Pregnancy in different domestic animals may differ in certain nuances. In artiodactyls, this is most often associated with milk yield. Many farmers wonder how to milk a goat before a lamb, and is it possible to do this?
- Start and feed before the lamb
- How to milk a goat after mutton
- Methods for increasing lactation in goats after a lamb
- Additional recommendations for beginners
The product of cattle lactation is produced by the body primarily for feeding offspring. Over a long period of time, a person has managed to adapt this feature of organodactyl organisms in accordance with their needs.
However, even taking into account such circumstances, one should not forget about the initial purpose of lactation in cows and goats. When asked how many times to milk a goat after lambing and whether it is necessary to leave the kids with the mother, each experienced cattle breeder answers differently, but there are still general rules for milking before and after childbirth.
Launch and feeding before lambing
The procedure for gradually reducing milk yield is considered a launch before lambing.
The fact is that the body of a pregnant female loses about a lot of nutrients in the process of carrying kids. If it does not reduce the amount of product during milk production, the pet’s body can quickly become exhausted. The negative consequences of this can be the loss of milk, a miscarriage or even the death of a goat.A gradual decrease in milking will allow the goat to gain strength to take out or feed the kids.
If the milk level remains the same throughout the pregnancy, then in a month the female needs to be launched independently. For this, the goat diet is being revised. The percentage of succulent feed and vegetables is reduced. Concentrated food should be left – without it, the goat will not be able to get enough calories for carrying. After the cessation of lactation, you can resume feeding greens and vegetables, but three to four days before giving birth you should remove them from the diet again.
Remember that the procedure for starting the goat should occur gradually. Immediate rejection of the milking can put the animal into a stressful state. If the artiodactyl is distinguished by good weight, then it is better to start lowering the daily norm of milk a month before lambing. A thin animal may need two months to launch successfully.
The first point in the launch procedure is the reduction in milk yield per day. Three times the goat is transferred to two-time milking, and after a few days – one-time. After switching to once a day, milking can be done every two days, gradually reducing to zero.
The second aspect of the launch procedure is the volume of milk per one milk yield. Every day the goat should be slightly underdone. However, be careful, due to too much milk left in the udder, inflammation of the ducts can begin.Inspect the animal throughout the run – if the udder has hardened, then you should milk all the milk that is. When the goat stops giving more than a glass of milk per day, you can stop milking it.
There is a universal launch schedule that cattle breeders individually tailor to their pets:
- the first week of launch is a one-time milking, the amount of milk is reduced to one liter;
- the second week of launch – milk yield takes place once a half day, the amount of milk is reduced to half a liter;
- third week of launch – milk every two days, amount milk reduced to three hundred grams;
- the fourth week of launch of milk yield occurs t lko as necessary.
When you run the important factor is the gradual nature. You can’t just quit milking the animal – this can make the udder harden, there are threats of inflammation and mastitis.
If the milk of the goat continues right up to lambing, do not worry. In these cases, you do not need to extrude the udder dry – useful components in lactose may be necessary for artiodactyls for the good development of the kids. will not give milk. To avoid this, keep your pet free from unnecessary stress.
How to properly split a goat after lambing
If the goat is a representative of the dairy breed, then the first milk is possible immediately after lambing.
Meat species of goats can split in two to three months. Those breeds that breed for wool can begin to produce stable milk only four months after the birth of the kids. In order to properly bite a goat, you must adhere to certain rules.
The amount of milk in an animal will depend on how many kids are in the litter and how much the mother has. The first time artiodactyls are milked immediately after birth, but not for sale, but to feed the cubs. If the goal of raising goats is milk, then do not let the kids to self-feed. The kids must be kept in a separate pen, but taking into account that they will see the female.
If the cubs milk the goat on their own, they can injure her with horns or teeth. In addition, newborn kids do not know the measures in consumption and if they do not go for slaughter, it is better not to let them go to the goat. Such individuals are fed with a special bottle with a pacifier. For the kids to grow properly, keep an eye on the amount of milk consumed. Do not reduce the daily rate to a critical point – the cubs are not yet able to eat normal dry food and may die.
In the first few days after birth, the goat’s level rises significantly, so they should be milked at least five times a day. The kids need four meals a day, and the rest of the milk can be put up for sale. It may take several hours in the first weeks. It mainly depends on how much the goat weighs and how it ate all this time.
The first month young animals drink pure milk to get all the nutrients. However, for forty days of life, milk can be diluted with warm boiled water. By the age of three months, the kids’s stomachs are finally strengthening, and young animals can begin to eat adult food. At the same time, females are transferred to three times milking, as their milk production decreases. These simple rules will help to properly bite a goat without harming health.
Methods for increasing lactation in goats after lambing
The milk yield of goats after childbirth is considered the highest during the animal’s life. However, after a couple of months, herders note a decrease in lactation. Usually this is due to violation of sanitary standards for cloven-hoofed animals or improper milking. To get more profit, you should adhere to these rules:
- Milking should occur at the same time. Goat owners are advised to milk the animal three to four times a day. This helps increase milk yield even in dairy species.
- The diet of the nursing female should be balanced.After lambing, the amount of concentrated feed in the diet of artiodactyls decreases, and succulent feed and greens come to replace it. For greater milk production, feed the goat carrots, cabbage, beets and other fresh vegetables. Keep an eye on the weight of the animal – obesity can reduce the amount of milk yield. Potato can negatively affect lactation, so it should be excluded from the diet. You can give the goat decoctions of chamomile, tuneps and bean tops. Lack of vitamins and minerals can also negatively affect the quality and quantity of milk. To avoid vitamin deficiency, feed goats bone meal, chalk and fish oil.
- Follow the rules for milking goats. Do not forget to caress the animal and massage the udder before and after milking. The first jets are lowered to the ground, this cleans the nipples from dirt. Milk should be dispensed to the last drop – the last servings of products contain the highest amount of fat. Experienced farmers claim that goats are best milked in the fresh air.
It takes little effort to milk a goat properly. Not an experienced cattle breeder can do this, observing these simple rules
Additional recommendations for beginners
- After the udder massage, lubricate it with petroleum jelly. This will serve as a good preventive treatment for cracks and infection.
- Milking an animal It should not be, squeezing the nipple with the index finger and thumb at the very base. Movements should be quick and rhythmic.
- If the artiodactyl is anxious, steps over or kicks during milking, then you need to equip a special pen for this procedure . Some farmers advise milking while feeding the animal.
- Talk aloud with the goat, call her by name. Voice and monotonous intonations soothe the animal.
- Do not use perfumes or deodorants with a pungent odor before milking. Wash and warm your hands thoroughly.
- It is best to milk goats by sitting down on their right side. In this case, the animal sees you and is less stressed.