Polisias – colorful, festive and unpretentious – Beautiful indoor plants

Poliscias is a great alternative to the classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant, round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the largest plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing the ficuses of Benjamin and Co. Moreover, the police offers much more options for variegated colors and a variety of species and is much less demanding on lighting. It is not at all difficult to grow a polisias, apart from the need to provide a sufficiently high air humidity.

Polisias is colorful, festive and unpretentious. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com tollebild

Polisias – a new look at variegated classics

Variegated indoor plants have always occupied a special place in interiors. Elegant, but not too flashy, they allow you to find the perfect large accents and never seem boring, but at the same time they do an excellent job with the function of the plant, above all, the background.

And if the main star of our collections has long been the ficus of Benjamin, then his competitor, the policeman, has not yet earned such distribution in our country as in the West. Actually, the police are considered their main competitors – both by the decorative foliage, and by the beauty of the silhouettes, and by the nature of cultivation.

But if Benjamin’s ficuses have long become classic plants and already seem boring to many, then the policeman can boast of one very significant trump card: a variety of shapes and variations of patterns on the leaves.

Polisias (Polyscias) are rightfully ranked as one of the most spectacular decorative leafy indoor crops of medium and large size. These shrubs and woody evergreens belong to the Araliaceae family, and in many ways all the specificity of caring for these beauties is inherited from related crops.

Poliscias in nature are found only in tropical latitudes and usually live in shady forests. True, plants in a room culture partially lose their shade tolerance, but they still remain one of the most adaptable to lighting crops. Even the poliscias got their botanical name from Latin – “a lot of shadow”.

The genus Poliscias includes evergreen trees and shrubs with smooth and rather thin shoots that form a very beautiful tree-like silhouette. Most often, poliscias develop as multi-stemmed plants, although single-stemmed specimens are also found. The lower part of the shoots is usually bare, thanks to the light brown bark, it seems especially expressive. Beautiful stems turn into a dense, very elegant crown, often with a tiered effect.

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The silhouettes of the policeman appear tropical and surprisingly elegant. Despite the rather massive size and height from 50 cm to 2,5 m, the police do not “overburden” the space and are not perceived as overly massive accents even in small rooms.

Foliage of almost every species has its own unique decorative advantages. Despite the difference in shape and size, all poliscias are characterized by very beautiful jagged edges of the leaf plates. Rounded, repeatedly plumose or whole leaves of plants are distinguished by an almost obligatory variegated spot. Sometimes it resembles a marble pattern, but more often it manifests itself in the form of asymmetric, chaotically scattered spots, different in contrast to watercolor shades of green.

The variegation of the poliscias is considered almost the main advantage of the plant, although usually the patterns are surprisingly in harmony with the shape of the leaves and the silhouette of the plant as a whole and do not seem too extravagant.

The color palette of polisias’ greens is not quite ordinary and strict, unusual tones coexist with muted shades of green, white and yellow. When displayed next to other cultures, in particular with a ficus, the whole variety of shades of green is especially pronounced, which are rarely dark in the polisias and are most often represented by light or other original tones.

The flowering of this culture in indoor conditions is quite rare. The plant has inconspicuous, small flowers collected in delicate and almost invisible inflorescences in the form of panicles, umbrellas or shields.

Poliscias balfouriana (Polyscias balfouriana)Polyscias balfouriana. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Bakker

Types of room police

The undoubted advantage of all poliscias is a very wide variety of species and varieties. Of the hundreds of natural plant species, 8 species have attracted special attention of flower growers, which are actively used as indoor plants. Moreover, almost every species has its own characteristics and decorative advantages, excellent variations of variegated patterns.

One of the most popular plants is Balfour’s politician (Polyscias balfouriana). It is an evergreen shrub with brown, light green shoots and surprisingly spectacular, almost round, cup-shaped leaves adorned with an uneven white border and spots only along the edge of the leaf plates.

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The leaves of the Poliscias Balfour reach 7 cm in diameter and sit on a very thin long petiole. In addition to the basic plant, which is already distinguished by a very beautiful variegation, the varieties also deserve special attention of flower growers:

  • «Pennockii» with straighter leaves and white, gray and cream veins and spots, which seems like a watercolor miracle;
  • form Variegata with smaller leaves, compact size, dark twigs and a strikingly variegated white-green color, especially in sharp contrast to the shape of the leaf plates; shrubs of this variety appear strikingly curly.

Poliscias shrub (Polyscias fruticosa) Is a unique species that outwardly, especially from afar, seems more likely to be a relative of ferns. But the presence of powerful ligneous branches with a beige color of the bark and a completely different structure of the leaves quickly gives out this indoor shrub.

A unique feature of the shrub poliscias is the presence of lentils on young shoots. Vaginal leaves are double- or triple-pinnate, and their shape in almost every leaf differs from the previous one. On one plant, you can see both lanceolate and almost round leaves, the invariable feature of which remains only a beautiful, unevenly jagged edge.

Apical nondescript inflorescences of small flowers are very rare in indoor culture. Today, the garden form of the poliscias shrub is being actively adapted for room culture. Multifida, which attracts breeders primarily with more elongated linear-lanceolate leaves with seemingly sharp segments, each of which ends in a kind of light bristle.

Poliscias paniculata (Polyscias paniculata) Is one of the shortest species of polisias, an evergreen shrub with rather large leaves up to 20 cm long, divided into feathery lobes with a bright green color. The basic plant form with a solid color palette is not as popular as the yellow-green mottled leaves of the variegata form.

Polisias Guilfoil (Polyscias guilfoуlei) Is a particularly densely branching species of poliscias, the leaves of which slightly resemble arugula. Large, pinnately complex, unpaired, they are distinguished by their oval-lanceolate shape and surprisingly beautiful denticles along the edge with a yellow or white border, which perfectly complements the base olive-green color.

Polisias blunt-leaved (Polyscias оbtusifolia) – a species with leaves of complex structure, divided into three rounded lobes. Most of all, externally, the leaves of the plant resemble oak. Moreover, the color of these two plants is also very similar.

Polisias fern-leaved (Polyscias filicifolia) – one of the most spectacular indoor plants with dissected leaves. Its crown cannot be called otherwise than elegant. Long pinnately dissected, divided into seemingly countless lanceolate lobes with a beautiful jagged edge, the leaves reach a length of half a meter.

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At the same time, the leaf lobes are located so tightly that the plant slightly resembles ferns. But the policeman looks much more elegant and unusual. A light green, delicate color gives it a special showiness against the background of indoor plants with classic green leaves.

Policeman helmet (Polyscias scutellaria) attracts both with its unlike other types of greenery, and extremely unusual trunk. The main trunk of this plant is curved, convex, reminiscent of a bonsai. But the side branches are strikingly thin and always erect. Thanks to the unusual trunk, the plant seems bizarre and, as it were, specially formed, but such a peculiar form is inherent in this polisias by nature.

The numerous leaves of the plant are colored in a darker color with a slight purple tint. They appear to be nearly perfectly round, although a closer look reveals their kidney shape. Young plants have whole leaves. In older ones, they are sometimes divided into 3 lobes. The shiny lanceolate surface and the slight curve at the base give the greenery of this plant a special charm.

In the poliscias helmeted, the basic shape of the leaves flaunts with a thin, often almost imperceptible white border. And at marginate forms it is not only more finely toothed, with a dark color, but also has a fairly wide light border along the edge of the leaf plates.

Today, policemen grown up in standard uniforms are considered especially fashionable. They slightly resemble bonsai.

Shrub Polyscias (Polyscias fruticosa)Shrub Polyscias (Polyscias fruticosa). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Planting Man
Poliscias paniculata (Polyscias paniculata)Poliscias paniculata (Polyscias paniculata). Gardenbreizh
Poliscias fern (Polyscias filicifolia)Poliscias fern-leaved (Polyscias filicifolia). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com skylark

Conditions for growing indoor police

When the police are ranked among the plants as hardy and not too demanding to care, there is no exaggeration and speech. Despite all their originality and variability, all polisias are characterized by the same requirements for growing conditions. And this simplifies the choice of the species, because the plants can be selected purely to your liking. All policemen show patterns in bright light, lose them in partial shade, but grow no worse. And the temperatures of the living rooms suit them completely.

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Lighting for the police

Among the police, there are quite serious differences in the requirements for lighting. Or rather, the differences between species and varieties relate mainly to the ability to tolerate shading. Varieties of this decorative leafy plant with variegated leaves are extremely light-loving plants; in partial shade, they significantly lose their characteristic patterns on the leaves.

But more modest weakly colored and monochromatic forms are able to put up equally well with penumbra and with the brightest lighting. For any policeman, places with bright diffused light or light partial shade are best suited. Plants should preferably be placed either on windowsills or as close to them as possible.

Slightly complicating the process of providing comfortable lighting for the police is the need to keep its level stable even during the winter. In the cold season, the plant needs the same good lighting as in the summer, which forces the police to move closer to the light sources. Policemen are not afraid of artificial lighting, but they will not be able to grow completely on it.

Comfortable temperature

Poliscias, despite its tropical origin, is quite tolerant of indoor conditions. The air temperature readings for this plant will be comfortable, while remaining within the normal indoor range.

The optimum growing temperature for all polisias is about 20 degrees Celsius, regardless of the season and time of year, the stage of development of the plant and its size. An increase in temperature above 20 degrees is invariably accompanied by an increase in the demand of plants for high air humidity. The police will not stand the temperature drop below 17 degrees even in winter.

The plant does not tolerate drafts very well and does not react very well to the neighborhood with heating devices. The Polisias must be placed in places of the room protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. But at the same time, the very room where the plant is kept must be often ventilated, providing access to fresh air. The plant also reacts poorly to moving, sharp turning of the pot. It is undesirable to take out the policeman in the open air in the summer.

Poliscias, despite its tropical origin, is quite tolerant of indoor conditionsPoliscias, despite its tropical origin, is quite tolerant of indoor conditions. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Forest and Kim Starr

Caring for the police at home

Indoor police require more than modest, classic care. With the standard approach to watering and feeding, the plant feels comfortable in indoor conditions. The only difficulty that can arise in the process of growing any polisias is the provision of high humidity.

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Unfortunately, this ornamental deciduous plant cannot accept dry air, especially when heating systems are in operation. But since it will be content with even modest measures to increase these indicators, then this component of care will not complicate the life of the grower too much.

Watering and air humidity

This culture shows its endurance and unpretentiousness even in the fact that the optimal irrigation regime for the police is restrained, regular, but not too abundant procedures. The poliscias is watered sparingly, only when the top few centimeters of the soil are dry. The frequency of water procedures is set precisely according to this indicator, but at the same time it is better for the police to water more often, but with less water.

The winter watering regime for the plant is slightly changed. After the top layer of the substrate in the pots has dried, wait another 2-3 days before the next procedure. In this way, the moisture content of the substrate is lowered for the dormant period. Active watering in winter most often leads to diseases and serious health problems of the plant.

For the policeman, only soft water can be used. It is better to strictly control its temperature, pouring only water 1-2 degrees warmer than the air temperature for the police. Watering with cold water (even if the difference is only a few degrees) is unacceptable.

In order for the policeman to please with the impeccable beauty and splendor of the crown, he needs to ensure high levels of air humidity. The higher the air temperature in the room where this plant is kept, the more humidification measures must be taken. But due to the fact that the policeman feels equally well both when spraying and when using humidifiers, you can choose your own strategy for increasing the humidity of the air.

The most popular option when growing this crop is regular spraying, which can be done daily or more often in summer and when heating systems are running. You can simply place containers with water next to the plant or put the crops on a pallet with wet moss, pebbles or expanded clay so that the bottom of the container with the policeman does not touch the surface of the water.

It is not at all necessary to install industrial humidifiers for this plant, and even more so to create greenhouse conditions. In addition, the policeman simply adores soulfulness: washing the plant only benefits the plant and has a positive effect on its visual appeal. The stem of the plant is not afraid of getting wet. Among the mandatory procedures, it is worth including the regular removal of dust from the foliage – by wiping or washing.

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

This crop needs a standardized approach to fertilization. Top dressing for the policeman is carried out exclusively in spring and summer, from the moment of the beginning of active growth until September. The frequency of these procedures is also classic: 2 times a month. In autumn and winter, plant nutrition is not applied in any form.

Foliar dressing or long-acting fertilizers are suitable for the polisias, but they develop best when fertilizers are applied in liquid form. When choosing preparations for the policeman, you need to dwell on special fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants, the content of trace elements in which is more consistent with the needs of this representative of the Aralievs.

Pruning and shaping the polisias

Obligatory pruning on polisias is reduced to the removal of dry, damaged shoots. To obtain a dense crown, the shoots of the policeman can be pinched. Formative pruning is carried out at will, giving the bushes a shape or setting the direction of growth, forming stems and even bonsai. The police are not afraid of either short or strong haircuts. They can be pruned up to 4 times in the spring and summer, but it is best to limit these procedures to early spring pruning.

Transplant, containers and substrate

The frequency of transplanting polisias directly depends on the size and age of the plant. Young compact specimens are transplanted annually, and adults and massive ones – once every 1-2 years. In this case, the plants are best transplanted at the time of the beginning of active growth in early spring.

For this culture, it is quite easy to pick up a substrate. Poliscias feels good in universal soil mixtures or special substrates intended for ornamental deciduous plants. When self-compiling the substrate, it is necessary to mix equal parts of peat soil, humus, sod and leafy soil with sand.

This is one of the houseplants that does better in ceramic pots than in plastic containers. In this case, the shape of the container for different police officers may differ. Large specimens that develop in the form of woody plants prefer containers with greater height than width.

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Razlogim, developing in the form of a multi-stem shrub or bonsai-like plants, you can pick up wider containers, placing, if desired, several copies in one planter. Poliscias thrives in self-irrigated pots and hydroponically grown.

The transplant procedure itself is straightforward. A high drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the tank for the policeman, and then the plant is transshipped with partial replacement of only free and contaminated soil. It is undesirable to destroy an earthen lump during transplantation.

The frequency of transplants of the polisias directly depends on the size and age of the plant.The frequency of transplanting polisias directly depends on the size and age of the plant. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com 劭 恩 李

Diseases, pests and problems in the cultivation of polisias

Polisiasis are almost never affected by fungal infections, but they are quite often chosen by indoor pests. Mealybugs, scale insects and aphids are especially dangerous for plants. It is necessary to fight pests using combined methods, adjusting care, washing the leaves and applying insecticides.

Common growing problems:

  • browning of leaves along the edge in dry air;
  • falling leaves with insufficient air humidity;
  • shedding foliage during sudden changes in conditions of detention, including when rearranging, temperature fluctuations or drafts.

Reproduction of indoor police

Unfortunately, the Poliscias cannot be called an easy plant to propagate. It is quite difficult to get new copies at home. The only acceptable method is cuttings. All other methods are used only in an industrial environment.

Plant cuttings take a very long time to root, and the success rate is extremely low. You can cut branches for grafting only in early spring, dusting the cuts with crushed coal and be sure to dry them. The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of peat and sand under glass or film in greenhouse conditions, maintaining a stable temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius.

Airing the cuttings should be carried out 2 times a day, and the air humidity should be kept high due to frequent spraying. At the same time, abundant watering for cuttings is contraindicated. In the best case, rooting will take 1 month, while treatment with growth stimulants practically does not change the likelihood of success.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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