Description cucumbers varieties Shchedryk f1

The popular Scherrik cucumber of the Gavrish company is an early ripe hybrid suitable for growing in small quantities and for mass production. An unpretentious variety needs minimal watering and fertilizing the soil.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the fruit
  3. Description of the bushes
  4. Benefits of the variety
  5. Growing from seeds
  6. Planting seedlings

Описание огурцов сорта Щедрик f1

Description of Shchedrik cucumbers f1

The hybrid form is included in the Russian registry as a culture for personal plots . For small farms, a hybrid is an optimal and profitable option.

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumber Shchedryk f1 rel It grows in parthenocarpic varieties (self-pollinated). High disease resistance distinguishes the hybrid among similar varieties. The precocity of the crop allows a stable crop to be harvested several times a year (if the hybrid is grown in greenhouses).

After the seedlings start to grow quickly Harvested after 40-50 days. The cucumber is tasty and juicy, it is suitable for eating raw and for pickling marinades for the winter.

Description of the fruit

The cucumber of the Shchedrik f1 grow up to 12 cm in length . Gherkins from such a hybrid form are not obtained. Immediately after harvesting, ripe fruits are transported for sale or used raw to prepare delicious dishes.Description of the fruits of the Shchedrik hybrid f1:

  • green leaves of cylindrical shape;
  • length of cucumber from 10 to 12 cm;
  • diameter of green leaves reaches 4 cm;
  • average weight is 100 g;
  • the skin is dense tuberous (small and thick tubercles);
  • the skin is green with small light stripes.

The cucumber has a sweetish flavor, and the overripe fruit has a bitter peel. Varieties Shchedryk f1 are characterized by dense pulp with a minimum number of seeds.

Genetically derived fruits are rarely bitter if harvesting occurs on time. The seeds obtained are small.

Description of the bushes

The characteristics of the hybrid bushes affect their fruitfulness: on average, up to 7 kg of cucumbers are collected from one bush. Crops of up to 12 kg fall on 1 m2, which is beneficial for mass production and trade. The indeterminate hybrid is unlimited in growth: it is medium-braided and moderately dense. The foliage of the bush grows abundantly, on which the female type blooms. In the deciduous node, three ovaries are formed, which allows you to get a good crop of cucumbers.

The bush is formed from one stem, on which all the juices from the root system are launched. The number of cucumbers directly depends on the thickness of the stem and irrigation during the active growth of seedlings. On the stem, up to 12 full-fledged ovaries are formed. The hybrid is distinguished by a well-developed root system.For the growth of cucumbers, a healthy rhizome is necessary, therefore, seedlings are planted on open ground carefully.

Variety benefits

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It’s easy to take care of the plant

The variety is selected according to the main criteria: requirements for planting, care, fertilizer and the number of crops. Shchedryk F1 combines ease of care and high productivity with minimal gardener costs. Hybrid advantages:

  • good keeping quality;
  • grown cucumber is stored for a long time and easily transported;
  • the hybrid is resistant to diseases (fungal and infectious);
  • suitable for planting on any soil (indoor and outdoor);
  • universal in application.

Fruits rarely accumulate bitterness, therefore they are used for mass sales. Self-pollinated inflorescences do not need the presence of insects – planting is carried out at any time of the year.

Yields are increased due to irrigation and fertilizer. Use ripe fruits for harvesting for the winter.

Growing from seeds

Protected soil creates favorable conditions for seed growth: seeds do not need additional preparation or fertilizer . In late May, when the soil warms up well, you can plant seeds in the garden.Conditions for such planting:

  • cultivation is carried out on medium clay soils;
  • the soil is fertilized from autumn until the onset of frost;
  • a land plot is selected after legumes or cabbage (the soil is depleted after root crops);
  • the soil is fertilized with manure or compost;
  • before planting the seeds, it is necessary to check the temperature of the soil, it must be at least 16-18 ° C;
  • seeds are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Formation of seedlings occurs within 2 weeks under favorable conditions rusting medium.

The distance between the beds is selected on the basis that the bushes are broad-leaved and dense (leave a distance of 60 cm between rows).

Before planting, the seeds are processed: deformed seeds are sifted out and are thrown away. Selected seeds are soaked in special solutions. After planting, the beds are covered with film material until the seedlings ascend.

Planting seedlings

For regions with a cold ambient temperature, the second type of hybrid planting is chosen – seedlings. Seedlings are grown in prepared soil: the soil is disinfected, fertilized and saturated with moisture. Seeds for seedlings are hardened and soaked. Before the seedlings rise, the landing boxes are covered tightly with film.

Seeds Gavrish Cucumbers
cucumber Courage F1

The optimum pace The seedling cultivation is 25 ° С.The soil with seedlings must be constantly moistened. Shoots sprout to activate growth. Before planting on open ground, seedlings undergo 10-day pricking. Planting is performed on the 30th day, when the young stems are strong. There should be a distance of at least 90 cm between rows and seedlings. A good place for seedlings is soil in a small shade without additional moisture after rains.Seedling care depends on the region: too moist soil contributes to the development of fungal diseases and rotting of the root system.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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