How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Food intolerance to honey is rare. Only three out of a thousand people have an allergic reaction when this product is introduced into the daily diet or when it is taken at a time.

Allergy to honey will be discussed below – symptoms in adults, in children, treatment and prevention of allergic reactions.

The content of the article

  • 1 Causes of allergies
  • 2 Who is at risk
    • 2.1 Противопоказания
    • 2.2 Sensitivity test
    • 2.3 About dosages
  • 3 Symptoms in adults
  • 4 Allergy to honey symptoms in children
  • 5 Prevention
  • 6 Allergy to honey – treatment
    • 6.1 Folk remedies
  • 7 How to protect yourself with intolerance

Causes of allergies

The bee product acquires allergenic properties mainly due to admixtures of pollen, which gets into it when pumped out from the honeycomb.

Less commonly, the cause is insufficient purity of the bee product… It reveals:

  • the remains of antibiotics and other drugs used in the treatment of bees;
  • any impurities added when the product is tampered with (for example, sugar syrup).

Also the risks are associated with the use honey obtained in environmentally unsafe regions or areas… For example, heavy metals can accumulate in the nectar of plants blooming near busy highways and large industrial plants.

To avoid contaminated honey, it is necessary to check the veterinary document with the seller. It is issued after checking the goods in laboratory conditions.

Who is at risk

Sensitivity to honey can be:

  • congenital;
  • and purchased.

In the first case, allergic reactions are possible due to a genetic predisposition.… Consequently, those whose parents suffered from honey intolerance are at risk.

In the second case, intolerance or hypersensitivity is acquired during life.… And here it all depends:

  • from the state of the immune system;
  • from existing diseases of the digestive, endocrine, respiratory system, skin;
  • from the use of a low-quality product – counterfeit, toxic (poisonous, drunk), honey with various chemical impurities.


It is best to avoid honey altogether if allergies are likely.


Contraindications for adults and children:

  • allergy to any bee products from parents;
  • detection of sensitivity to one of the bee products in the past;
  • existing intolerance in children of any food products (for example, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, milk, strawberries, sweets);
  • acute inflammatory processes of the digestive system (exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, cholecystitis);
  • allergic diseases – dermatitis with retention of carbohydrates in the skin, exudative diathesis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis arising from flowering plants;
  • age up to a year, when honey can easily cause food intolerances;
  • diabetes mellitus (mandatory medical advice is required to take the product).

Sensitivity test

If the product appears in the diet for the first time, it will be useful to conduct a sensitivity test.

For children over three years old, the doctor may prescribe allergy tests… And immunoglobulin E will help to identify a specific allergen in the composition of a bee product – its amount is measured in a blood test.


Adults test themselves at home in two ways:

  1. Apply honey externally to the inner surface of the elbow and wait from 30 minutes to an hour… If there is no rash, irritation, redness in the area of ​​application, everything is fine with tolerance. This test is more suitable for testing cosmetic products based on a honey product.
  2. Consume the product internally in small quantities, literally at the tip of a teaspoon… Or they keep honey in their mouth for 3-5 minutes, and then spit out the rest. Any unusual reactions of the body indicate intolerance: a sharp rash or itching on the body, burning lips, dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, breathing problems.

About dosages

Often people provoke food intolerances themselves, abusing useful sweetness.

Adults should not eat more than 100-150 grams per day. Teenagers (children from 14 years old) consume an average of 50 grams. For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is selected individually. Roughly it is 1-2, maximum 3 teaspoons per day.

Symptoms in adults

The main body reactions indicating hypersensitivity in adults:

  • unpleasant burning sensation on the lips, which occurs almost immediately after consuming the bee product;
  • skin reaction – redness in the form of spots, small rash, severe reaction: urticaria, eczema;
  • from the nervous system – dizziness, headache, fainting in difficult cases;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system – a violation of the heart rhythm, a drop in blood pressure;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, pain cramps;
  • on the part of the respiratory system – a runny nose, in more difficult cases, a cough with difficulty breathing, bronchospasm;
  • in the oropharynx – dryness, in difficult cases, Quincke’s edema.

The systemic reaction of the body is expressed in anaphylactic shock.

Symptoms in adult photos (urticaria, Quincke’s edema):

hives urticaria-2 quince

Allergy to honey symptoms in children

In children, especially small ones, intolerance manifests itself in the same way. But the body’s reaction is sharper. And it appears in a short time.

If in adults hypersensitivity to the bee product is detected within 40-60 minutes, in a child it takes 10 to 20-30 minutes.

The higher the likelihood of angioedema, bronchospasm, severe nasal congestion. The skin can become covered with a rash on large areas – the back, abdomen, face, arms. Urticaria appears more often.

Symptoms in a child’s photo (urticaria, laryngeal edema):

urticaria-3 hives edema


If at least one of the above reactions was detected, the bee product must be completely excluded from the diet! Since even a slight manifestation of allergies with repeated admission may worsen.

In case of especially acute reactions, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor! Especially when it comes to a child.

Alarming symptoms:

  • pallor or redness of the skin;
  • temperature increase;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • severe vomiting;
  • laryngeal edema, shortness of breath, increased salivation;
  • cold sweat, chills;
  • problems with blood pressure (a sharp increase or decrease).

Allergy to honey – treatment

A mild allergic reaction in an adult goes away immediately after the product is excluded from the daily menu. Taking antihistamines will help speed up recovery:

  • Claritina;
  • Fenistil;
  • Allegra;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Loratadin;
  • Diazolin.

The list of such drugs is quite extensive. A family doctor or pharmacist will help you choose the best option. For children, forms are produced in the form of candles, drops, syrup.

The expected effect occurs within 20-30 minutes after ingestion. To fix it, you may need to take the drug again within 1-2 days (the exact dosages and the duration of the course in severe cases are determined by the doctor).

Skin reactions are stopped with external dosage forms. Both hormonal (for example, Hydrocortisone ointment, Flucinar) and non-hormonal drugs are used. The latter are recommended, first of all, for children. These are Bepanten, Fenistil gel, D-panthenol.

Severe allergic reactions are treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors!

Folk remedies

It is possible to alleviate the condition with the help of folk remedies, but only in the case of a reaction of mild to moderate severity.

Oak bark

These are mainly external lotions and compresses that help to cope with skin rashes. For use in children, there are no restrictions on these funds. Can be used externally:

  • kefir or sour cream;
  • decoctions and water infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, oak bark, yarrow, St. John’s wort;
  • soda solution (half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water).

How to protect yourself with intolerance

Hypersensitivity to the bee product is manifested not only when it is consumed in its pure form. Honey is often added to baked goods, national dishes, cosmetics and even baby food.

Allergy sufferers will have to be vigilant – always be interested in the composition of unfamiliar dishes, baby food, cosmetics, sweets, drinks. And the child’s diet, ideally, should consist only of dishes that are familiar and well tolerated by a small body. Everything new is introduced to children gradually and in small portions!

Note: Acacia honey is best for the first sample. This spring variety can be consumed with little sensitivity to the product. The main thing is to eat sweetness in very small doses, preferably for medicinal purposes and in small courses (no longer than a week).

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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