Diseases and pests of tomato seedlings and their treatment

Diseases of tomato seedlings are a common problem. Consider what types of diseases can affect the plant and how to deal with ailments.

  1. Types of diseases
  2. Fungal diseases
  3. Phytophthora disease <
  4. Blackleg
  5. Viral
  6. White spotting
  7. Brown spotting
  8. Strick
  9. Mosaic
  10. Aspermia <
  11. Pests
  12. Aphids and whiteflies
  13. Trips
  14. Owls
  15. Conclusion <

Болезни рассады помидоров и их лечение

Diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment

Types of diseases

Seedlings of tomatoes exposed as gr lateral and viral diseases, and also suffers from an insect attack. Among the most common causes of bush diseases are:

  • fungal diseases;
  • viral diseases;
  • defeat by pests.

Fungal diseases

  • late blight;
  • black leg.

These diseases are provoked by different factors, and the methods of treatment are also different.

late blight

late blight is a disease that is transmitted through the seeds of infected cultures , soil and airborne droplets.

Visual examination of germs helps to determine exactly what is sick seedlings tomatoes.The onset of late blight is manifested as follows:

  • dark brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • the back of the leaf plate is covered with a bloom of a grayish color;
  • the spots pass to the stems .

late blight quickly infects all plantings. If you don’t take action, you can lose your crop.

How to avoid the problem

Treatment of tomato sprout disease begins with prevention:

  • Protection against late blight begins with the treatment of seed . A pink solution is used to disinfect the seeds. The concentration of manganese in the composition should not exceed 1-2%. In this solution, the seeds are soaked and left for 2-3 hours. Also, hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect seeds.
  • The optimum moisture values ​​for seedlings of tomatoes should not exceed 75%. Room with air. Carrying out such events, they do not allow drafts.
  • Plants that have at least 2 true leaves are treated with disinfectant solutions.
  • Maintain the correct proximity of crops. For tomatoes, the best neighbors are garlic, onions, cabbage, radish, lettuce, beans.
  • When planting tomatoes, observe the distance between rows and holes.

As For prevention, special chemicals Oxychom, Metronidazole, Fitosporin, Trichopol, and Barrier are used. Vegetable growers recommend using Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate.All drugs are used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Alternative methods of treatment

Of the alternative methods of controlling late blight, an effective solution is used – a solution of manganese with garlic. For such an infusion, 200 g of chopped garlic and 1 g of manganese are needed. The mixture is poured into 1 liter of water, insisted for 48 hours. The resulting product is filtered, the volume is adjusted to 10 liters. The solution is ready for processing plants.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

late blight disease, which affects mainly adult plants of tomato and potato, but not seedlings.

Black Leg

Болезнь может лишить рассады

The disease can deprive seedlings

The pathogenic fungi that provoke the development of the black stalk in tomatoes live in the soil, therefore, before planting the tomatoes, the soil is treated. To do this, the prepared soil mixture is calcined at a temperature of at least 100 ° C, and then spilled with a solution of manganese.

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The reasons for the development of the disease of tomato seedlings can be:

  • high air temperature;
  • waterlogging of the soil.

Withering of seedlings indicates that the culture is sick.This is accompanied by the blackening of the stem just above the root. Sprouts become thin, gradually dry.

Methods of treatment

Sick seedlings destroy. The places of the removed sprouts are sprinkled with wood ash. The area of ​​the entire bed is covered with calcined river sand. The sand layer should be at least 2 cm.

To combat the black leg, Fitolavin, Bactofit, Fitosporin are used. The use of any drug is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

At the first signs of the appearance of a black leg (1- 2 fallen seedlings), drastically reduce watering, the surface of the seedling box is sprinkled with powdered charcoal or crushed tablets of activated carbon.


To viral diseases Tomatoes include:

  • white spot;
  • brown spot truth:
  • streak;
  • mosaic;
  • aspermia.

White spotting

White spotting of tomatoes, or Septoria, begins with damage to the lower leaves of seedlings. With a thorough inspection of the seedlings, you can see white spots of grayish shades and with small black splashes. Later, the sheet plate acquires a brown tint, dries and disappears. The disease rises up the stem and leaves.

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Methods of treatment

To combat white spotting use a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid. If the treatment does not help, the affected plants are removed, and places of their growth are sprinkled with wood ash.


To prevent the culture from getting sick, preventive measures are carried out, which consists in preliminary processing of the soil. In the fight against Septoria fungi, a good result is shown by freezing the soil in which it is planned to grow tomatoes. Soil treatment with 1% manganese solution, fertilizer with sand and ash will be useful.

Brown spotting

Больные части растения нужно удалить

The diseased parts of the plant need to be removed

The brown spots of the tomatoes appear as yellow spots with a grayish tint on the front side of the leaves, an olive coating appears on the back side . Then the small spots merge into one large one, the leaf plate becomes brown on top, and the plaque on the underside acquires a reddish hue with a splash of brown. The development of the disease leads to the death of tomato seedlings.

Methods of treatment

If the culture is sick, the infected sprouts are removed, the beds are sprinkled with ash and river sand, the plants are treated with Bordeaux liquid or solutions based on copper-containing preparations.


It is best to start the fight against brown spotting with the prevention of the disease.To do this, thorough soil cultivation is carried out using a pink solution.

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The disease spreads through the seeds. The strick appears on the leaves, stems of seedlings with red-brown stripes, strokes and specks. A plant that is sick becomes brittle, brittle. The leaves on such a crop gradually die.

Treatment methods

Damaged sprouts are removed from the beds. The beds are treated with a solution of manganese, fertilized with wood ash.


Prevention of the strick begins with careful preparation of the seed material.

  • acquire high-quality seeds;
  • do not use seeds of diseased cultures;
  • withstand the seed in a pink solution for 2-3 hours.


The disease manifests itself as mottled spots on all leaves. Further development of the disease leads to the fact that the leaf plates become wrinkled, curl, gradually acquire a yellow color and die off. The carriers of the disease are pests.

Methods of treatment

A 10% whey solution is used to treat the mosaic. Among the chemicals for the fight against mosaics, Farmayod has proven itself well. It will not be superfluous to process the plantings of tomatoes with insecticides.

Mosaic quickly spreads over plantings of tomatoes.Do not neglect the rules of agricultural technology:

  • remove weeds;
  • follow the pattern of planting tomatoes;
  • provide enough light for planting;
  • do not allow waterlogging of the soil.


Prevention of the disease consists in the proper preparation of seed material and soil:

  • choose seeds 2-3 years old old;
  • treat the seeds with 20% hydrochloric acid;
  • sterilize the soil;
  • disinfect the garden tools.

After the first gatherings plants prophylaxis continue. These measures consist in treating the sprouts with a weakly concentrated boric acid solution.


Причиной болезни являются насекомые

The cause of the disease is insects

Among the diseases that affect tomato seedlings, a special place is occupied by a viral disease – aspermia (infertility). This virus is transmitted by insects or plants that are reserves for these microorganisms. The disease manifests itself in increased curly tops. The stem of the culture does not develop, the leaves twist, become small, acquire an irregular shape, the plant does not bear fruit.

Methods of treatment

The fight against the virus consists primarily in treating plants from a pest such as aphids (first virus carrier).The following chemical fungicidal preparations are used:

  • Bison;
  • Agravertin,
  • Actellic,
  • Acarin,
  • Intavir.

All solutions must be prepared strictly in accordance with the instructions for the drug, otherwise there is a risk of harming the plants.


Conducting preventive measures reduce the risk of developing diseases. Such measures include:

  • treatment with insecticides;
  • maintaining the correct neighborhood of crops;
  • decontamination of seed material.


  • aphids;
  • whiteflies;
  • thrips;
  • garden scoop.

Aphids and whiteflies

Whiteflies and aphids pose a major threat as disease vectors.

Treatment methods

Application insecticides and soap solutions on tomato plantings will help get rid of such pests.

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Thrips are hidden on the underside of truths or in buds. As a result, the leaves dry up and die off.

How to fight

Aktara and Fitoverm preparations will help to combat them.


Scoop caterpillars stick to young seedlings and feed on the sprout juice until it dies.

How to deal with

The control of such pests is as follows :

  • dig land in the fall;
  • remove the remains of plants before planting;
  • remove weeds throughout the entire period of development of the crop;
  • catch the tracks manually;
  • use sweet traps.

You can use chemical preparations. In spring, plants are treated with insecticides (Karate, Decis, Zolon). For processing the rest of the time, Aktofit, Agrortin are suitable.


If you know why tomato seedlings are sick, it will be much easier to deal with the problem. To harvest a good crop, they create favorable conditions for the development of culture, monitor all changes in the sprouts, take measures to eliminate the symptoms of diseases.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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