Description of Early Potato Varieties

Since potatoes are the most favorite vegetable in our region, breeders are constantly working on developing new varieties and improving existing ones. Scientists are working to improve the taste of the product. They also strive to make the vegetable resistant to disease. Consider which early potato varieties are popular today.

  1. Ariel
  2. Red Scarlet
  3. Luck
  4. Rosara
  5. Bellarosa <
  6. Priekulsky
  7. Impala
  8. Conclusion

Описание ранних сортов картофеля

Description of early potato varieties


This early potato variety appeared due to the efforts of Dutch breeders. But, it has taken root well in our region and is popular in Belarus. It is grown not only by summer residents, but also by large farmers. First uro the hay can be harvested after 45 days after planting, the ripening is 55-60 days. The mass of tubers varies between 80-170 g, the skin color is beige, the bushes are medium-sized. With proper care, farmers from 35 ha collect But this is an average indicator. Ariel variety allows you to harvest 2 times a year. If we are talking about regions with a short summer, you can harvest two crops a year by growing a vegetable in a greenhouse. Potatoes of this variety are perfectly stored. According to statistics, only 6% of tubers from the entire crop deteriorate quickly.

This variety is picky about the soil. Light and fertile soil is suitable for him. On loamy soils to obtain high yields is not possible.This early potato variety is resistant to the following diseases:

  • potato cancer;
  • common scab;
  • golden cyst-forming nematode;
  • twisting leaves.
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Diseases such as the black leg and root rot occur only with poor care of this vegetable crop.

Ariel has a rich taste and does not change color when cooked . This potato variety is universal in use. It is equally suitable for frying and cooking.

When harvesting, we dig out all the tubers. You should not expect next year from uncut potatoes. She will not survive the winter frost.

Red Scarlet

Another early harvested variety of potatoes, of Dutch origin, which adapted to the climate of Russia. Red Scarlet is especially popular in the center of Russia. Harvest on the 65th day after the appearance of the first seedlings. At earlier dates, young potatoes are dug up. The mass of elongated tubers varies from 50 to 120 g. The peel is painted in a deep pink color, taste is medium. On one bush, as a rule, about 14 tubers are formed. The average yield is 230 centners per 1 ha. But with appropriate care, this indicator increases by 2-3 times. Potato Red Scarlet is suitable for transportation.

When cultivating Red Scarlet, keep in mind that it is unstable to drought and needs loose soil.Most often they use yellow fruits for frying and cooking french fries.

Characteristic Red Scarlet points to one drawback of this potato. It is unstable to late blight, so tubers should be treated with fungicides before planting.

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Luck is an early potato bred in Russia. It is worth noting that Russian breeders have been working on the development of a disease-resistant variety with a thin skin for more than one year. The vegetable ripens 2 months after planting. But you can dig young potatoes already on the 40th day. The weight of tubers varies from 150 to 200 g, the color of the peel is beige, the color of the flesh is yellow, the palatability is good, the bushes are medium-sized and spreading. About 17 tubers are harvested from one bush. The average yield is 350 centners per 1 ha. In the harvest years, it turns out to collect 500 c from 1 ha. It should be noted that the average yield indicator of the Luck variety does not change significantly in different years. Perhaps due to this stability, Luck is very popular among large farmers.

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This variety can be grown on any soil

This variety is resistant to many diseases. Another advantage of Potato Luck is its resistance to drought. Therefore, it can be grown in the territory of Donbass. This variety is susceptible only to the nematode.It is also worth noting that Luck adapts to any climatic conditions and is suitable for cultivation on a wide variety of soils. Such universality is far from all varieties. This potato can be grown even in the Urals and Siberia. Although, in the latter case, it is necessary to build a greenhouse.

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Luck is suitable for long-term storage, and mechanical damage to tubers does not lead to a change in the color of the vegetable and its premature damage. Potato Fortune is most popular in the Far East, Central Black Earth Region and Volga Region.

If you do not want potato tubers to darken when cooking, cultivate the Fortune variety and add fertilizers containing potassium to the soil.


When talking about early potato varieties, one cannot ignore the Rosar variety, which was bred by German breeders. Harvest on the 65th day after the appearance of the entrances. The mass of tubers, having the shape of an oval, is, on average, 150 g, the bushes are medium-sized and semi-spreading. The yield of one bush is 16-17 tubers. Some bushes produce 25 tubers. It is interesting that all the tubers in the bush are almost the same size. The average yield is 400 centners per 1 ha.

Rosara is today considered the most stable variety in terms of yield. Farmers collect equally high crops in the hot and cold season, arid and rainy.It is also worth noting resistance to all the most common diseases. There is no need to update planting material for 5 years. Not all early potato varieties possess this feature. Most of them have to be updated after 2-3 years.

Rosara is suitable for transportation and winter storage, has good taste. It is suitable for both cooking and frying. But it is better to use Rosaru for making mashed potatoes and salads.

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Rosaru can be grown from seeds that are sown in the middle of winter. Seeds purchased in specialized stores are soaked in water before sowing. It is most convenient to sow seeds in boxes that are covered with a film before the first shoots appear. Expect seedlings worth 10-15 days. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, and the soil on the site warms up, we proceed to planting. We will not give a detailed description of this technology for growing vegetables in this way. But planting potatoes with tubers is much easier.


This early potato was bred by German breeders. It is popular in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Its merit is early ripening. Harvesting is possible already 50 days after planting. Young potatoes begin to be dug up on the 40th day. In regions with a warm climate, 2 crops per year are harvested. But in order to get two crops, you need to plant potatoes in early spring.

The weight of tubers varies from 115 to 210 g, the skin color is red or light pink, the taste is good, the bushes are tall. They often use Bellarose for cooking. About 7-8 tubers are harvested from one bush. The average yield is –250 centners per 1 ha.

Growing Bellarosa is possible in non-irrigated areas, since it tolerates drought well. It is undemanding to the soil. Bellarose grows equally well on all but clay soils. It is suitable for transportation and winter storage, resistant to common diseases. During storage, we periodically sort out the crop. Potatoes that have sprouted cannot be eaten. We put it aside for planting.

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Priekulsky variety is especially popular among farmers in the suburbs. The weight of tubers having the shape of an uneven circle varies from 77 to 130 g, the skin color is white or light yellow. To match the peel of the potato, the yellow color of the pulp. Bushes – stunted and semi-spreading or erect. About 7-8 tubers are harvested from one bush. The average yield is –200 centners per 1 ha. Taste is rather mediocre, but tubers are suitable for winter storage.

Priekulsky potato is resistant to cancer, but often suffers from late blight. A feature of Priekulsky potato is that its stem quickly begins to lean towards the ground. Accordingly, bushes should be earthed up as early as possible. As the bush grows, you also need to spud it.We repeat this procedure as long as necessary so that the bush does not lie on the ground.


Impala is another popular early harvested potato variety. It is the result of the work of Dutch breeders. Impala can be called super early variety, since the crop can be harvested already 1.5 months after the appearance of the first seedlings. But, it is worth mentioning that the ripening dates largely depend on climatic conditions. In a short time, a tall and powerful bush is formed. The average yield is 270 centners per 1 ha. The vegetable has good taste. When boiling, the yellow potatoes do not change color.

TOP5 Ultra Early Potato Varieties!
Popular potato varieties. Description of varieties. Garden Issue 151
Earliest harvested potato

Impala is grown in almost all regions of Russia, however, it is most popular in the Leningrad Region and Moscow Region.

We examined the description of those varieties that are not difficult to grow in Russia. But these are not all good varieties. such varieties as Spring, Caprice and Early Morning are ignored, but their yield characteristics are lower than those described above with com, or they are not resistant to diseases.


We examined the most common early potato varieties with high yields. Many people mistakenly believe that there is a forty-day variety. This is a whole group of harvested potato varieties that ripen early, and the name suggests that it ripens for 40 days. They allow you to get 3 crops per year. But, almost all forty days are not suitable for winter storage.

Periodically update the planting material, as over time the tubers lose their taste and yield indicators fall. It is better to go for planting material to farms where breeding work is underway. In Belarus, for example, a good seed vegetable can be purchased in the village of Samokhvalovichi (Minsk region).Before planting tubers we produce their germination. The disadvantage of all varieties that are suitable for winter storage is that they do not germinate well. Germination technology involves the placement of planting material in a warm and sunny place.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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