Natural honey in the treatment of joints

The defeat of the joints of inflammatory etiology (collective name “arthritis”) is widespread in the human population. Often such diseases lead to disability. Treatment of joints with honey includes the use of this bee product in combination with various medicinal additives – cinnamon, salt, aspirin, gelatin, celery, cabbage.

The content of the article

  • 1 Causes of the disease
    • 1.1 Pathogenesis and symptoms
    • 1.2 Prevention
  • 2 Use of honey
  • 3 Ingestion
    • 3.1 Option one – with vinegar
    • 3.2 Option two – with gelatin
    • 3.3 Option three – with salt, vodka
    • 3.4 Option four – with cinnamon
    • 3.5 Option five – with lemon
    • 3.6 Option six – with aloe
    • 3.7 Option seven – with celery
    • 3.8 Option eight – lingonberry tea
    • 3.9 Option nine – pine buds
    • 3.10 Option ten – garlic, onions, cranberries
    • 3.11 Option eleven – white wine, onions
  • 4 External use: ointments, compresses
    • 4.1 Option one – salt
    • 4.2 Option two – aloe, vodka
    • 4.3 Option three – pure bee product
    • 4.4 Option four – mummy
    • 4.5 Option five – bay leaf
    • 4.6 Option six – furacilin
    • 4.7 Option seven – wax, egg yolk
    • 4.8 Option eight – with medical clay
    • 4.9 Option nine – with a cabbage leaf
    • 4.10 Option ten – aspirin

Causes of the disease

The disease can be hereditary or acquired during life. It proceeds in an acute or chronic form. It can be an underlying ailment or a concomitant manifestation of another disease (eg, rheumatism). If several joints are affected by inflammation, the disease is called polyarthritis.

The main causes of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma;
  • metabolic disorders (for example, this happens with gout);
  • acute infections (for example, streptococcal as with rheumatism);
  • other diseases – brucellosis, tuberculosis, hepatitis.

Pathogenesis and symptoms

The reasons listed above provoke synovitis. And in some cases, generalized vasculitis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by the growth of granulation tissue in the synovium. Over time, this leads to the destruction of cartilage, adjacent bone sections. The result of such inflammation is complete or partial immobility of the joint.

Signs of inflammation:

  • severe or moderate pain in the affected area;
  • swelling of tissues, redness;
  • changes in the shape and mobility of joints.


To protect yourself from arthritis, you need to monitor your health from a young age:

  • do not gain excess weight;
  • exercise to strengthen muscles;
  • observe safety precautions when lifting weights, perform heavy physical work with caution in order to exclude injuries;
  • include in the daily diet a source of calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids (dairy products, marine fatty fish);
  • avoid bad habits;
  • reduce the use of fast carbohydrates, fast food.

Use of honey


Natural honey has a complex effect on sore joints:

  • warms;
  • relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • reduces pain.

When taken orally, it enriches the body with trace elements and vitamins. External use involves the use of compresses, lotions, light massage with rubbing the honey product into the skin.


The following recipes are intended for general strengthening of the body and removal of acute inflammatory process… In dissolved form, the honey product quickly penetrates through the blood into all cells and tissues.

Option one – with vinegar

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • a glass of boiled water in a warm state;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The mixture is drunk on an empty stomach. The course takes from one to two months.

Option two – with gelatin

It is taken:

  • a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • the same amount of honey product;
  • half a glass of cold water.

Gelatin should swell in water (kept in the specified amount of water for 10-12 hours). After adding the honey product, a small amount of chilled boiled water is added to the eye.

Gelatin with honey for joints is taken for ten days in the morning before breakfast. After a ten-day break, you can repeat the course.

Option three – with salt, vodka


This tool is also suitable for rubbing sore spots, as it has a pronounced warming effect.

It is taken:

  • half a glass of juice obtained from grated radish;
  • the same amount of store-bought vodka;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • a glass of natural honey product.

The mixture is taken in the evenings before bedtime, 50 milliliters. At the same time, the medicine can be rubbed into sore spots. The treatment lasts two to three weeks. If necessary, repeat it after a ten-day break.

Option four – with cinnamon

It is taken:

  • a glass of warm boiled water;
  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.


Everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting solution must be drunk before bedtime. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. It relieves inflammation well. Calms the nervous system and promotes deep sleep. Treatment with honey and cinnamon for joints lasts from two to three weeks. After a one-week break, the course can be taken over again.

Option five – with lemon

Lemon juice must be added to the recipe above. Then the home remedy will turn not only into an anti-inflammatory, but also an antiviral cocktail. It can be taken orally for seasonal colds – acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu.

It is taken:

  • a glass of warm boiled water;
  • a tablespoon of natural honey;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • lemon juice to taste.

The mixture is drunk in the evenings before going to bed. The course is two to three weeks.

Option six – with aloe


It is taken:

  • 350 grams of juice from 3-year-old aloe;
  • 350 grams of vodka or homemade moonshine;
  • 350 grams of honey product.

After thorough mixing, the medicine is infused for a day, and then stored in the refrigerator. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach with a dessert or a tablespoon for 1,5 months. A break before the second course is two months.

Important! Aloe has pronounced biostimulating properties. Some folk healers consider it dangerous to take it in case of tumor processes. Also plant strictly contraindicated in diseases with bleeding, and during pregnancy.

Option seven – with celery

It is taken:

  • half a liter of juice from celery leaves and shoots;
  • the same amount of honey product in liquid form (the sugared product must be melted in a water bath at 40-45 degrees).

The mixture is taken orally in a tablespoon three times a day. Effective for polyarthritis. Stored in a refrigerator, placed in glassware. Celery with honey and lemon for joints is drunk for thirty days. Then a pause is made for a month. At the same time, it is recommended to eat apples (half a kilo daily) and walnuts (100 grams each).

Option eight – lingonberry tea


It is taken:

  • a handful of lingonberry leaves;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The leaves are brewed in a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered after cooling. A bee product is added to warm tea and stirred. The daily dose is drunk during the day in small portions.

It is effective in rheumatism.

Option nine – pine buds

It is taken:

  • two and a half liters of water;
  • 100 grams of pine buds;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • the same amount of honey product.

Almost simmer over low heat until more water evaporates (no more than half a liter should remain). After cooling, sugar and honey product are put into the broth, stirred. The solution is divided into three doses, drinking the medicine before meals. The remedy is effective for rheumatism.

Option ten – garlic, onions, cranberries

It is taken:

  • 300 grams of chopped onions;
  • 200 grams of finely chopped garlic cloves;
  • a pound of ground cranberries;
  • kilogram of honey product.

Onions, garlic, cranberries are mixed and kept in a refrigerator for a day. Then add the bee product. The finished mixture is taken three times a day before meals for a teaspoon. It helps with gout.

Option eleven – white wine, onions


It is taken:

  • 300 grams of chopped onions;
  • 100 grams of honey product;
  • 600 milliliters of dry white wine.

The product is mixed, kept for two days in a refrigerator. After straining, it is drunk a tablespoon three times a day. Effective for gout.

External use: ointments, compresses

Outwardly, honey in combination with other medicinal components is used in two ways:

  • applied directly to the skin (a gentle massage is done);
  • applied, more often all night long, with the help of linen or cotton cloth – a kind of compress is made.

Option one – salt

This is one of the easiest recipes. You will need:

  • honey product;
  • fine kitchen salt.

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Treatment of joints with honey and salt consists in applying the specified mixture on the tissue to the sore spot at night. From above it is necessary to wrap a woolen fabric, a warm towel, a downy shawl.

It is useful for the feet and hands to make honey-salt baths.

Option two – aloe, vodka


You will need:

  • 100 grams of honey product;
  • 150 milliliters of store-bought vodka;
  • 50 milliliters of juice obtained from aloe leaves.

It is applied to sore areas at night. The ointment has warming properties.

Read: Application of aloe with honey

Option three – pure bee product

Pure honey can be used as a compress. It is applied to the skin or cotton fabric, and then applied to the inflamed area. This compress helps relieve pain.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with honey will be more effective if you first warm up the problem area with a heating pad. Then a gentle massage is done for 5-7 minutes. And only after that a honey compress is applied for three hours.

The procedure is carried out ten times. Three days in a row, and then a day later.

Option four – mummy

It is taken:

  • 100 grams of honey product;
  • 5 grams of mummy.

The components are mixed in a water bath and cooled. Used for lightly rubbing problem areas. Helps to relieve inflammation, restore skin if damaged.

Option five – bay leaf

Bay leaf

It is taken:

  • a glass of crushed bay leaves;
  • 200 milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The leaves are soaked in oil in a cool place for three weeks. After straining, honey is added. Ointment is used to treat the inflamed areas with polyarthritis.

Option six – furacilin

It is taken:

  • a quarter of a glass of crushed furacilin tablets;
  • a teaspoon of honey product;
  • mustard plasters.

Honey and furacilin are applied to mustard plasters, and then applied to the inflamed area. It is necessary to keep the mustard plasters for at least ten minutes. After removal, the place is not washed, but wrapped in a warm cloth. The recipe is effective for sciatica.

Option seven – wax, egg yolk

Treating the knee joint with honey involves the use of beeswax.

It is taken:

  • wax that occupies the volume of a matchbox;
  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • one egg yolk.

The wax is melted in a water bath. It is applied warm to a piece of natural fabric. This bandage is wrapped around a sore spot, insulated with a downy shawl. The compress remains on the joint all night.

Option eight – with medical clay

It is taken:

  • clay packaging;
  • 150 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • two tablespoons of honey product.

The ointment is applied for two to three hours. After the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the joints well.

Option nine – with a cabbage leaf


Cabbage compress with honey for joints is good for swelling and acute inflammation. Its leaves are able to cool, relieve swelling, pain. You can apply them in several ways:

  1. Warm up in a microwave oven with microwaves, after making several small cuts. Brush with liquid honey. Apply to the inflamed area, wrap with cellophane and warm cloth. Leave it overnight.
  2. Mix one part of dry mustard powder and liquid honey product. Add three parts camphor oil. Apply to a white cabbage leaf. Use as a compress. Keep for 2,5-3 hours.

Option ten – aspirin

You will need:

  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • a teaspoon of honey product.

The resulting mass is applied on a cabbage leaf or on a piece of clean linen cloth.


Aspirin with honey for joints is also used in another way.

It is taken:

  • 10 tablets;
  • 200 grams of honey product.

The tablets are ground into powder using a rolling pin or glass bottle. The powder is mixed with the bee product. The ointment is kept at room temperature for 10 days. Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with honey with the addition of aspirin is carried out at night – rub the sore spots with ointment, then wrap them with a warm cloth. The remedy is also effective for gout attacks.

In conclusion, we remind you that honey is not used internally with individual intolerance. In this case, allergy symptoms occur even when it is used externally. Use with caution inside during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With diabetes mellitus, a doctor’s consultation is required.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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