Peculiarities of peptic ulcer treatment with natural honey

Honey for stomach ulcers is recommended by many folk healers. As a natural product with healing properties, it has a multifaceted effect on the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach. It is both a local and general tonic and should not be neglected.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 How honey can help
  • 3 Medotherapy – water solution
    • 3.1 Drinking pure on an empty stomach
    • 3.2 Aloe
      • 3.2.1 What you need to consider
    • 3.3 Combination with other bee products
      • 3.3.1 Edge
      • 3.3.2 Royal Jelly
      • 3.3.3 Propolis
  • 4 What honey is good for the stomach
  • 5 In conclusion – on the use of walnuts
    • 5.1 Nut milk

Features of the disease

The problem of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes in the digestive organs does not lose its relevance. Often, the disease requires radical treatment in a hospital, as it is accompanied by perforation (perforation of the walls) and bleeding.

The main cause of the pathological process is considered to be infection with a special bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori. But at the same time, it is reliably known that not all carriers get sick with an ulcer. Only a drop in immunity provokes the inflammatory process.

Pathology can be triggered by:

  • stress (on a nervous basis, the ulcer develops the fastest);
  • bad habits, especially alcohol abuse;
  • poor heredity or predisposition to disease;
  • uncontrolled intake of certain drugs (hormonal agents, aspirin, and others).

Ulcerative lesions may be asymptomatic. But in most cases, a person feels pain on an empty stomach. Severe heartburn appears two to three hours after eating. Sour belching, nausea, and even vomiting may be present. Frequent constipation should also alert you – this is one of the nonspecific symptoms.

The disease has a pronounced seasonality. Exacerbations are typical for the spring and autumn period. The course is chronic in most cases.

How honey can help


Alternative treatment with honey helps to achieve a stable remission without resorting to drug therapy or to reduce the use of pharmaceutical preparations to a minimum.

Please note that medical treatment should be started only after consulting a doctor! Individual intolerance to bee products must be taken into account, if there is one in the anamnesis.

Treatment of ulcers with honey, according to apitherapists, provides:

  • antimicrobial effect;
  • restoration of the structure of the affected cells;
  • healing of wound surfaces;
  • enveloping mucous membranes and protecting them;
  • reduction of irritation of nerve endings and reduction of pain.

In addition, there is a general strengthening of the whole organism, in particular the nervous system. It is nervous breakdowns, depression, stress that often provoke an exacerbation or the onset of the disease.

Medotherapy – water solution


Treatment with honey for stomach and duodenal ulcers involves taking so-called “honey water”. This is the easiest remedy to prepare and is also recommended for gastritis.

Read: Features of the treatment of gastritis with natural honey

A glass of boiled water is taken warm (not hot or cold – this is important!). A dose of honey suitable for the time of day is mixed in it. It is listed below. In the morning and in the afternoon, the solution is drunk one and a half or two hours before the main meal. In the evening, it is better to take the medicine two to three hours after a light dinner.

As for the daily dosages, they increase in comparison with gastritis up to 200 grams of honey product. Accordingly, this amount is divided into three doses: before breakfast – from 30 to 60 grams, before lunch – from 40 to 80, after dinner – from 30 to 60 grams.

Drinking it warm quickly normalizes the production of gastric juice, eliminates pain, heartburn and nausea.

Important! If the ulcer is accompanied by a decrease in acidity, the honey solution should be cool and it should be drunk literally 5-10 minutes before a meal.

Drinking pure on an empty stomach

Honey on an empty stomach for ulcers is also used undiluted. The bee product should be liquid (fresh) or heated in a water bath at low temperatures.

In ancient medical books, it is advised to dissolve it in the mouth on an empty stomach in the morning, and preferably late at night. You will need two tablespoons of the honey product per day.

One course, both for taking an aqueous solution and for use in undiluted form, is from one to two months. After consulting a doctor, treatment can be shortened or extended. A combination of medication with medication is also allowed.



Aloe and honey for duodenal and stomach ulcers can only be used in case of problems with stool. The fact is that this plant has a high biological activity – it should not be abused. It also provides a pronounced laxative effect.

According to some apitherapists, aloe juice can enhance or provoke the growth of neoplasms!

How reliable this assumption is is not known. But there are certain medical contraindications for admission. These are hemorrhoids, cysts, polyps, high blood pressure, tuberculosis and pregnancy (especially dangerous use in the third trimester).

Here are two simple recipes:

  1. Option One… Take 300 ml of honey product and 150 ml of fresh juice. The honey is melted in a water bath and mixed well with the juice. Everything is infused within 24 hours. The remedy is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The dosage is one to two teaspoons.
  2. Option two… The above components are taken in equal parts. A mixture of 80-100 ml is taken on an empty stomach. After two days, the dosage can be halved, since digestion will proceed normally, without constipation.

What you need to consider

Treatment of ulcers with honey and aloe involves the use of young shoots and leaves of this houseplant, which has reached 3 years of age. And in some clinics the age is indicated at 4-5 years.

For biostimulation, the leaves together with the shoots are cut off and kept in a refrigerator for 10-14 days. And only after that they grind in a meat grinder or cut into small pieces by hand, and then squeeze the juice with gauze.

Combination with other bee products


Combining honey with other bee products enhances the healing effect. But it should be borne in mind that the risks of individual intolerance are also growing.


The pollen or pollen is taken in equal proportions with honey, for example, on a dessert spoon. After stirring (the honey product must be melted in a water bath), the mixture can be diluted in 50-60 ml of boiled water. Then the medicine is infused for two hours and drunk warm in the amount of a dessert or tablespoon.

You need to take the mixture three to four times a day for a month. This recipe also helps reduce acidity. In the cold form, the medicine, on the contrary, increases it.

Royal Jelly

This bee product has a pronounced biological activity, provided it is properly collected and stored.

Read: What is a mixture of honey with royal jelly

When mixing it with liquid honey, it is necessary to adhere to a proportion of one to a hundred. And in order to avoid neutralization of milk with gastric juice, 100 ml of Borjomi is drunk ten minutes before taking it. Mineral water can be replaced with a soda solution – a teaspoon without a slide for half a glass of chilled boiled water. True, it is better not to abuse such a solution!

The medicinal mixture is taken two teaspoons three times a day. It is advisable to dissolve it in the mouth, as this will reduce the destructive effect of gastric juice – the chemical composition of the milk will be preserved as much as possible.


Propolis is mentioned in medical collections as a remedy for ulcers much more often than honey. In particular, various options for alcoholic tinctures, the use of cow’s milk, various herbs, sea buckthorn, rosehip and olive oils are effective and popular.

Unfortunately, honey is missing from most of these recipes. For this reason, they will be given in articles devoted specifically to propolis and its medicinal properties.

Almost the only one is described below. recipe including honey, and recommended for ulcers to normalize acidity while decreasing.

You will need:

  • 15 ml of Kalanchoe juice;
  • 7 ml of 10% alcoholic tincture of propolis;
  • 78-80 grams of light honey.

All components are kept in a water bath for half an hour (the temperature is not higher than 40 degrees!). The mixture is stirred regularly. The result is a creamy mass with a pleasant aroma, which is stored in glass jars.

They are treated with it for one to two months, taking one tablespoon three times a day one hour before meals.

What honey is good for the stomach


Traditionally, in folk medicine, “gastric” varieties of honey are:

  • buckwheat;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • forbs;
  • linden (a versatile variety included in many recipes);
  • acacia;
  • burdock;
  • chestnut;
  • angelica;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa.

As you can see from the list, there are both widespread and quite rare varieties that are difficult to find on the market. To avoid fakes, it is better to purchase rare honey from trusted beekeepers you know.

If the selected variety is poorly tolerated, it can be replaced with another one. The easiest honey in the body to assimilate and rarely causing allergies is obtained from acacias.

In conclusion – on the use of walnuts

On the Internet, there is often advice to use walnuts with honey for stomach ulcers. This recommendation seems to the team . extremely strange.


Organic foods have different absorption rates by the human body. Therefore, there is no point in mixing with honey, albeit very useful for a healthy diet, bran, sprouted wheat, dried fruits, berries, nuts. This will not provide much healing effect!

Nut milk

The most gentle recipe is the use of the so-called “nut milk”. This implies crushing the kernels and soaking the resulting slurry in warm boiled water for an hour and a half.

In this case, pieces of nut kernels do not enter the digestive tract – the ulcerated surface of the mucous membrane is not injured.

After straining to the “milk” add two teaspoons of honey product without a slide. The tool accelerates the process of scarring of the mucous membrane.

You will need:

  • 100-150 ml of water;
  • from 10 to 20 walnuts (large ones can be taken less).

The mixture is used half an hour before the main meal in a dessert spoon.

“Milk” from nuts is prohibited in case of impaired functions of the liver, pancreas, intolerance to this type of vegetable protein (it is a heavy food), a tendency to diarrhea.

On a note. Any sort of honey will be assimilated within half an hour. And walnuts will take several hours to do this. It would be wiser to take these products separately in order to allow all the biological components of honey to have their healing effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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