Best Zedek tomato seeds

The choice of planting material must be approached with particular care: yield depends on the quality of the seeds. Let’s talk about how Zedek tomatoes have established themselves among consumers and which varieties should be paid special attention to.

  1. General
  2. Irina
  3. Features of the care
  4. Favorite
  5. Care features
  6. De Barao Royal
  7. Care features
  8. Bull Heart
  9. Features of the care
  10. Peter the Great
  11. Features of the care
  12. Strawberry Dessert
  13. Features of the care
  14. Olya
  15. Care features
  16. King of the giants
  17. Care features
  18. Empress
  19. Features of care
  20. Chern pearl
  21. Features of the care
  22. Raspberry giant
  23. Care features
  24. Black Sea
  25. Care features
  26. Cherry
  27. Features of the care
  28. Golden Heart
  29. Features of the care
  30. Conclusion <

Наиболее распространенные томаты фирмы Седек

The most common tomatoes of Zedek

General characteristics

Zedek company exists on the market more than 20 years. The company has a scientific sector engaged in the cultivation of new varieties.Also on sale are the best varieties of tomatoes, bred by scientists from other countries. In addition to seeds, the company trades in related materials. Each gardener is able to find everything he needs. Zedek company takes part in various exhibitions.

The quality of any product manufactured by the company is best indicated by customer reviews, most of which are positive. The seeds of the company have a high percentage of germination and are high-yielding. Tomatoes of Zedek company are resistant to fungal diseases and pests.

Let’s take a closer look at tomato varieties with high yield and disease resistance.


Tomato Irina f1 belong to early ripening varieties. In the open ground, the fruits ripen in 3 months. The variety is characterized by high productivity, it is used for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. Irina is not recommended to grow tomato on hydroponics, since it is a fairly tall bush. It is difficult to fix it in a vertical position without soil. The height of the plant averages 110 cm.

The first flower brush is formed after the appearance of 5-6 leaves. Each next flower brush is 2-3 leaves higher than the previous one. During ripening, fruits weighing 115 g acquire a red color.

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The fruits are distinguished by high palatability. With 1 sq. m collect up to 9 kg of tomatoes.

Productivity largely depends on the proper care and use of modern agricultural techniques during the growing of vegetable crops.

Features of care

A tomato of this variety needs to be stepsoned. When forming the shape of the plant, it is advisable to break off all shoots, leaving only the central stem. With this shape of the bush, the maximum yield is obtained.

Since the bushes are tall, the distance between them should be 50-70 cm. Per 1 square. m recommend not planting more than 4 tomatoes of the variety Irina. It is important to plant plants in a timely manner. Even with untimely planting in the soil, tomatoes have time to ripen.


Tomatoes Favorit f1 are grown in greenhouses: they are not suitable for open ground. Fruits ripen in 3.5-4 months. A lot of leaves grow on the bush. If some of them are not removed, do not expect high yields. In this case, the plant spends a lot of energy on the nutrition and development of leaves.

A feature of the Favorite is that not all stepsons form shoots, so do not rush to break them off. Only a third is removed. The maximum yield gives a bush with only one stem. Favorit tomatoes need to be tied.

Favorit f1 hybrid is resistant to many diseases. The ripened red fruit weighs from 115 to 140 g. It is suitable for creating tomato pastes, dressings and canned salads. The fruits are consumed fresh.The Favorite is not suitable for preserving the whole fruit: tomatoes have a thin skin that bursts during preservation. For the same reason, Favorit is not the best option for transportation.

The advantage of this vegetable crop is the simultaneous ripening of all fruits on one flower brush.

Features of care

Tomatoes Favorit need a large amount of mineral top dressing. This makes the cultivation of this variety less profitable, but its high taste makes summer residents turn a blind eye to this disadvantage.

See also  Characteristics of tomato varieties Strawberry Tree

Non-compliance with watering standards, temperature conditions and light exposure have a significant impact on yield.

De Barao Tsarsky

Плоды данного сорта можно употреблять в любом виде

Fruits of this variety can be consumed in any form

Seeds of tomato seeds of De Barao Imperial are very popular.

This is a tall bush. With proper care, its height is up to 200 cm. Accordingly, the bush needs support.

De Barao is equally successfully grown in greenhouses and in open ground. The tomato yield leaves 15-20 kg from one bush, which allows us to call the variety high-yielding. Beautiful red fruits do not deteriorate for a long time, the plant is resistant to diseases.

In total, about 9 clusters are formed on one stem. Each bunch on average consists of 7 fruits ripening unevenly.Sweet fruits that tolerate transportation well are used in any form.

Care features

De Barao – unpretentious tomato that is not afraid of low temperatures. This allows you to grow it in all regions of the country. In regions with a warm climate, it is advisable to grow De Barao tomato on the open ground. In harsh regions, grow tomatoes in greenhouses. The tomato needs competent stepsoning.

Bull Heart

A feature of the tomato Bull’s heart is the irregular shape of the fruit (it is narrowed down). The plant, according to the characteristic, grows up to 170 cm in height, but after the formation of a certain number of flower clusters, the stem stops growing.

Up to 5 kg of red fruits are picked from one bush. In the greenhouse, the yield indicator doubles. Using advanced agricultural methods, it is possible to collect up to 12 kg of tomatoes per season (400-600 kg / ha.).

The ripening period of fruits is on average 4 months. Accordingly, tomato belongs to mid-season. On one bunch grow fruits of various shapes and sizes. Accordingly, they ripen unevenly.

Ripened fruits weigh from 100 to 500 g. They are suitable for food and preservation. Thanks to the tastes for which many people value tomato, Bull’s Heart produces delicious tomato pastas, leche and sauces.

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Care features

A bush is formed in one of two ways:

  • with one stalk;
  • with two stems .

The second stem is formed from the first stepson, which appeared on a young bush. The remaining stepsons are removed. They have a negative effect on the development of the bush and the ripening period of the fruits.

Breeders worked hard to improve this variety of tomatoes. Today there are subspecies of the Bull’s heart, the fruits of which are painted in black, white and pink.

Peter the Great

Плоды овальной формы отлично подходят для консервации

Oval fruits are great for preservation

Peter the Great is a mid-early variety. Its fruits ripen in 15 weeks. Like the previous 2 varieties, Peter the Great stops growing after 5-7 flower clusters are formed. It is suitable for cultivation both in the open field, when it comes to regions with a warm climate, and for growing in greenhouses, if the climate is harsh.

The maximum yield is shown by a plant formed in 2-3 stems. About 5 oblong red fruits are formed in each brush. They are great for conservation. The oval shape allows you to easily put them in jars of any volume, and the thick skin does not burst during conservation. The weight of one fruit is an average of 110 g. Dense tomatoes are suitable for transportation. With 1 sq.m, on which it is recommended to have no more than 3 bushes, they collect 9 kg of fruit.

Care features

This tall tomato is tied up and stepsoned. Depending on the shape of the bush, the density of planting seedlings changes. Tomatoes with 1 stalk require less space. For 1 square. 4 bushes are placed. When Forming 2 or 3 stems per 1 sq. no more than 3 bushes plant land.

Strawberry Dessert

Tomato, according to gardeners, is appreciated for its taste. Its growth does not stop after the formation of flower clusters. Strawberry dessert belongs to mid-season varieties. The first fruits ripen in early July. When grown outdoors, the fruits do not fully ripen, so it is advisable to grow strawberry dessert in a greenhouse.

The unusual shape of the tomato and its ruby ​​color attracts attention. Fruits with a thin skin are slightly flattened, their juicy flesh is sweet in taste. In such tomatoes they are used for cooking dressings, sauces, salads. They are suitable for pickling and eating raw. The weight of one fruit is 0.3 kg. 11 kg of fruit are picked from one bush.

This variety bears fruit throughout the summer months. In greenhouses, the fruiting period ends at the beginning of winter. The hybrid is resistant to diseases and pests.

Features of care

The plant is dived, when growing seedlings artificially increase the duration of daylight hours.Tomato Strawberry dessert whimsical to care for. He needs weekly nutrition. Bushes should not be planted close to each other. In the absence of light, the fruits will not ripen. Tomatoes develop well at a temperature of 21 ° C, need abundant watering.


Olya is a new non-deserving variety. It reaches 120 cm in height, a few leaves form on the bush. The plant spends all its energy on the formation and development of the fruit. The ripening period of tomatoes is 105 days. Accordingly, the variety belongs to the early. As a rule, 3 fruit brushes are simultaneously formed on the bush. Tomatoes ripen at the same time and weigh 135 g.

Tomato Olya is resistant to disease. Fruits of the same shape and same size are formed on the bush, which is uncharacteristic for most varieties.

Features of care

Olya’s tomatoes are unpretentious in the care. They do not need additional fertilizing and pinching. Bushes should be tied up, especially during the period of fruit formation. The hybrid is resistant to many diseases, but preventive measures against the most common diseases will not be superfluous.

King of the giants

При хорошем уходе растение порадует урожайностью

With good care, the plant will appreciate the yield

This is a giant mid-season variety. The bush has a tall stem (about 170 cm). Bushes formed in 1 or 2 stems have the highest productivity.

The weight of ripened tomato is 0.5 kg.This is an average. There are fruits of smaller and larger sizes. Summer residents note the high palatability of meaty tomatoes. They have a dense skin, which allows the use of fruits for conservation. With proper care, 10-16 tomatoes are harvested from 1 bush.

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Features of care

The bush steps in. The more fruits on the bush, the smaller the size of each of them. Accordingly, the size of tomatoes can be adjusted. Pick flowers should not be. The bunch is thinned out after the fruit is formed. Planting density – 3 bushes per 1 square. m.


Empress is a medium-early tall variety. It does not tolerate temperature fluctuations, so it is grown in greenhouses. The fruits of dark red color have an elongated shape. Their weight is 95 g.

The Empress is not to the taste of all farmers, but the variety is one of the best for preparing winter preparations. It has a strong skin and dense flesh. Also, the hybrid’s benefits include high yield and disease resistance.

Care features

The bush steps in. 2 stems are left for him, this allows you to get the maximum yield. Seedlings are planted sparsely (3-4 plants per 1 sq. M). Tall bushes need room for development.

Black pearl

Tomato Black pearl belongs to the early ripening varieties. Brown fruits ripen in 3 months.Plant growth stops after the end of the formation of 4-5 fruit brushes (determinant bush). The height of the bush is 190 cm. The variety is high-yielding, but the fruits do not differ in large weight (no more than 30 g). They are convenient for canning and pickling. On one fruit brush 16-18 sweet round-shaped tomatoes are formed.

Care features

The maximum yield is given by bushes with two stems. The plant needs pinching and additional fertilizing. During the formation, frequent watering is organized. Disease prevention is not carried out, since the variety has strong immunity. The fruits ripen at the same time, so it is possible to pick off a whole brush at once.

Raspberry giant

Малиновый гигант нуждается в обязательной подвязке

The raspberry giant needs a mandatory garter

The raspberry giant is a high-yielding and unpretentious cultivar. Its fruits have excellent taste, which provides the Raspberry giant with popularity among summer residents. This hybrid, like many others, was born in the walls of the Zedek agricultural firm.

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This is a determinant variety, so it does not have to pinch the top. Plant height – 70 cm. Bush, despite the average height, we tie. A feature of the variety is the presence of a large number of fruit brushes resembling a fan in shape. On some bushes of the Raspberry giant 10-12 brushes are formed.Each brush consists of 5-6 light red fruits of impressive size (about 400 g). The fruits ripen in 3 months.

The yield is 6 kg per bush. For 1 square. 3-4 bushes are placed in m.

Features of care

The tomatoes of this variety have a well-developed root system that goes deep into the ground. This allows the plant to obtain the necessary nutrients from the soil. Despite this, the Raspberry giant tomatoes need timely feeding.

You should not remove the fruits at the stage of their formation: this does not increase the size of the tomatoes remaining on the fruit brush.

Black Sea

Black Sea is an unusual variety. Ripened fruits are painted in dark color, which at different angles looks purple or burgundy. Tomatoes have an unusual appearance and taste.

Fruits ripen in 4 months. The height of the bush is 150 cm. Heavy fruits are formed on the branches, so the bush must be tied up, preferably in several places. Each centimeter is optional to fix, but fruit brushes must be tied to a vertical support. The weight of ripened tomato is 0.3 kg. The fruits after ripening are juicy, with a slight acidity.

Features of care

Light soils rich in nutrients are suitable for growing Chernomor. Tomatoes do not need plentiful watering. Plants are watered once a week. Hurry up with landing in open ground is not worth it.Tomatoes of the Chernomor variety do not tolerate low temperatures, so they are planted in warm soil (first half of June).

The Chernomor hybrid is not resistant to diseases and pests – vegetable crops should be processed.

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Cherry is a group of varieties that are united by the small size of the fruit. The average weight of the ripened fruit is 20 g. Tomatoes have a sweet pulp. They are great for conservation, especially when it comes to mixed vegetables. Cherry tomatoes are placed in containers of any size, which simplifies the process.

Cherry tomato bushes can be either short or tall. There are medium-sized species. Fruits can be colored red, yellow or brown. All of them ripen at the same time. During the harvest, a whole bunch is cut from the bush.

Care features

Для сохранения вкусовых качеств плоды должны созреть

To preserve the taste, the fruits must ripen

Cherry tomatoes are grown in open ground and greenhouses. Seeds are not planted in open ground.

The plant is systematically planted, leaving 1 or 2 stems. Regardless of the height of the bush, the stem and branches are tied to a vertical base. Fruits must fully ripen on the branch of the bush, otherwise their taste will deteriorate.

Golden Heart

This is an early ripe low-growing variety. Its height is 80-100 cm. The fruits of the Golden Heart tomato are painted in orange.In shape they resemble a heart. Bush throughout the summer months. On one fruit bunch 4-6 fruits are formed. Productivity is 7 kg per 1 sq. Km. m. The weight of the ripened tomato is 160-180 g. It is a sugar variety.

Features of care

Seedlings are planted in the last month of spring. As they grow, they perform pinching, leaving no more than 2 stems. The stem and fruit clusters are tied to a vertical support.


We did not consider all the seeds offered by Zedek. In addition to the already beloved varieties, you should pay attention to the news. Tomatoes of Mercedes, Big Beef, Octopus, Major, Chocolate Amazon have good characteristics.

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Choose tomato varieties

Before buying seeds, you should familiarize yourself with the description of each variety.

Best varieties do not exist, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, tomatoes differ in taste and ripening period. Agricultural company Zedek has a catalog of tomatoes, which shows the characteristics of each variety. This information will help you make the right choice based on your own preferences and available capabilities (availability of a greenhouse, free access to water, amount of free land on the site, etc.).

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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