How to treat otitis media with honey

Otitis media or ear inflammation is a rather serious disease, the neglected form of which leads to complications – hearing loss, mastoiditis, facial nerve paralysis, meningitis (about 3% among sick people).

In this article, we will look at what otitis media is – symptoms and treatment with honey.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
    • 1.1 symptomatology
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Drops
    • 2.2 Compress

Features of the disease

The human ear has a complex structure. This is not only the external concha, but also the system of the internal auditory canals. There are three divisions: outer, middle and inner.

The external section (the auricle and the external auditory canal) can become inflamed with mechanical stress – burns, frostbite, insect bites, trauma, scratching. The inflammation is accompanied by severe pain. With improper treatment, inflammation of the middle section of the auditory canals is possible.

Inflammation in the middle ear is the most common condition… Every third inhabitant of the earth encounters it in his life. The main cause of the disease is the complication of viral and bacterial infections. This is observed with flu, sore throat, severe rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as as a result of more serious ailments – measles, scarlet fever. The pathogen enters the ear canals, affecting the ear tissue. The most unpleasant consequence of inflammation is the formation of pus, which presses on the eardrum from the inside, causing acute pain for many hours.

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The purulent form is the most dangerous, as it can lead to sepsis, meningitis. It affects children due to the structural features of the ear and upper respiratory tract. With a runny nose, the outflow of mucus is difficult, it stagnates in the sinuses, causing an inflammatory process. Soon, the causative agent of the infection enters the ear. Both auditory organs are more often affected. This is a characteristic feature of otitis media.


It is quite easy to detect ear disease:

  • the patient feels severe pain, especially when opening the mouth;
  • the pain is long lasting, radiating to the head, the area behind the ears;
  • with a complicated course, the temperature rises, chills begin;
  • hearing acuity decreases.

Photo 2

Please note that self-medication is unacceptable! Especially otitis media in young children. Errors in treatment are fraught with complications. The patient should be observed at the ENT, take prescribed antibiotics (with a purulent form). Surgical intervention is performed if necessary.


The value of natural honey in the treatment of otitis media is insignificant. Most traditional medicine recipes provide for the use of propolis in one form or another, and honey serves only as an additional component.

It is better to use it for preventive purposes, strengthening the immune system by ingestion.

Read more:

Why and how they drink water with honey

About the daily use of honey and its amount


To prepare homemade drops, take:

  • two parts of natural honey in a liquid state (the sugared product is melted at 40 degrees in a water bath);
  • one part of a 10% alcoholic tincture of propolis.

The solution is instilled into both ear canals 2-3 drops once a day – at night. This remedy has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used, among other things, for inflammation of the Eustachian tube (Eustacheitis).


Pure honey product can also be used. For instillation, it is bred in half with boiled warm water..

Another option for drops is to mix in equal proportions:

  • liquid honey;
  • warm sea buckthorn oil.

This home remedy can help manage temporary hearing loss or hearing loss.


For a compress you will need:

  • medium-sized beetroot;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The root vegetable is grated, poured with water and simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooling to 40-45 degrees, the mass is filtered, and prepared honey is added to the beets.

The compress is laid out on a piece of natural fabric and in this form is applied to the area of ​​the sore ear. A warm shawl or scarf is wound on top.


The compress should be kept for about an hour, until the beets cool. The procedure is done twice a day. This method of treatment allows the ear to warm up, thereby relieving acute inflammation.

This recipe is an alternative to other dry heating methods.… For example, applying hot salt or fine sand in a bag. Dry heat helps in the destruction of pathogens, partially relieving pain. It is most effective to use heat at the very beginning of the disease.

Remember! If pus appears in the ear, no drops should be injected without the permission of the doctor. It is also not recommended to use compresses and any methods of dry heating (abundant formation of pus will begin). Dry heat is most effective for external inflammatory processes in an unperturbed form or at the initial stage of otitis media.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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