Description of Tomato Cornabel

Each gardener tries to choose a tomato with high yield indicators for growing on the plot. All the necessary requirements have tomato Kornabel. The price of seeds of this variety is only 51 rubles per 1 pack.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Growing rules
  5. Care
  6. Diseases and pests
  7. Conclusion <

Описание томата Корнабель

Description of the tomato Cornabel

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Kornabel was bred by Russian breeders in 2003, already at the beginning of 2005 it was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

The plant is suitable for cultivation in in all regions, under any climatic conditions: in the south – in open ground, and in the middle lane and in the north – in a greenhouse.

Description of the bush

According to the characteristic, fruit bush indeterminate, has a powerful root system that develops in the horizontal plane. The foliage is moderate, has a rich dark green color. The growing season of the bush is about 70 days since the first seedlings appeared.

About 5 knots are formed on the bushes of the variety, each of which forms about 8 tomatoes. The stem can be developed, which allows it to maintain shape, even at high yields.

Description of the fruit

According to the description, the fruit of the Cornabel tomato variety of category f1:

  • has an elongated oval shape;
  • has a weight of 200-300 g;
  • has a length of about 12 cm;
  • has a dark red tint.

The amount of solids reaches indicator of 7%. The taste makes Cornabel tomato of category f1 universal in use.

Growing rules

При посадке строго выдерживают дистанцию между кустами

When planting, the distance between the bushes

is strictly maintained. Growing Kornabel tomato of category f1 is simple, it is only important to know the rules for planting tomatoes.

First , according to the characteristic, you should wait for the moment when the nutrient soil warms up to a temperature of 20 ° C. After that, you can plant the seeds in the greenhouse. The ideal time for these purposes is the end of March. After the seeds have sprouted and the first pair of leaves appears on the seedlings, transplanting is possible in open ground.

Secondly, you must adhere to the correct planting pattern. This will allow the root system not to be confused with the neighboring one, and the plant will be developed according to all the rules. According to experts, between the rows a distance of about 60 cm should be maintained. The distance between the holes is 70 cm.


First of all, it is important to properly feed the plant.For these purposes, it is recommended to use potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. An excess of potassium leads to irreparable consequences. It can accelerate the growth of the fruit so much that the plant can not withstand the load.

A pick of the bush is necessary. According to the description, it should be carried out after 2 full leaves are formed on the seedlings. It is also important to form a bush in 1 stalk and regularly tie it to a support. Watering is carried out every 2-3 days. Proper watering allows the plant to evenly distribute the tops.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is highly resistant to diseases such as wilt, mosaic and late blight. For this reason, preventive measures are optional. The only problem is the effect of spotting, so it is advisable to spray the plant with a solution of manganese so that the disease does not disturb the formation of the plant.

The Kornabel hybrid is not affected by the Colorado potato beetle, aphid or whitefly.

GMO seeds and hybrids difference seeds


Kornabel hybrid of category f1 has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it has become popular in the modern world.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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