Description of cucumber Conductor

Cucumber Conductor is a universal variety created by breeders when 3 species are crossed. The variety appeared on the Russian market recently, but was quickly able to gain popularity.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruits
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of
  5. Seed planting method
  6. Seedling method of planting
  7. Care <

Описание огурца Диригент

Description of the cucumber Conductor

Characteristics of the variety

Dirigent is a plant that can take root anywhere. It differs from other varieties of hybrids in average branching rates. the plants are weak, usually die already at the first stages of development.All the main shoots are formed on the main column.

This type of cucumber is considered dietary, has excellent yield: sometimes more than 30 kg is collected from one bush per season.

Description of the plant

The bush is known for strong shoots that form on the main column of the plant, but the side shoots are weak, they do not always have time to ripen.

The plant does not need to be constantly watched, the main thing is to water it, then all the fruits will ripen synchronously. Leaves are small in size and smooth in structure, saturated green. The conductor is grown both in open and in closed ground.

Description of the fruit

On average, the weight of one fruit is up to 90 g, length – 11 cm.The structure of the skin is thin and delicate, on it you can see small tubercles. The pulp is ripe and crisp, has a strong aroma. All fruits are distinguished by excellent taste, they have no bitterness.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the description, the variety has a number of positive characteristics:

  • excellent taste;
  • lack of bitterness;
  • high percentage of yield;
  • early ripening;
  • tolerance of temperature drops;
  • juiciness of fruits.

The only minus of the Dirigent is that the variety cannot always resist airborne diseases.

Seed landing method

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when planting. It is best to plant a cucumber conductor in the middle of May. Seeds are treated for diseases and infections before planting. Store seeds do not need to be processed: all preventive measures have already been taken before the material went on sale. In this way, seedlings are protected from infection.

For prophylaxis at home, seeds are placed in a 1% potassium permanganate solution, after which they are placed in water at room temperature for 10 minutes. Then, the largest in size are selected from all possible : they are suitable for landing.

Seeds are planted no deeper than 3 cm, otherwise they will not be able to germinate and get out of the ground. It is best to use the hole type of planting: 3 pieces of seeds are put in one hole.

Between the holes leave a distance of 6 to 12 cm, and between the beds – 50-60 cm.

Seedling method of planting

A similar method of cultivation is used by many experienced gardeners to get a large and early crop. Seedlings are germinated in advance from seeds at home or in greenhouses. To get all this, you must not forget to follow the basic rules:

  • to prevent all seeds before planting;
  • create a special soil: mix sand and peat, add soil from the site, where it is planned to plant seedlings;
  • heat the prepared soil;
  • plant the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm;
  • grow seedlings at a temperature of 20-25˚С ;
  • create a greenhouse effect: wrap the container with seeds with a film and spray it once a day with warm water: when the first shoots appear ku removed;
  • when the first leaves appear, lower the temperature to 18 ° C;
  • avoid all jars and pans from under the fermented milk products.


In order to achieve excellent yield of Dirigent cucumbers, you need to adhere to a number of growing rules:

  • The variety likes light and water, so you need to water 3-7 times a week bushes.The amount of watering depends on the ambient temperature and climate.
  • Complex fertilizers are sufficient to be applied once a month, organic additives – every week.
  • Before planting in open ground, temper the plants, reducing the temperature to 15 -16˚С.
  • After planting in the soil water the plant abundantly.
  • We must not forget to remove weeds so that they do not interfere with the growth of bushes and fruit, water and loosen the soil so that the soil receives amount of air needed.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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