Diet and honey – can they be combined?

Overweight is a scourge of modern civilization. In some developed countries, more than half of the population suffers from it. Unsurprisingly, diets and nutrition are extremely popular these days. Is honey fashionable on a diet? This directly depends on how much sweet treats are eaten per day, and how exactly the bee product is introduced into the daily menu.

The content of the article

  • 1 Useful properties for losing weight
  • 2 Противопоказания
  • 3 dosage
  • 4 Optimal time
  • 5 Diet or nutrition?
    • 5.1 Water solution
  • 6 Quick answers to questions
    • 6.1 Can you lose weight with honey and cinnamon?
  • 7 Honey diet

Useful properties for losing weight

The honey product has many medicinal and simply beneficial properties for humans. But not all of them are directly related to the organization of proper nutrition. There are even frankly harmful characteristics. It is high in calories and has the potential to cause food intolerances.

Therefore, when introducing a bee product into the diet, it is necessary to do a small test – to eat a teaspoon of honey in the morning. If there are no reactions to a new product during the day, it is suitable for nutrition.

Any unpleasant symptoms indicate intolerance:

  • burning lips;
  • itching of the skin all over the body or in certain places;
  • skin rashes;
  • hives;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • increased salivation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • a feeling of suffocation (the most dangerous condition that requires medical attention).

The second important point that you should pay attention to when losing weight is calorie content..

One hundred grams of honey product contains an average of 328 kilocalories. Accordingly, you cannot eat it in large quantities.

If the product is well tolerated, it can be eaten in small quantities. This will allow:

  • normalize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • remove toxins by stimulating the liver and kidneys;
  • enrich the body with microelements and biologically active substances;
  • reduce the load on the cardiovascular system;
  • regulate the work of the nervous system, ensuring good sleep;
  • replenish energy reserves (the bee product is absorbed very quickly);
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize and speed up all metabolic processes.

Read more: Bee honey: benefits and harms



The bee product has many contraindications for ingestion. Here are the main ones:

  • intolerance (congenital hereditary or acquired);
  • acute inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract (exacerbation of peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, gastritis, cholecystitis);
  • dermatoses, accompanied by hyperglycoderma (retention of carbohydrates in the skin).

Is it possible to get fat from honey? Yes. And this reason is also a frequent restriction in the consumption of bee products.

Important! With complete intolerance, even external application can cause an acute allergic reaction. After all, massage involves actively rubbing the honey mixture into the skin. And the bee product is partially absorbed by the skin.


You can eat honey on a diet. There are no direct prohibitions. While this is a fast carbohydrate product, its beneficial chemistry and health benefits are in its favor.

The daily dose should not exceed two tablespoons without a top – this is approximately 45-50 grams.


Honey can be used to sweeten porridge in the morning. Bee products are healthier than sugar, which is an empty carbohydrate… Or add to warm boiled water in the amount of one teaspoon or dessert spoon, and then drink the honey solution 40-60 minutes before bedtime.

Optimal time

As for the time of ingestion, it is better to choose the first half of the day. During this period of the day, the body is in dire need of replenishment of energy reserves, and the rate of metabolic processes is noticeably higher than in the evening.

It is impossible to eat honey at night while losing weight, especially in large quantities. An exception to the rule is its use in the form of an aqueous solution. This technique is useful for insomnia and nervous excitement, as well as for stomach problems.

It is impossible to make a mistake with calories in case of taking an aqueous solution. A teaspoon of honey product is taken in a glass of water. Very rarely, folk recipes recommend taking a dessert or a tablespoon for the preparation of such aqueous solutions.

Diet or nutrition?

It’s fashionable these days to be on a diet. A great variety of weight loss systems have been developed. All of them are based on a noticeable cut in daily calories for the body, refusal from so-called junk food. The effect of this method is undoubtedly there – the kilograms are melting before our eyes.

However, experienced nutritionists believe that proper nutrition (PP) is preferable to diets. PP has a long-term effect. This is not an intense weight loss system, but a permanent lifestyle. You can stay on the PP for years without any damage to the psyche and health in general.

Is it possible to have honey on the PP? Certainly. The main thing is not to eat more than the recommended daily intake. A single excess of the dosage will not lead to weight gain.

Water solution


It is even better to drink a warm aqueous solution of the bee product. In this form, it is absorbed as quickly and completely as possible. The body receives all the necessary trace elements and biologically active substances.

Other positive aspects of a healthy diet with honey:

  • cleansing of toxins;
  • correct work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of the functions of the nervous system.

Quick answers to questions

The dietary approach to nutrition is the cause of doubts and frequently asked questions regarding the daily diet. Brief answers to them are posted below.

Dukan’s diet: can honey be on the attack?

This nutritional system is based on the intake of protein foods. The honey product belongs to carbohydrates. It contains only 0,8 grams of protein per hundred grams. Eating one or two teaspoons of such a delicacy is possible only at the so-called consolidation stage.

The Maggi Diet: Is It Possible For Honey?

Such a food system does not provide for the intake of carbohydrates. Weight loss by 6-10 kilograms per month here completely depends on the accuracy of following the proposed menu.

Can you get better from honey if you eat it every day?

No, if you eat it in moderation – no more than 40-50 grams per day. Overdose threatens to gain weight, as well as when consuming a large amount of any carbohydrates.

Can honey be on a drinking diet?

This food system is based on a liquid diet, which includes fruit cocktails, meat broths, teas, juices, skim milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, oatmeal jelly. Theoretically, the menu can include a honey product diluted in water. The daily dose should not exceed 45-50 grams. Sugar is completely eliminated.

Can you lose weight with honey and cinnamon?


Cinnamon – a spice with some fat-burning properties… She noticeably dulls the feeling of hunger. And in combination with honey it can improve metabolism and digestion. The main thing is not to overdo it with the bee product.

Tea on the cover:

A teaspoon of spices is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 50-60 minutes. The infusion is filtered and mixed with a teaspoon of the honey product. It is drunk in the morning and in the evening 30-40 minutes before the main meal, half a glass.

Cinnamon paste:

The spice is mixed with natural melted or liquid honey in equal proportions (in a tablespoon or dessert spoon). And then it is spread on wholemeal bread or dietetic bread.

Honey diet

This nutritional system implies taking an aqueous solution of a honey product at a certain time or adding it to low-calorie foods.

Preparation of the solution:

  • half a glass of chilled boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • lemon juice to taste.

The drink is drunk twice a day: one hour before breakfast and after dinner two hours before bedtime. At the same time, the daily calorie content of the menu is reduced to 1 kilocalories.

You can add bee product to food instead of drinking honey water… For example, put it in low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, drink a bit of warm tea for lunch, add it to kefir for dinner or eat it with a baked apple. A single dose is a teaspoon without top. The total calorie content of the daily diet does not exceed 1 kilocalories.

Thus, it is possible to eat honey during the diet, if it is provided for by a specific food system, but in moderation. With proper nutrition, the bee product is also not contraindicated. The only condition is the absence of individual intolerance.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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