Wild Cat Orchid Growing

The genus phalaenopsis from orchid plants has more than 70 species. Recently, a large number of hybrids have appeared. There are those that are more common, but there are also especially rare ones. Wild cat orchid is one of the rare representatives.

  1. Wild cat variety description
  2. Orchid cultivation
  3. Germ propagation
  4. Phalaenopsis care
  5. transplant
  6. temperature
  7. Watering
  8. Stimulation
  9. Diseases and Pests
  10. Pest control
  11. prevention
  12. Conclusion <

Wild Cat Orchid Growing

Growing Orchids Wild Cat

Wild cat variety description

Wild cat – a varietal orchid, one of 20 species is rare Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis Wild cat inherited a good genotype and noble appearance, Australia and the Philippines are considered to be its motherland. According to the description, the orchid is characterized by a bright color: violet-purple spots on a white or pale yellow background. spots are large and small, dark or light. The flower is covered with a dense wax coating, which causes color saturation.

This type of orchid is relatively easy to care for compared to other varieties, for example, the Royal or the Fly-eater. A wild cat is able to bloom twice a year, producing a flower stalk up to 55 cm. The flowers are large, about 11 cm in diameter, with a light pleasant aroma.

Growing an orchid

For cultivation, the Coron pot is optimal. It is made of durable and transparent plastic and consists of a through needle structure and flexible rods arranged in a circle with gaps and hold back the soil. The pallet is included, it must be used to create drainage.

The pot is suitable for phalaenopsis, because their roots are actively involved in photosynthesis and require light access to the root system. Problems associated with orchid growth are most likely due to improper care.

Orchid Condition

Conditions for keeping the orchid

Possible errors and their consequences:

  • excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system;
  • an excess of fertilizers leads to drying of the roots;
  • the absence of a difference between day and night temperatures reduces the frequency of flowering.

Propagation by the sprout

Orchid Wild cat has the only way to reproduce – by the kids. Their appearance is possible at high air temperature in the room. If necessary, the plant is stimulated:

  • with a sharp instrument make a semicircular incision on the kidney, which is closer to the base of the arrow;
  • remove the incised scales with tweezers and treat the emerging bud with any growth stimulator.

After 25-35 days at a temperature of 24 ยฐ C-30 ยฐ C, a baby will appear. After the appearance of roots 2-3 cm in size, they are planted in moss or in a mixture of a fine fraction of the bark.

Care of the phalaenopsis

The orchid will die if the conditions of detention do not meet the requirements phalaenopsis.


Orchids do not like transplants, they are very stressed and adapt for a long time to a new place of residence. A transplant is necessary only in the following cases:

  • The roots rot or are damaged. Damaged and dead areas are removed, the places of cuts sprinkled with activated carbon or cinnamon powder. The orchid is transplanted into a new container with a new substrate.
  • Instability of the plant in the soil, the lack of the latter or the cramped roots. The flower is transplanted, it is given time to adapt. The transplant is performed no more than 2-3 times a year. The old pot is cut so as not to damage the roots. A drainage of 2 cm is poured into the bottom, small pieces of polystyrene are placed under the root neck, then the plant is gently lowered into a container where voids are filled. Pieces of charcoal are added to the bark.
An orchid transplant is only necessary in special cases.

Orchid transplantation is necessary only in special cases

Most often, steamed pine bark, moss, charcoal, fern root, coconut chips and inert material such as expanded clay are added to the finished substrate.

The soil should have the following qualities:

  • dense structure, which is the support for the plant;
  • high water and breathability;
  • the ability to hold nutrients well.

After the purchase, the plant dol It is necessary to adapt to new conditions. The orchid is not watered, with the exception of too dry soil, do not fertilize and do not spray. They select a place with scattered sunlight and place a flower there for 7-10 days. If the flower is healthy and blooms well, there is no need for a transplant. In the purchased container, the orchid is able to grow for several more years.

Temperature conditions

The optimum temperature conditions during the day are from 22 ยฐ C to 25 ยฐ C, and at night 5 ยฐ C -6 ยฐ C lower. The main thing is to prevent a decrease to 15 ยฐ C.

Air humidity is maintained in the range from 40 to 70%. The room is periodically ventilated, but drafts are unacceptable. The flower should stand in such a place that it has enough lighting, and at the same time, direct sunlight does not fall on it. The lighting period required by the orchid is at least 10-12 hours per day.


Plants easier to tolerate the lack of water than its abundance, and yet watering is one of the most important components of care. After watering, the substrate is allowed to dry. The amount and sequence of irrigation is based on monitoring the root system and soil.

Top-dressing of the substrate is carried out every third watering. As a fertilizer, a 1.5โ€“2.5-fold decrease in the concentration of top dressing for orchids is used.


After flowering, the plant needs to rest in order to gain strength in a couple of months and grow up. Phalaenopsis does not have a pronounced period and dormancy; a flower may not bloom for a long time and still develop. In this case, resort to stimulation.

Common methods of stimulation:

  • We monitor the weather, we stop watering and spraying 2-3 days before the cold snap. After 15-20 days of dry cooling in the deciduous sinuses, a flower stalk appears.
  • Change 1/5 of the upper layer of the substrate, remove part of the upper layer of the bark and add Azalea soil.
  • Use 5 pcs. . crystals of AVA-fertilizer without nitrogen.

Diseases and pests

For the Wild Cat variety, diseases such as gray rot and fusariosis are characteristic. Any fungicide is suitable for their treatment. Insecticides are used to kill spider mites and thrips.

Orchid is susceptible to diseases such as gray rot and fusarium

The orchid is susceptible to diseases such as gray rot and fusarium

Pest control

To control any pests, the โ€œMarshโ€ and โ€œBoreyโ€ preparations are needed.

For ticks use โ€œAktelikโ€ or a drug with a large spectrum of action. Absolutely all drugs are diluted in 1 liter of water (bag or ampoule). The concentration should be 10 times greater than indicated in the instructions.

The solution obtained is thoroughly sprayed on all sides of the plant so that the drug passes through the substrate. Wait until the drops on the leaves dry, and return the plant to its place. Spraying and washing the flower is allowed no earlier than 20-30 days after processing. To consolidate the result, the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.

The number of pests is growing rapidly, therefore the treatment is carried out for all plants.


After purchasing a new phalaenopsis, store soil is treated with fungicides and insecticides. For this, it is optimal to use warm and soft water.


This species of phalaenopsis is one of the most beautiful. It is undemanding to the conditions surrounding it. Even a novice can grow an orchid Wild cat. Proper care of her will be the key to a long and magnificent flowering.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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