Apitherapy as a separate area of ​​medicine

Apitherapy or treatment by bees is a separate area of ​​modern medicine, which is gaining more and more popularity every year. The process of treatment itself, that is, the methods and techniques used, are also often called apitherapy.

The content of the article

  • 1 Apitherapy as a branch of medicine
  • 2 Features of therapy for various diseases
    • 2.1 Varicosity
    • 2.2 Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • 2.3 Coxarthrosis
    • 2.4 Arthritis
    • 2.5 Gout
    • 2.6 Psoriasis
    • 2.7 Oncology

Apitherapy as a branch of medicine

Bee stings, performed for medicinal purposes, were officially recognized by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1959 as an effective technique. After that, the training of apitherapists began – doctors involved in the treatment of bee venom, honey, bee bread, propolis, royal jelly and other bee products.

It should be noted that the use of beekeeping products as medicines dates back more than a single millennium. The listed bee products are actively used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Due to their unique chemical composition, they are effective in many diseases and pathological conditions of the body, which is confirmed by their practical application and laboratory studies.

In particular, bee stings or insect venom help:

  • with a number of skin diseases;
  • with arthritis and arthrosis;
  • with chronic bronchitis, bronchial ulcer, pleurisy;
  • in paresis and paralysis;
  • with inflammatory processes in gynecology;
  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • with neurological disorders and epilepsy;
  • with migraines;
  • during the recovery period after traumatic brain injury;
  • in neuropathies and neuritis;
  • with sciatica and rheumatism;
  • with osteochondrosis and pain in the spine;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • with arrhythmia;
  • with ischemic disease;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with inflammation in the male genital area, impotence.

Bites are carried out after consulting your doctor and performing a sensitivity test to apitoxin with mandatory control of protein and sugar in urine and blood!

Stinging is contraindicated in children under five years of age, pregnant and lactating women, persons suffering from tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, mental disorders, oncology, hepatic, renal and heart failure. And also to all patients who are sensitive to bee venom.

Allergic reactions after bites are observed in 5% of the world’s population! The consequences can be very serious, up to paralysis of the respiratory center and anaphylactic shock.

Features of therapy for various diseases

bees on the hive

The duration of the course of treatment and the number of stings in one session are selected by the apitherapist individually, depending on the type of disease, its course and the patient’s well-being.

Below are general guidelines for the management of some serious medical conditions.

The information is provided for informational purposes only. A consultation with a doctor is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of your treatment!


Treatment of varicose veins by bees is carried out with “live” poison. The course of treatment includes 10 stinging procedures in painful areas – places in the area of ​​varicose veins and nodules. There are two sessions per week. After 10 procedures, a week break is taken. If necessary, the course is repeated.

In one session, from two to six bites are performed, depending on the individual sensitivity to pain and poison.

Apitoxin, penetrating into the area of ​​inflammation, relieves pain, reduces tissue swelling, increases blood flow – small nodules dissolve completely, and when the form is neglected, the appearance of the legs and the patient’s well-being improves.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by bees is performed with individual intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

bee sting

Apitherapy in this case relieves inflammation, reduces pain and morning stiffness, and improves the condition of the joints. Treatment with bee venom reduces the level of anxiety and depression. Patients can refuse to take glucocorticoids or reduce their dosage in maintenance courses.

Apitoxin can be used both as an independent treatment and in combination with medications.

Bites are performed according to the general scheme:

  • the first session – 2 stings;
  • the second – 4;
  • third – 6;
  • fourth – 10;
  • fifth – 15;
  • sixth – 20.

The stinger is removed from the skin after 60 seconds. Sessions are held every other day. Repeated bites at the same point should be performed no more than once every 3-4 days!

With a slight sensitivity to apitoxin, expressed in the appearance of edema or small urticaria, no more than two bites are performed in one procedure, but the sting lasts up to 10-15 minutes.

The sting site is selected depending on the localization of the pain syndrome – from the inner or outer side of the joints… One course should not exceed 10-12 sessions and include more than 200 bites for the entire period. If necessary, re-therapy is performed after three months.

Before the bites, it is recommended to carry out an intensive massage of the diseased areas with the addition of honey. As a result, there should be a slight reddening of the affected joint.

Inside, 100-120 g of honey is taken per day. The daily dose can be divided into several doses of 30-40 grams (tablespoon) of honey.


Treatment of coxarthrosis by bees is carried out through stinging in the area of ​​the affected hip joint. The duration of the course is selected individually, usually 7-10 sessions. On the first day, two bites are performed, then the number of stings is gradually increased to 10 in one procedure.

performing a bite

To reduce pain, a balm on honey is taken internally… He is preparing:

  • from two glasses of black radish juice, carrots, beetroot;
  • from 100 ml of vodka;
  • from 100 ml of aloe juice;
  • honey

All of the listed ingredients are poured into a three-liter jar, mixed well. Honey is poured on top – it must fill the jar to the neck. The balm is thoroughly mixed again and infused for seven days at room temperature.

The finished medicine resembles red wine in color and transparency. Stored in the refrigerator. It is taken in the morning or in the evening for 1-2 tablespoons until severe pain disappears.


Arthritis treatment by bees is performed through stinging at biologically active points on the body of a sick person.

The course of treatment includes 10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days. In one procedure, from 2 to 10 stings are performed. The first session always starts with two bites. In total, up to 55 stings are performed in one course.

After a week break, the treatment can be repeated. Three bites are performed daily for 1,5 months. Bees sting in the same place no more than once every five days! In total, for a second course, it is necessary to take up to 150 stings.

The tincture is prepared from a tablespoon of crushed podmore and 200 ml of alcohol… The medicine is infused for three weeks with regular shaking of the container. The tincture is drunk twice a day – in the morning and in the evening for three weeks. At a time, a number of drops equal to half the patient’s age are drunk. The tincture can be diluted in 50-70 ml of water.

The broth is prepared from two tablespoons of podmore and 0,5 liters of water… The product is simmered over low heat for two hours, filtered and used for baths. Stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.


joint bite

Treatment for gout by bees includes the use of bee sting, propolis and apitoxin in the form of stings.

For compresses on sore areas, use alcohol tincture… It is prepared from a glass of well-dried podmore and a liter of vodka. The product is infused in a dry, warm place for 14 days, filtered and used externally. Cotton cloth is moistened in the tincture, applied to the inflamed joints at night and covered with cellophane for insulation. Treatment is carried out until the pain syndrome disappears.

For grinding, propolis oil tincture is used… It is prepared from 100 ml of any vegetable oil and 100 g of propolis purified from wax. The product languishes in a water bath until the propolis is completely dissolved, cools down and is used to rub the diseased areas.

Bee stings are performed in the area of ​​the inflamed joint. The course of treatment includes 5 to 7 sessions at intervals of a day. Every day, the number of stings is increased by one bite, and therapy begins with the poison of two bees. Apitoxin relieves pain, reduces swelling and increases blood circulation.


Bee treatment for psoriasis involves the intake of several bee products.

Natural honey taken 20-30 g per day or a tablespoon three times a day with a special herbal tea for psoriasis. The duration of therapy is from three weeks to two months. This bee product helps to strengthen the body, saturating it with vitamins and minerals.

bee with pollen

Perga (bee bread) absorbed on an empty stomach within 2-3 weeks in the amount of 0,5-1 teaspoon. The product normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. Perga is not washed down with water!

In the presence of infiltrates on the skin, pure honey appliques… Honey can be mixed in a ratio of one to one or one to four parts of sulfur, tar, naphthalan, peat wax.

Peeling removes well a mixture of beeswax, olive oil and honey… All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions when heated in a water bath. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.

For removing crusts on the head honey is mixed with egg yolks and burdock oil. The mixture is kept on the hair for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Introduction of live bee venom produced within 10 days. They start with one bite and gradually bring the number of bees to ten. The sting is in the skin for 5-10 minutes. After a three-day break, the course can be repeated. This technique helps well with sluggish forms of the disease.

Summer podmore used to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins. Dead bees are roasted in vegetable oil and then crushed. Taken in a teaspoonful of milk. Duration of treatment is 30-60 days.

Royal Jelly taken in the form of Apilac tablets. Every day for two months, two tablets of the drug are absorbed under the tongue.


Bee cancer treatment includes propolis, pollen (pollen), honey. Below are a few recipes containing these bee products.

honey and herbs

For the prevention of cancer and the treatment of tumor processes in the stomach 1-2 glasses of viburnum berries with honey are eaten daily. Honey is added to taste.

For the treatment of the stomach juice squeezed from plantain leaves is mixed in half with honey and boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. It is absorbed in the mouth three to four times a day half an hour before meals. The dosage is one dessert spoon at a time. Plantain leaves are harvested in the first week after flowering. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to consume 3-4 liters of the mixture.

For the prevention of malignant neoplasms and stimulation of the immune system a tincture of propolis with vodka or 40-degree alcohol is taken. For 300 ml of an alcohol base, 50 g of purified propolis is taken. The product is infused in a warm place for a month. It looks like a dirty yellow liquid. Take 15 drops per glass of boiled milk for 3-4 weeks.

For all types of cancer an aqueous infusion of herbs with the addition of honey and pollen (pollen) is taken. The herbal collection is preliminarily prepared (10 g of each ingredient in crushed form):

  • from thistle leaves;
  • from immortelle flowers;
  • celandine herb;
  • from the herb of Veronica officinalis;
  • from chamomile herb;
  • from cocklebur grass;
  • tricolor violet grass;
  • from calendula flowers;
  • from shoots of white mistletoe;
  • from burdock roots.

Two tablespoons of the resulting collection are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, infused for two hours, filtered. The product is drunk with honey to taste – 100 ml three times a day. At the same time, a teaspoon of pollen is taken. The course of treatment is three months. After a two-week break, therapy can be repeated.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that any type of apitherapy requires both prior consultation with the attending physician and medical supervision during the entire course of treatment.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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