Description of the Toggenburg goats

A certain tendency is observed among farmers: the Toggenburg goat breed is considered the most widespread and beloved by livestock breeders. And this is no coincidence: such a commitment to this breed is due to the excellent adaptive qualities of the goats. They perfectly tolerate various temperature levels and changes in environmental conditions. But Toggenburg goats also have their own specific nuances in leaving.

  1. Characteristics and description of the breed
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
  3. Features of care and nutrition
  4. Conclusion <

Тоггенбургская порода коз

Toggenburg goat breed

The Toggenburg goat breed got its name because of the terrain in Scotland – the Toggenburg Valley. It was there that the first individual of this breed was bred. Breeders noted good milk yield, high fecundity and excellent adaptability, As a result, today Toggenburg can be found in almost any corner of the globe.

Characteristics and description of the breed

Toggenburg breed has its own distinctive features that distinguish its representatives from the background other individuals.Farmers identify a considerable number of distinctive features and qualities of these goats, including:

  • small body;
  • lack of horns;
  • straight and even back;
  • the coat densely covering the body (often short);
  • the presence of a dark strip of six on the head (other hair areas have a light brown shade);
  • the presence of a long pile on back and legs;
  • growth according to average data from 60 to 70 cm;
  • fleshy ears and an elongated head;
  • good development of the sacral part of the trunk;
  • proportional to position s smooth and high legs;
  • the good development of the udder in females

Toggenburgskie like goat farmers for several reasons.. One of them is high productivity. During the lactation period, a female of this breed can produce up to a ton of milk. Elite cheeses are made from milk obtained from goats of this breed.

Despite the high cost, goat meat of this breed is one of the most beloved dishes of gourmets and chefs. The coat of the Toggenburg goat breed is also highly valued: it is silk and pleasant to the touch. Some farmers breed these animals solely for the sake of high quality fur.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Toggenburg goats are widespread in different regions of the world: these are Western Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria), and countries of South and North America, and Eastern Europe (Ukraine, some regions of Russia, Belarus, Poland, etc.), and Australia. Animals gained such popularity due to the huge number of positive qualities:

  • these animals have a flexible mind and calm, they are attached to the owner and obedient;
  • Toggenburg goats are fertile;
  • animals easily adapt to temperature extremes and have good adaptability;
  • they are well prepared for life in different climatic conditions and feel great both in flat and mountainous areas;
  • their content guarantees the production of high-quality meat;
  • milk yield from such goats it stays stable throughout the year, in addition, this indicator is quite high;
  • Toggenburg’s external qualities are also at a height: they are stately, high, and in some regions they are grown exclusively for wool;
  • the pickiness and humility of such individuals is widely known.

No one is without a flaw. And this breed has its drawbacks, but they are literally overshadowed by all the positive characteristics. But the minuses are also worth mentioning: the quality and taste of the milk of such individuals directly affects the quality of the feed they consume.

Experienced goats breeders know all the intricacies of breeding such animals, but for beginners the question arises: how to care for them, what to feed and how to breed? And this is the right direction of thought, because everywhere there are aspects of care and maintenance that you need to dwell on.

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Features of care and nutrition

Toggenburg goats tolerate cold better than hot weather, so the temperature of the room where they are kept in the summer period should not exceed 18-20 ° C, and during winter colds the thermometer should not fall below -5 ° C. In winter, such animals can be kept in well-insulated rooms without additional heating, because the Toggenburg goat already has rather warm coat.

The organization of living quarters for Toggenburgs does not require special financial or physical expenses. The only important aspect to consider is the organization of living space and floor: it is better to equip the floor with concrete, with a slight slope for the drainage of liquids. On top of it, the goat breeder equips wooden plank beds with a bed of straw.

Each individual of this breed needs its own stall, separated from the others by a partition. It is better to separate females from males and young animals, which for full growth and development require plenty of sunlight and fresh air.

A separate and very important point that significantly affects the quality of milk and meat products is the diet.Here are the main points to be observed:

  1. In summer, an adult needs 7 kg of green food (grass, etc.) every day.
  2. In winter, an adult individuals need to be given 3 kg of grain feed and various additives daily.
  3. It is advisable to include pumpkin, boiled potatoes, beets, straw and hay in the menu of animals.
  4. 15 g of salt should be included in the daily diet and 20 g of chalk. They should be dissolved in water or given with food.
  5. It is necessary to observe strictly the daily routine and nutrition: in the morning, goats should be given a drink, in the afternoon – juicy and green food, and in the evening leave the coarsest food (grain feed, etc.).
  6. Daily feeding should occur at the same time interval so that the regimen is not violated.
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In addition to nutrition, an important role has content. Toggenburg goats are unpretentious, but their features are everywhere. Beginning goat breeders need to familiarize themselves with them in order to have an idea of ​​what they will deal with:

  1. The shed should be located away from the garbage pits, it should be dry and clean.
  2. The goat’s house should have good ventilation and access to sunlight, because the Toggenburg goats need ultraviolet rays.
  3. We need to conduct a daily inspection of animals for any signs of illness. It is also important to wash each individual and monitor the overall cleanliness of the room.
  4. The udder requires special attention: it needs to be lubricated, massaged and examined for irritations, rashes, etc.
  5. When breeding, to get good offspring you should choose goats with high milk production , and males – with excellent indicators of immunity and activity. All representatives must be healthy.

When choosing the Toggenburg breed for breeding, goats breeders should pay attention to all the details of keeping, growing, feeding and caring for such goats. It is worth it or not, it is up to the farmer himself to decide, but the world community recognizes this breed as one of the most universal and widespread among a wide variety of other species.

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If the Toggenburg goats are to be cared for, they will bring joy to the owners. The breeding goal is also important: getting meat , wool or milk, depending on this, the conditions goat care for goats vary: for example, individuals grown to get milk, you must follow a certain diet, and at the age of 3-4 months – to keep milk food.

Breeding Toggenburg Oz is profitable: investments are required only in the initial construction of the premises (barn). Further costs are spent only on the purchase of feed. Even they can be reduced by procuring it yourself. Toggenburgs will be an excellent solution for starting goat breeding activities.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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