Bee treatment secrets and sleep in bee houses

Beekeeping is a craft that dates back more than 5 years. Traces indicating the existence of this ancient occupation were found in the form of rock paintings, Egyptian papyri, records from the times of Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, historical monuments of India and China. In Russia, they were also actively engaged in beekeeping – keeping and breeding bees in tree hollows or specially hollowed out logs.

Bees are unique living creatures highly valued by folk healers, and nowadays by official medicine. Everything that an insect produces: honey, bee venom, propolis, wax, bee bread – benefits the human body and is irreplaceable by other products or medicines.

The content of the article

  • 1 How bees are treated
  • 2 The benefits of bee therapy
  • 3 The harm of bee therapy
  • 4 How are bites done
  • 5 Safety measures
  • 6 Pharmacy preparations with apitoxin
  • 7 Bee houses
    • 7.1 Indications for treatment
    • 7.2 Efficacy of the procedure

How bees are treated

Bee treatment refers to various techniques. The most common ones are:

  • treatment with “live” poison or insect bites is quite exotic, but at the same time the most effective way to get rid of diseases of the spine and joints;
  • injections with purified or sterile apitoxin;
  • the use of pharmaceutical ointments based on bee venom;
  • taking decoctions, alcoholic tincture or water, oil infusion of podmore, also containing apitoxin;
  • wellness sleep in special bee houses near the hives.

By default, the phrase “treatment by bees” is most often understood as direct stings in painful zones or biologically active points. Traditional medicine recommends planting bees for a sting in the area along the inflamed nerves, joints, lower back, neck.

The benefits of bee therapy

Apitoxin is a secret secreted by the gland of the stinging apparatus of insects. Get it from worker bees. The uterus also has a sting, but for obvious reasons they are not used for treatment. And the drones or males living in the hives are absolutely harmless and devoid of stings.

The toxin looks like a thick, colorless liquid with a pronounced odor and bitter taste. When bitten, 0,2-0,3 mg of this unique substance enters the human body. The bee can be safely called a “disposable syringe”. After the bite, she loses the sting, leaving it in the human body, and dies.

bee sting

Apitoxin has a complex chemical composition, which gives it healing properties. In the poison you can find:

  • protein compounds;
  • biogenic amines;
  • peptides.

An important role belongs to apamine – a peptide containing sulfur. It is his overdose that leads to strong excitement of the human nervous system and the occurrence of seizures. At moderate doses, apamine inhibits the inhibition processes in the central nervous system.

Adopamine is another important peptide responsible for pain relief and prevention of blood clots. This substance actively prevents the adhesion of red blood cells – erythrocytes.

The benefits of bee treatment are obvious:

  • due to the effect on the smallest nerve fibers, metabolic processes and blood circulation are stimulated;
  • the normal functioning of all tissues is restored;
  • the work of the bone marrow and the formation of erythrocytes are normalized – an increase in the level of hemoglobin occurs;
  • the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • there is a thinning of blood and a decrease in its coagulability – this is an important factor in the prevention of strokes and myocardial infarction;
  • the solubility of urinary stones increases;
  • the excitability of the nervous system is normalized;
  • inflammatory processes are neutralized;
  • pain syndrome is removed.

Stinging by bees, the use of injections, ointments containing apitoxin, as well as sublimation, are indicated for a number of serious diseases.

sting in human skin

Apitherapy of this kind in traditional medicine is used:

  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • with trophic ulcers;
  • with neuralgia;
  • with migraines;
  • with radiculitis;
  • in myositis;
  • for various diseases of the joints and spine.

In folk medicine, bees are treated:

  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • rheumatism;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • lupus;
  • hay fever;
  • dry pleurisy;
  • sciatica.

You can read about the secrets of submarine treatment in a separate article: Features of the treatment with bee submarine

The harm of bee therapy

Some chronic diseases and conditions of the body are a contraindication to the use of apitoxin. Insect bites and other methods of introducing poison into the body are prohibited:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • with mental disorders;
  • in sepsis;
  • with tuberculosis (its open form);
  • with any tumor processes;
  • with severe infectious diseases;
  • with blood diseases;
  • in case of violations in the work of the pancreas;
  • with renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • with general depletion of the body;
  • under the age of five;
  • after vaccination within a month;
  • diabetes;
  • with purulent inflammatory processes.

The use of any type of bee therapy must be under strict medical supervision! With direct stings, two test bites are practiced every other day with mandatory laboratory monitoring of the composition of blood and urine.

How are bites done

bite technique

When treating with “live” poison, the desired area of ​​the body is washed with warm water with baby or laundry soap, and then thoroughly dried with a cotton towel.

The insect is taken by the back in the thoracic region with tweezers and pressed with its abdomen against the skin. The sting should remain in the body for 5-15 minutes – the duration of the session is selected depending on the type of disease. After removing the sting, the bite site must be treated with hydrocortisone ointment or petroleum jelly.

You can read in detail about the treatment with bee venom and the technology of carrying out stings in our separate article: How to treat bee stings at home

The number of stings and the duration of the course are selected individually. Therefore, the question of how many days the treatment with bees should last and how many bites are performed daily cannot be answered unequivocally.

For example, N.P. Yorish is a doctor practicing honey therapy and bee therapy, recommends short courses of 10 days, each of which adds one new bite. They start with one sting, gradually bringing the number of bites to ten. During the entire treatment, the patient transfers up to 60 stings in the area of ​​pain syndrome or the muscles of the thigh, upper arm. Then a three-day break is taken and the course is repeated.

Safety measures

This gentle technique is suitable for most people. But more intense bites should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced apitherapist. Bee therapy is a rather dangerous procedure and you shouldn’t forget about it!

extraction of the sting

Bites must be terminated if, after the first sting:

  • there is vomiting and / or diarrhea;
  • a rash and / or hives appeared;
  • the patient feels severe weakness and malaise;
  • there was a headache and dizziness.

An allergic reaction will help to remove the reception of “Pipalfen”, “Diphenhydramine” or “Suprastin”. A consultation with a doctor is also shown.

Pharmacy preparations with apitoxin

Treatment with bee toxin can be done with more gentle methods than stings. Several types of preparations containing sterile apitoxin are sold in pharmacies:

Virapin contains 0,15 mg of toxin for every gram of base. The ointment is used to cure diseases of a rheumatic nature. The drug is rubbed into painful areas twice a day for a month.

“Apprevsin” comes in two forms:

  • in the form of an ointment, packaged in tubes;
  • in the form of liniment, poured into bottles of 40 grams.

It is used for joint diseases, rheumatic pains, lumbago, sciatic nerve inflammation. The drug is rubbed into painful areas twice a day. The course of treatment is four days. After a XNUMX-hour break, the course can be repeated.

Apiphor – tablet form of the drug containing 0,001 g of fat-free bee venom in each tablet. Used for electrophoresis. The course of treatment is 25-30 days. Treatment begins with dissolving one tablet in 20 ml of saline. The dosage is increased daily and adjusted to 8-10 tablets. The resulting solution is moistened with the plates of the device. An electrophoresis session takes on average 10-20 minutes. The drug is indicated for arthrosis, radiculitis of the lumbosacral region and colloidal scars.


Apizartron comes in two forms:

  • in the form of a solution for injection containing 0,1 or 1 mg of dry apitoxin;
  • in the form of an ointment, in addition to the toxin containing mustard oil and methyl salicillate.

The ointment is used for myalgia, rheumatic diseases. The solution in ampoules is diluted in water for injection and injected subcutaneously. Also, the solution is used for electrophoresis sessions in the treatment of adhesions in gynecology. The drug is contraindicated in the open form of tuberculosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Bee houses

Sleeping on hives is gaining more and more popularity. Hardworking insects create special microwaves and microvibrations that have a positive effect on the human body. The air of the hive has a unique microclimate, and its biofield induces a healthy deep sleep.

house construction

The design of the bee house resembles a solarium. Below, and sometimes on the sides, hives are installed in it. The bees are separated from the person by nets or a bed. On top, the structure has a roof or cover with ventilation for fresh air.

The design of the insulated house came to us from Tibetan monks. It is built from coniferous trees and equipped with panoramic windows. Up to ten hives are built into such a room – five on each side. Outside the house there are entrances – through them bees bring honey and pollen to the nests. Above and on the sides from the side of the room, the hives are covered with a net and a flooring of boards with small gaps, which contribute to the spread of the bee microclimate throughout the structure.

There is a person on the equipped sunbed. Finding himself, as it were, inside a huge hive and at the same time in a safe place, the patient of the bee house manages to sleep peacefully or lie down during the session. The whole room is filled with the pleasant smell of honey, honeycomb, pollen and the soft hum of working bees.

You can build a special box for bee therapy, which is a simple rectangular structure with a tap hole, into which 3-4 hives are installed. Such a structure has no windows. The top of the drawer is covered with a tall lid with ventilation holes that can accommodate an adult. A ladder is installed to facilitate access to the bed. Sleep takes place in the open air, since such boxes are not insulated, unlike houses.

sleeping on hives

It is necessary to lie in a summer “bee solarium” or in a separate insulated house directly on the boards, without using a mattress. This gives the maximum healing effect. For convenience, you can put a small pillow under your head.

The patient is in the house or solarium box for at least 60 minutes. The course of treatment includes 10-15 sessions with an interval of one day.

Important! The procedure is contraindicated in case of mental disorders and a strong allergic reaction to bee products (the smell of honey and pollen can provoke an allergy).

Indications for treatment

Bee house treatment is shown:

  • with diseases of the nervous system – the buzzing of insects has a calming effect;
  • with viral and bacterial infections, frequent colds;
  • with atherosclerosis and other age-related changes;
  • with infections of the genitourinary system, infertility in women;
  • during recovery periods after surgery;
  • for diseases of the respiratory system, as well as for the prevention of tuberculosis;
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system and problems with blood pressure.

Efficacy of the procedure

bee therapy

The benefits of sleeping in a bee house directly depend on the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the organism:

  1. Some patients experience immediate improvement during one course of therapy. Insomnia passes, the mood rises, there is a surge of physical strength, the sensitivity to viruses that cause colds decreases.
  2. In other patients, the positive effect is not so pronounced, and to consolidate the results of therapy, it is necessary to simultaneously take royal jelly, pollen (bee pollen) and honey.

The time for the procedure is selected on an individual basis. It is best to sleep on the hives in the evening hours. However, a good result will be obtained with a morning or afternoon session – it all depends on the patient’s well-being and preferences.

Homes for bee treatment are ideal for people who are involved in heavy physical work or strenuous mental work. Also, this type of therapy is indicated for low immunity, a tendency to colds, with nervous excitability, stress and depression. The method unambiguously leads to the strengthening and improvement of the body – all the reviews that are encountered about bee houses are reduced to this conclusion.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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