Drinking natural honey on an empty stomach in the morning

People leading a healthy lifestyle are interested in whether it is possible to eat honey on an empty stomach. According to apitherapists, a spoonful of natural honey or honey water is the best start to the day at any time of the year. However, there are a number of contraindications to the use of this delicacy, which will have to be taken into account.

The content of the article

  • 1 Противопоказания
  • 2 Benefit
  • 3 Ways of using
    • 3.1 Water solution
    • 3.2 In its pure form
    • 3.3 As part of drinks
  • 4 Daily rate
  • 5 Choosing the right variety


Direct contraindications include individual intolerance to the bee product, which can be expressed in different symptoms.

With sensitivity, even half a teaspoon can cause burning lips, a rash on the body, dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Also, with caution, a natural honey product is given to children under one year old.… First, it is associated with the risk of acquiring food intolerances. And secondly, infection with botulinum spores can occur, because the children’s digestive system is not yet mature enough. Although honey botulism is rare, parents are vigilant.

By the way, traditional medicine recommends this product to premature babies for weight gain. Also, with its help, they treat dysentery, eliminate digestive problems – flatulence, bloating. Therefore, the question of giving or not giving up to a year is quite controversial.

Read: Honey in baby food

There are a number of conditions in which a honey product can be harmful. It:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • postoperative period after surgical interventions on the digestive organs;
  • high blood sugar (use requires an individual approach and consultation of the attending physician);
  • skin diseases, accompanied by a retention of carbohydrates in the skin.


Nobody argues with the statement that honey is good for the human body. This beekeeping product has a complex effect, normalizing the functions of several systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous.


It is able to activate the immune system, being rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and at the same time acting on the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and throat.

The beneficial effect is expressed:

  • in strengthening the immune system;
  • in supporting the body during the fight against seasonal viral infections (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis);
  • in a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in enriching the body with microelements and biologically active substances (to make up for the lack of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, you need to eat dark varieties of bee products);
  • in replenishing energy reserves.

Ways of using

Taking honey inside can be done in several ways:

  • in its pure form (a tea, dessert or tablespoon of honey product is absorbed in the mouth);
  • in the form of an aqueous solution;
  • as an addition to warm tea, milk, cold coffee (summer version of the drink).

Read: Can honey replace sugar

Water solution

Water solution or honey water is the most common way to drink in the morning..


It is taken:

  • dessert or tablespoon of honey product;
  • a glass of boiled warm or cool water.

This drink allows you to recover from morning exercises or get a boost of vigor before a run:

  • thanks to the rapid absorption of simple sugars into the blood, it replenishes energy reserves;
  • increases serotonin levels due to a pleasant sweet taste, which means it improves mood;
  • promotes replenishment of glycogen stores in the liver, making it possible to actively engage in sports.

Honey water contains a lot of alkali (moreover, the darker the variety, the more alkali it contains). Therefore, it is able to neutralize the increased acidity of the stomach. It is recommended to drink it for peptic ulcer disease, gastritis.

In a warm form, the solution lowers the acidity. And in the cold, on the contrary, it increases.

To read:

Peculiarities of peptic ulcer treatment

Features of the treatment of gastritis

In its pure form

Whether it is possible to eat honey on an empty stomach depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. With increased acidity, the bee product can cause heartburn. Therefore, it is put in warm tea, milk.

in pure form

If unpleasant symptoms do not occur, the honey product is dissolved in the mouth like a lollipop twenty to thirty minutes before breakfast.

This way of eating is beneficial for a number of reasons:

  • the digestive process starts;
  • with constipation, there is a mild laxative effect;
  • reserves of vitamins and minerals are replenished;
  • prevention of colds is carried out (suitable varieties are raspberry, lime, sweet clover, sage).

To read:

The use of honey for angina

Use for colds

How to boost immunity

As part of drinks

The honey product can be added to warm milk.

It is taken:

  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of honey product.

This kind of cocktail replenishes energy reserves, is a source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. If desired and in the absence of contraindications, seasonings are added to the drink:

  • nutmeg;
  • cloves;
  • fennel;
  • saffron;
  • cinnamon
  • cardamom.

As part of warm tea, honey has antiviral and antibacterial effects..

It is taken:

  • a teaspoon of honey product;
  • a glass of warm tea.

Green tea, linden flowers, dried or fresh raspberry berries, chamomile, coltsfoot can be used as infusions. To taste, add a few drops of lemon juice, seasoning: a pinch of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of ginger root.

Daily rate

For an adult, the daily dose is 80 to 120 grams.… It is divided into three doses – in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening before going to bed or before dinner. And only with certain diseases can you eat more honey. For example, with a peptic ulcer.


One tablespoon holds 20-25 grams of honey product. At one time, an adult can use one or two tablespoons without a top. Children under 14 years old are given no more than 30-50 grams per day!

It is customary to determine the therapeutic dose by the patient’s weight – one or two grams of bee product is taken per kilogram of weight… Exceeding the dosage creates an additional burden on the pancreas and causes obesity.

Choosing the right variety

Honey can be different – obtained from one plant (monofloral) or from several melliferous plants (polyfloral).

To read:

Polyfloral honey

Monofloral varieties

Many varieties are extremely rare. Therefore, there is a high probability of acquiring a fake on the market..

The most valuable and common are:

  • lipets (linden) – used for problems with the stomach, intestines, heart, blood vessels, as a preventive and therapeutic agent for colds;
  • acacia – it is used to combat insomnia, strengthen immunity, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • crimson – useful for vitamin deficiency, kidney disease, as well as for colds;
  • buckwheat – used for anemia, heart problems, diseases of the digestive system;
  • sunflower – useful for physical exhaustion, helps with colds;
  • fireweed – it is used for colds, to normalize lactation in women who are breastfeeding, to treat the digestive tract;
  • rapeseed – has a cleansing effect, removes toxins, heavy metals, radiation (extremely appreciated by urban residents of Europe);
  • floral (obtained during flowering gardens in the spring) – recommended for diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • meadow (herbs of early summer) – used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent for diseases of the kidneys, intestines, stomach.

We remind you that high temperatures destroy the chemical components of honey. Therefore, you cannot drink it with hot tea, coffee, milk. The optimum temperature for drinks is not higher than 40 degrees.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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