How to stimulate flowering in orchids

Orchids are demanding of the conditions of detention and do not tolerate mistakes of the owners. With improper watering and temperature conditions, the flower’s immunity decreases. As a result, a person loses the main purpose of growing a crop – the orchid does not bloom.

  1. Why the flower did not bloom
  2. Errors in the care of the flower
  3. Diseases and pests
  4. Why the orchid does not bloom after transplanting
  5. Is it possible to cause flowering
  6. Chemical treatment
  7. Temperature difference
  8. Imitation of drought
  9. Trimming flower stalk
  10. Proper fertilizer
  11. Is it possible to cause repeated flowering
  12. Conclusion <

Как стимулировать цветение у орхидных

How to stimulate color orchid bloom

Why the flower did not bloom

When growing orchids, flower growers try to make every effort to achieve long-term active flowering. errors in the care of the crop, as well as their susceptibility to infection with fungal infections.

The reason may also be the characteristics of the cultivated orchid subspecies. Some varieties form an arrow, but do not open buds for up to 2-3 months. Interfering in the development of the pet is not worth it. This is her feature that a person will have to put up with.

Errors in caring for a flower

When an orchid does not bloom at home, the owner is most often to blame.Improperly organized care has a different effect on cultural development. The plant is able to stop growing, grow green mass or suffer from diseases. The most common causes of flowering problems are:

  • Errors in organizing watering. The soil is moistened only after it has completely dried. Use the settled water at a temperature of 2 ° C-24 ° C.
  • Errors in the organization of lighting. Daylight hours should be 11-12 hours. Direct sunlight destroys the plant, so it is shaded.
  • Insufficient temperature difference when laying the peduncle. In order for the flower arrow to form and flourish, it is important that the difference between the air temperature indicators day and night be at least 5 ° C.
  • Incorrect choice of fertilizers. Orchids love potassium-phosphorus compounds. The predominance of nitrogen prevents the formation of inflorescences.
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Improperly organized care affects on the development of the culture

All these problems often arise in gardeners who neglect to obtain additional knowledge about orchid cultivation. To observe the flowering of a domestic plant, all its whims should be carried out, focusing on the habitat of the species, its living conditions and normal development.

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Diseases and pests

Orchids do not bloom due to the presence of fungal diseases and pests.Until the flower is cured, it is not necessary to wait for the appearance of inflorescences. Leaves, aerial roots, and the stem of the flower are examined for signs of damage. When they are identified, problem areas are treated with a drug designed to eliminate a specific problem.

Plant restoration is slow. After treatment, they wait several months until the plant releases beautiful buds.

Why the orchid does not bloom after transplantation

If the phalaenopsis orchid does not bloom after transplanting pot, the cause is most likely the damaged root system of the plant. This type of orchid is not able to boast of stress resistance, so it does not respond well to soil changes. The roots of the plant can dry out and even rot. In order for the house orchids to bloom, prune the damaged roots and arrange for quality care.

Another reason for the problems with flowering after transplantation is the quality of the soil. It must be loose, and a poorly developed or trimmed root system causes instability of the flower in the pot. Constantly dealing with such a problem is difficult – it is better to cut the peduncle in order to distribute the strength of the plant to form a healthy root system. The only drawback is the lack of flowering while a new peduncle is growing. With the right operation and care, the plant will bloom all year round.

Is it possible to cause flowering

When the orchid does not bloom for a long time, it shows its dissatisfaction with the conditions of detention. The flower grower should be guided by this before looking for ways to solve the problem. They study the biological rhythms of the culture, its features and requirements.

In order for the plant to bloom, they will organize the correct system of watering and fertilizing. If such actions have been ineffective, they are moving to more radical measures. To make it bloom, the orchid:

  • is treated with special chemicals;
  • pruned;
  • subjected to artificial drought and temperature changes.

Another common way is to imitate tropical rain. Seasonal rains in the tropics continue for days and weeks. At home, a pot with a plant is placed in warm water for 2-3 hours or watered abundantly (such methods are effective only for plants planted in pots with drainage holes). Favorable water temperature is 22 ° С-24 ° С.

Chemical treatment

It is easy to make an orchid bloom using chemical means. Phalaenopsis and other varieties of culture perceive growth stimulants well. The most popular drug is Epin. To orchids bloomed at home, the flower is sprayed with a solution prepared according to the instructions. Phalaenopsis is watered with a similar tool no more than 4 times a month.

If the orchid does not bloom for a long time, use a solution of succinic acid. After the use of such a tool, stimulation of the growth of roots and leaves is observed. Orchid also releases children from awakened buds. It is possible to make an orchid blossom with a solution:

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  • 1 tablet of succinic acid is dissolved in 0.5 l of water;
  • spray leaves, aerial roots and the root neck of the plant;
  • the solution remaining in the spray bottle is poured under the root of the flower.

You can force the Phalaenopsis orchid to bloom in another way. The flower is soaked in a solution, dropping a pot with a plant in it for 3-4 hours (the presence of drainage holes is important). Then the plant is extracted from succinic acid and allowed to drain excess fluid. To stimulate the growth of foliage, roots and flowering, the procedure is repeated after 3 weeks. A positive result is visible after the first use of the chemical.

Чтобы растение зацвело, организуют правильную систему полива и внесения удобрений

Organize the right plant irrigation and fertilizing system

Temperature difference

If the orchid does not bloom, a method of temperature difference may be effective. A flower pot is placed on the balcony and left there for the night. The air temperature in a room new to the plant should not be lower than 16 ° C. In the morning, the plant is returned to its old place.As a result of such changes in the conditions of detention, the culture experiences stress, which is why it releases a flower arrow.

The effectiveness of this method also depends on the correct care during flowering stimulation. The culture is provided with 12-hour lighting, phytolamps are used, and a water tray is placed next to the pot to increase air humidity.

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Imitation of drought

The most effective way create conditions for flowering – to arrange a drought for the plant. It’s all about the natural features of orchids. Germinating in nature in the tropics, they are able to suffer from drought for up to 3 months, passing into a dormant period. The culture adapts to the conditions created by nature, completing the growing season.

Potted plants are less independent. Continuing to care for the flower, the person himself does not allow the plant to complete the vegetation. As a result, it does not bloom, but forms new shoots. If you specifically reduce watering to a minimum, the orchid blooms. Do not use this method with sick colors. Damaged roots, problems with turgor and even with flower immunity when limited in watering will lead to adverse consequences.

Pruning flower

To make orchids bloom, flower growers often use the pruning method peduncle. The main thing is to choose a suitable place for the cut. Using a knife, part of the peduncle is cut off 2 cm above the upper kidney. Another scheme is pruning at the end of the flower outlet.

With proper care, you can get a new flower arrow in a few months. Indoor orchid will also favorably perceive the growth stimulation with succinic acid.

Proper fertilizer

In order for the orchid to bloom, pay attention to the choice of suitable nutrition. All fertilizers are divided into 2 types: designed to stimulate the growth of roots and foliage and to stimulate the flowering composition. It will not be possible to force an orchid to bloom at home if the grower uses the first version of fertilizing. The flower will grow foliage, strengthen the roots, but bright and beautiful buds will not appear for a long time.

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To obtain an expressive flower arrow and buds, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are required. They are introduced both by the root method and by spraying. The main thing is not to use such compounds if the flower has damaged roots. As a result, after applying fertilizer, it will not grow and, forming a flower arrow, will die from exhaustion.

Is it possible to cause repeated flowering

Depending on the type of crop, as well as from how she is taken care of, the flower blooms with bright and beautiful buds. But he is able to please the owner for long. From the moment when the bright fragrant buds of the plant open and until they wither, a month usually passes. Florists are unhappy with the short flowering time and tend to go to any tricks to see the inflorescences again.

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Harmonotherapy for awakening sleeping kidneys

Stimulating the plant helps bloom again. Among flower growers, harmonotherapy has long been popular, the use of which helps to awaken the sleeping buds of a plant. The most effective remedy is cytokinin paste. Its use in 100% of cases leads to the appearance of indoor flower children. It is used as follows:

  • The plant is examined for the presence of buds on the peduncle. Only 2 kidneys are used for processing: the topmost and the lowest.
  • Carefully cut the upper skin of the kidney with a knife, gaining access to its green tissues.
  • The paste is squeezed onto a needle or a toothpick (no more 2 g) and the prepared kidneys are coated with it.
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With the correct use of cytokinin paste, a new peduncle reappears after a week. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage and not to paste the leaves and the roots with paste. Also, do not handle more than 3 kidneys.

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If the orchids do not bloom, and the growth of roots and leaves is observed, you should reconsider the features of care. Changing the regime of watering and feeding stimulates the plant to bloom. If these methods also proved to be ineffective, use chemical stimulants or inject the flower into a stressful state.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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