Homeland orchid phalaenopsis

People who are interested in the homeland of the Phalaenopsis orchid will be curious that wild plants can be found even in our country. Their number is approximately 130 species, 50 of them grow in the Crimea. The homeland of an orchid is a forest, fields, rocks, edges.

  1. Where orchids grow
  2. Homeland of epiphytes
  3. Homeland of phalaenopsis
  4. Homeland of dendrobium
  5. Homeland of Wanda
  6. Cattleya homeland
  7. Grassy orchid
  8. Conclusion <

Родина орхидеи фаленопсис

Homeland of the phalaenopsis orchid

Where orchids grow

The homeland of the orchid is not only the tropics, as many believe, they have been seen on all corners of the globe except Antarctica. The plant is considered a tropical flower it, since about 80% of different varieties lives in tropical forests.

Anacamptis, orchis, nesting, neotinesia, lyubka, pollen head cap, venus slipper grow in Russia. 10% of all grow in a temperate climate. flowers of this species, which makes up 75% of the plant.

Homeland of epiphytes

Epiphytes are plants that inhabit plants. They get everything they need from the environment, not from the plant to which they are attached. Thanks to photosynthesis, epiphytes receive energy and nutrients, and moisture is obtained from precipitation. The origin of flowering plants takes from the rainforests of Australia, in Southeast Asia, in the Philippines. The tropics of America and areas in Asia are considered to be the origin of orchid epiphytes.For them, quite a bit of useful soil from a rotten tree or plants is enough.

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In particular, the orchid is a genus of indoor plants. At home, the plant behaves very capriciously.

Known types of tropical flowers:

  • Lelia;
  • Epidendrum;
  • Tsilogina;
  • Phalaenopsis.

The substrate for the plant should be light, allow air and moisture to pass through. Orchids love light, but it is worth hiding from the direct rays of the sun, because it is used to the twilight of the tropics. For better growth, the flowers are transplanted into small pots. The soil for them should let air and moisture pass through.

The homeland orchid is the wild tropics of Malaysia and New Guinea. This flower is famous for its leaves, and not for its flowers. When moving, these velvet leaves begin to flicker.

Homeland of the phalaenopsis

Орхидеи растут по всему миру

Orchids grow around the world

Phalaenopsis is the most famous home flower. Indoor plants and wild plants differ from each other. At home, we already grow hybrids crossed by dozens of grandparents. Therefore, these tropical flowers have taken root with us. The birthplace of such an orchid is South China, Indonesia and the Philippines. In those parts, they chose forests up to 500 m above sea level. That’s why they love warmth.

The birthplace of the dendrobium

Dendrobiums also grow in Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines, the island of the Pacific Ocean, Southeast Asia, but the birthplace of the Dendrobium is orchid Malaysia. They inhabit forests up to 2000 m above sea level. For their soil they take fern, moss sphagnum, pine bark. Some species need a temperature difference for flowering, and also time for peace of mind is the condition of the wild.

See also  Watering Phalaenopsis Orchids

Wanda’s Homeland

Many people love this kind of blue orchid. The homeland of the Wanda orchid is Southeast Asia, the Himalayas and Papua, New Guinea, Burma and Australia. It’s hard to grow them at home. Because they need light for at least 14 hours every day, rain, humidity from 70% and a temperature drop of 6 to 10 ° C. Those who love this flower need to make greenhouses, buy an air humidifier, phytolamps to provide the necessary conditions.

Cattleya homeland

Orchids are considered almost the most wonderful flowers all over the planet. Cattleya queen among orchids. Caring for this flower depends on the homeland of the orchid. Cattleya, inhabits South America, the Caribbean. That is why she needs lighting. It is resistant to temperature conditions and also requires temperature changes for flowering, dormancy. Cattleya is neutral in moisture and requires a period of rest.

Grassy orchid

These flowers grow in the temperate climate of North and South America, Central Asia, Europe.Several varieties are found in Australia. At home, to grow this flower is almost impossible, they do not take root.

Lyubka is bifolia, another name for night violet, it also refers to orchids. Homeland of the Caucasus, growing in the European part of Russia and the Far East. In nature, Lyubka is located on forest edges, in clearings, less often in wet meadows. This plant has taken root in our gardens. It attracts with a beckoning smell and strong flowering, and its flowers are small.

Venus slipper was discovered several years ago. The native flower is considered the north of Europe, including England, the southern part of Russia, Scandinavia. It is found in the mountains of the Caucasus and the Urals. This plant surprises not only with its appearance. About 15 years elapse from germination to flowering. A shoe on plain soils without wet soil will not bloom.


Before you plant any sort of orchid, you need to carefully study all its features and care for it so that time is not wasted in case the plant does not take root in a room environment. There are approximately 30,000 varieties that need different care and conditions.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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