Description of potato Kemerovochanin

Potatoes Kemerovochanin is a popular variety among farmers and ordinary people. It was specially created in order to grow in any climatic zone. This variety shows high productivity in all climatic conditions. For this species, the potatoes allocated most of the fertile soil of the whole world.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Growing rules
  6. Diseases and pests

Описание картофеля Кемеровчанин

Description of the potato Kemerovo

Variety characteristic

Kemerovo was brought out in Russia, at the Vsevolozhsk station. Breeders worked for a long time to create this species, and in 1976 they finally managed to create a unique agricultural type of root crops. After 6 years it was entered into the national register of the Russian Federation. It was created in order to germinate in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation. It also gained popularity among Ukrainian and Moldovan farmers. It refers to mid-early root crops.

The description shows that the period of its vegetative development is 80 days. On average, the yield characteristic is about 400 centners per 1 ha of garden. But, at some points in time, it was noted that the yield reached 650 centners per 1 ha. It all depends not only on climate conditions, but also on the principle of care. Kemerovo is grown in any areas. In dry weather, it also shows good productivity. If there is an excess of moisture, then the root crops do not rot.

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The fruits are not subject to mechanical damage, so many farmers use special harvesting machines to harvest. Also, this type of root crops is well stored for several months, and can be transported over long distances.

Description of the plant

The bush is lush and can spread around its axis. The height of the bush is medium, and can reach 80-100 cm. On the stems there is a moderate amount of light green shade foliage.

At the edges of the leaves you can see a certain ribbing. Inflorescences are composed of several flowers of light white color. Inflorescences are observed in large numbers, but they fall very quickly.

Description of the fruit

If you examine the description, it becomes clear that the fruits have a smooth oval surface. The surface peel has a light shade of yellow, and can appear in a grid form. On the surface of the fetus, small eyes are visible, presented in pink or purple colors. About 30 tubers are harvested from one bush, which is why it is believed that this variety is quite fruitful. The potato is the same size, and each weighs about 150 g.

The pulp has a bright creamy hue, and is soft in structure. The amount of water in it is low. When cutting or cooking, the flesh does not change its hue to a darker one. It may boil a little during cooking. Culinary experts attributed it to category B.It should not be used to make mashed potatoes or french fries. It is ideal for use in soups or salads.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Хорошая ровная картошечка

A good even potato

With a careful study of this variety, several main advantages of this type of root crop can be noted:

  • good taste;
  • high yield;
  • high-grade presentation;
  • resistance to adverse conditions;
  • can be stored for a long time and not lose their presentation;
  • resistance to distribution nnym diseases.

particularly weak in this grade are not marked. We can only note the fact that it is not universal in preparation.

Growing rules

In order to grow this type of plant, you should choose sandy soil. This will increase the quality of productivity. First of all, it is required to select seed material. It should be small in size and have a large number of eyes. The material is treated with special substances that enhance growth and help fight pests. After that, the containers with seeds are placed in a cool place where a large amount of sunlight is exposed. This will speed up the process of sprout formation.

Planting is carried out at the moment when the soil has already warmed up after frost, and its temperature is about 10 ° C. Due to the fact that this potato variety is quite dependent on the temperature regime, it should be quickly removed. Once it is noticed that the tops are already dry, you can safely begin to harvest.

When planting seeds, you should adhere to a certain distance between rows and bushes. The distance between the holes should be at least 60 cm. But the row spacing is 40-45 cm. It is forbidden to cut potatoes, which were prepared for planting. This will reduce yield by at least 40%.

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After 3 weeks, you need to huddle the beds. Hilling is repeated only if the embankment has failed and no longer covers most of the plant. Do not forget that it is important to loosen the soil every 2 weeks, and to remove weeds. Watering should be moderate, so installing drip water is recommended.

Characteristics of the potato varieties: Nevsky, Lyubava, Tuleevsky, Kunezchanka, Tanay, Kemerovochanin.
Popular varieties of potatoes. Description of varieties. Garden 151

Diseases and pests

As is known oh, this potato variety is not susceptible to viruses and fungal infections, nor is it completely attacked by the Colorado potato beetle or aphid, but prophylactic methods should be kept in mind. This will allow you to be more confident in the final crop.

In order to reduce the risk of viruses or fungi, you need to pre-treat the seed with special substances that contain a large number of insecticidal characteristics. Do not forget that insecticides will help to cope with the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. All weeds should be carried out only a few days before heavy watering.This will allow all substances to work faster and destroy all pests.

This variety is not grown only by people who want to get good supplies for the winter. It is an excellent assistant to farmers who grow vegetables for the purpose of further sale. Thanks to his high characteristics of appearance and quality, he will gain recognition in more countries of the world.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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