateral baby to appear.
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The procedure for treating the plant with fungicide is repeated every 2 weeks until a new green mass begins to grow. Foundationazole treatment is carried out no more than 4 times.

Rotting of the growth point

When the orchid rotts leaves and there is not a single healthy area, the disease engulfed the core.

To revive her, quickly take action. The florist should:

  • Prepare and disinfect the tool.
  • Remove the rotted part of the flower to living tissue (removal of the growth point to the base is possible).
  • Process the cut points crushed activated carbon.

After treatment, monitor the condition of the plant and when new signs of rotting the core appear, an operation is performed. Gradually, the trunk comes to life, forming children who were able to grow from the educational tissue of the peduncle and stem.

To stimulate the growth of children from the beginning of their appearance, drugs are used to activate the germination of sleeping kidneys. The most common are the cytokinin pastes Keikiboost and Keiki Grow Plus.

Preventive measures

In order not to have to treat a home plant from rot, adhere to simple rules for the care of orchids.

Firstly, they select a suitable place for keeping the flower. It should be well lit and well ventilated. Secondly, the flower is protected from sunlight. Thirdly, so that the leaves and the core of the plant do not rot:

  • Watch for moderate watering. The need for soil moisture is determined by its condition. Watering is organized after the soil has completely dried.
  • Monitor the dryness of the foliage of the plant. After 30-40 minutes after spraying or watering, the leaves are wiped with a moisture-absorbing sponge (a dry cloth is also suitable).
  • When transplanting, the plants disinfect the soil. Use treatment with boiling water or, in the case of granulate, calcination in a pan.
  • Control the temperature and humidity in the room. Cool air and its high humidity increase the risk of flower rot.
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Orchids decay only in a weakened state. With proper care, such problems can be avoided.

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When the leaves rot on the orchid , it is quarantined, paying attention to treatment. To save the flower, they trim the affected areas of the tissue and treat the sections with antiseptic agents.

Plant restoration depends on the localization of the pathological process (growth point, neck, etc.). With proper care, Phalaenopsis or other orchid species will recover in 3-12 weeks.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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