The most popular succulents in our apartments care

The most reliable indoor plants, succulents, are in fashion today more than ever. From miniature crumbs to extravagant giants, they are equally suitable for both busy owners and budding growers. After all, caring for succulents is very simple. It all comes down to rare watering and hygiene. From hundreds of different indoor succulents, plants that are truly unique and distinctive have become popular. Cultures familiar from childhood with a huge selection of varieties or extravagant exotic plants – the choice of popular succulents is not at all modest.

The most popular succulents in our apartments

Plants that are found on almost every windowsill are not so widespread by chance. And succulents are no exception to this rule. Only the most reliable, trouble-free and unassuming species that can cope with care slips and are suitable even for beginners are becoming truly popular favorites.

In our homes, succulents have become the most popular, which are characterized by a number of purely “practical” advantages:

  • drought tolerance;
  • rare watering and feeding;
  • the ability to grow in any bright place;
  • no requirements for special wintering;
  • ease of transplant;
  • ease of containment and rejuvenation;
  • simple reproduction.

But you should not forget about decorativeness either. Of course, among the most common species you will not find outlandish blooming exotics and rarities, but this does not prevent the favorites from being special and unique. Easily recognizable forms, a large selection of varieties, beautiful silhouettes and a unique texture of fleshy stems and leaves storing moisture – succulents are not in vain considered one of the most neat and elegant indoor plants.

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Another feature of the popular succulents is their versatility. They will perfectly fit into any interior and will be appropriate in a modern home, and in the kitchen of your grandmother, and in the office. In miniature pots one at a time, in a series of fun or stylish pots, wall panels, florarium or garden – succulents can be used in different ways. And each of them boasts a special beauty.

1. Haworthia

Havortia (Haworthia) – a favorite plant for creating gardens of succulents, miniature, quickly creating colonies. “Hedgehogs” -haworthia – medium-sized, but very impressive favorites. The warty outgrowths and jagged edges give the strongly pointed thick leaves a special charm. And dense rosettes seem to be small spiky sculptures. Dark, emerald, bright green, Haworthias are always spectacular.

Haworthia are not very fond of direct sun, but otherwise they are typical succulents. Fear of dampness and the requirement of minimal watering and dressing easily betray their endurance.


2. The fat woman is oval

Oval fat woman (Crassula ovata), or the money tree is not started at all for the sake of myths about attracting financial well-being, but due to the appearance that is unique among succulents. A pronounced woody trunk, fleshy shoots, oval leaves create easily recognizable silhouettes. Crassula ovata can be grown as a shrub, tree or bonsai. It is easy to control its size and height. The classic appearance will give odds to many shrubs and woody ones. And bright greenery will decorate the interior with a large accent, requiring almost no maintenance.

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All the fat woman needs is careful handling, minimal watering, rare fertilizing and a stable, heavy pot that can support the weight of the crown. And, of course, a sunny warm place to reveal the beauty of greenery.

Read also our article Crassula oval, or Ovata – the simplicity and perfection of the classics.

Oyster moss (Crassula ovata)Oyster moss (Crassula ovata)

3. Eonium

Similar to artificial flowers, brightly colored, captivating with symmetry, strikingly flat rosettes aeoniums (Aeonium) – an unforgettable sight. Decorative forms aeonium treelike (Aeonium arboreum) and other species are surprised by the choice of shrub or tree-like plants that do not form stems. And variegated, purple, inky, edged varieties and decorative forms do seem like a miracle.

Aeoniums are almost unresponsive to mistakes in grooming and are remarkably resistant to pests and diseases. The only thing they cannot cope with is waterlogging.

Aeonium arboreumAeonium arboreum. Farmer ninisina_ist

4. Echeveria

They resemble flowers even more, only this time garden princesses roses, rosettes echeveria (Echeveria)… It is not for nothing that this beloved succulent has earned the nickname “stone rose”. Tall peduncles with fleshy buds in graceful inflorescences do not in the least change what the plant values ​​for its greenery. It is one of the thickest-leaved crops in which each species has a distinct metallic shade and leaf shape, but is also easily recognizable. Echeveria are super-hardy. They hardly react even to serious mistakes in care. But their sockets are so fragile that unnecessary touching them is undesirable.

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5. Aloe

The time when the thorny bushes are giants aloe tree (Aloe arborescens) frightened off with their formidable appearance on the windowsills, long gone. The potential of aloe has finally been appreciated, noting the possibility of pruning to create interesting bushy forms and the presence of more interesting species and varieties. In particular, an irreplaceable healing aloe vera (Aloe vera), with unique patterns aloe tiger (Variegated Gonialoe), prickly miracles aloe hedgehog (Aloe erinacea) Or aloe juvenile (Aloe juvenna) with bizarre triangular leaves.

All aloe unites their endurance and photophilousness. These plants really need minimal care: even in the summer they are watered no more than once a week.

Read also our article Aloe – medicinal types and effective recipes for use.

Aloe juvennaAloe juvenna. Farmer Kakteen Shop

6. Kalanchoe

First of all, as a medicinal plant, it once appeared in interiors and Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe)… But since then it has changed its status, adding to the lists of the best flowering and decorative deciduous plants. Luxurious shin guards of bright stars Kalanchoe Blossfeld (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) and its many hybrids, resembling graphic vision Kalanchoe dissected (Kalanchoe laciniata), shyly blushing velvet leaves Kalanchoe felted (Kalanchoe tomentosa) – you can endlessly discover the variety of Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe is a typical succulent in care. Flowering species require a stricter dormancy period, but, in general, beginners will be able to cope with even the most luxurious varieties.

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Kalanchoe tomentosa (Kalanchoe tomentosa)Kalanchoe tomentosa (Kalanchoe tomentosa). Farmer sakyurek

7. Milk

They can boast even more variety milk (Euphorbia)… Cactus-like trunks fat milkweed (Obese euphorbia), ribbed shoots with thorns milkweed triangular (Euphorbia trigona), pencil-sticks fancifully branching milkweed tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli), ovoid leaves and white tubular flowers Milkweed Mil (Euphorbia milii), it would seem, belong to completely different plants. They have one thing in common – toxicity. The sap of the plant is very dangerous, so milkweed should be discarded by those who have small children.

A cool wintering is a requirement that can be fulfilled based on your own capabilities. In all other respects, sun-loving milkweeds are hardy. Minimal care is enough for them.

Read also our article Indoor milkweed – what are they and how to grow them?

Euphorbia tirucalliEuphorbia tirucalli (upолочай тирукалли). Farmer Ha Nguyen

8. Sedum

Sedumi (Sedum) – they are always sedums. Small, easily falling leaves, sitting tightly on the shoots, are almost flat, oval, cylindrical, rounded, lanceolate and bead-shaped. And in some species, they even resemble miniature bottles with a reddening “nose”. By creating carpets or beautiful cascades of ampels, stonecrops bring texture and special charm to the windowsills. And shades of greenery from gray to almost white, red, orange and various greens in dozens of sedum species offer an unprecedented choice.

This tiny ground cover plant surprises with its unpretentiousness. Stable lighting and high-quality drying of the substrate are a guarantee of the beauty of stonecrops.

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Other popular succulents in our apartments

Those who like to send plants to the open air for the summer will surely like those who prefer a cool winter, almost invulnerable agave (Agave) and gastric (Gasteria). And those looking for non-standard succulents will love the bottle tree. jatropha (Jatropha podagrica), the main caudex with a bunch of hanging narrow leaves bokarnea bent (Beaucarnea recurvata), “Desert rose” obese adenium (Adenium obesum), “Strings of pearls” senecio Rowley (Senecio rowleyanus) or living stones Lithopses (Lithops).

Dear readers! When choosing succulents, you shouldn’t be afraid to follow the majority opinion. After all, it is with this category of super-hardy favorites that public opinion is rarely mistaken. Reliability and durability, ease of cultivation when choosing the best species are guaranteed. And the number of varieties and decorative leafy forms will satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding lovers.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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