Description of tomato Nastya

As soon as the spring season comes, many people worry that they don’t know which tomato varieties they need to plant this year, because you want to get not only early fruits of tomatoes, but also feel their rich and pleasant taste. It is for these purposes that they recommend the use of tomato Nastenka. This hybrid is characterized not only by pleasant taste and aroma, but also has excellent yield indicators. This is what attracts the public eye.

If you suddenly noticed that the fruits began to lose their appearance and crack, then watering should be normalized and loosening the soil more often.


In order to get excellent yield indicators and enjoy early tomatoes, it is important to follow all the rules for planting and care . If you are able to carry out all the procedures according to all the rules, then you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the ripened fruits and their quantity.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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