Can honey replace sugar during diet, when added to coffee, tea, baked goods?

Dieters are wondering if honey can be substituted for sugar. In many reference books, it is indicated as a natural product that is useful for the human body.

Indeed, the honey product is superior to sugar in many respects. This is not an “empty” carbohydrate, but a source of trace elements, biologically active substances, vitamins. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Significantly affects metabolic processes, speeding up metabolism (which at first glance sounds strange, because it is sweet). But you need to eat it wisely.

The content of the article

  • 1 Caloric value
  • 2 Glycemic index
  • 3 Adding to tea
  • 4 Adding to coffee
    • 4.1 Cold cooking
  • 5 Adding to baked goods
  • 6 Replacing invert syrup
  • 7 In conclusion

Caloric value

The first thing people pay attention to when following a diet is the calorie content of a particular product.

Honey is an energetic carbohydrate product, the calorie content of which varies depending on the variety. Average indicators are 300-350 kilocalories per hundred grams. The “lightest” varieties are acacia and obtained during flowering orchards (about 300 kcal).

Obviously, it is impossible to eat honey instead of sweet without control, since the bee product is quite high in calories. Although it is inferior in this indicator to sugar. The calorie content of the latter is 398 kilocalories per hundred grams.

At the same time, the honey product is absorbed very quickly – the simple sugars included in its composition are absorbed into the bloodstream without decomposition by food enzymes.

Is it possible to replace sugar with honey when dieting? Of course, but the daily dose should not exceed one or two tablespoons without top.

The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than six teaspoons of sugar (100 kilocalories). And for men, the daily dose is nine tablespoons (150 kilocalories). The same recommendations can be guided by when introducing a natural honey product into the diet.

The calorie content of a teaspoon is 26 kilocalories (here, again, it all depends on the variety). Sugar – 28-30 kcal.

Read: Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm

Glycemic index

The second important point is the glycemic index. The use of a bee product for diabetes can be dangerous.

Therefore, it is recommended to get recommendations from your doctor before starting medotherapy (treatment with folk remedies). Introducing a honey product into the menu as a treat for this disease is generally not worth it.

A GI over 70 units causes a rapid insulin response. Accordingly, honey is selected with a minimum of glucose in the composition. In such varieties, the GI of fructose is 19 units, and the total GI, taking into account glucose, is about 50-70 units.

With diabetes it is useful:

  • acacia variety;
  • chestnut variety;
  • and lipez.

Read more: Diabetes mellitus and honey consumption

In comparison with sugar and its GI equal to 70, the honey product wins – the blood glucose content will be lower when consumed.

Adding to tea


Can honey be added to hot tea instead of sugar? Anyone who knows the properties of a natural bee product is clear that this cannot be done.

The fact is that it is rapidly destroyed by high temperatures, losing its chemical properties. And they use it most often as a remedy that helps well with seasonal viral infections. And it is for colds that hot tea is recommended.

But already at 40 degrees in the honey product, the destruction of phytoncides – plant antibiotics – occurs. And at temperatures above 60 degrees, all healing properties, taste, smell are lost, the crystal structure is disturbed.

To heal, honey is eaten with a bite. First, herbal tea is drunk, and then after 15-20 minutes a teaspoon of the bee product is absorbed in the mouth. Or it is used half an hour before eating or drinking tea.

Adding to coffee

Gourmets are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee with honey. The addition of the bee product gives the drink an original taste. There are special recipes that are popular with connoisseurs of this combination of products.

But coffee with honey cannot be brewed instead of sugar, as this leads to a violation of the chemical composition of the bee product and the loss of medicinal properties. It turns into an ordinary sweetness.

Cold cooking


But cold cooking, which is relevant in the heat, is quite acceptable.

It is taken:

  • a glass of cool water;
  • boiled chilled milk;
  • two tablespoons of coffee;
  • 75 grams of honey product;
  • the same amount of boiling water.

First, coffee is brewed and cooled to 40 degrees. Then the drink is mixed with a bee product and a glass of cool water. It is poured into tall glasses with ice and milk.

The drink is healthy and pleasant to taste, it cools well on hot summer days. The disadvantages include its calorie content.

Adding to baked goods

You can replace sugar in baked goods with honey, but here you have to take into account the quality of the baked product.

A beekeeping product, if used ineptly, makes the dough:

  • too sweet;
  • wet and sticky;
  • heavy.

bakery products

Therefore, it is important to choose the correct proportions in accordance with the quality of the honey product used (it can be liquid or thick, candied).

A glass of sugar is about three quarters of the honey in the same vessel.

By introducing the bee product into the recipe, it is necessary to adjust the amount of water and flour. There are two ways here:

  • take less liquid (for example, half a glass for three quarters of honey instead of a glass, as for sugar);
  • use more flour.

Baking takes longer, and the temperature must be reduced by ten to fifteen degrees (the product darkens faster).

Replacing invert syrup

In cooking, honey can replace invert syrup. For this purpose, the bee product must be in a liquid state – fresh or melted in a water bath.

Such a replacement will not be to everyone’s taste, since the dishes acquire a characteristic honey smell.

Note: sugar syrup is the basis of an artificial honey product.


There are different recipes for its preparation for culinary purposes. For example, it is taken:

  • 300 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Sugar is simmering. After the water boils and the foam appears, acid is introduced. Cooking lasts another 20-30 minutes under the lid. Syrup does not harden in the refrigerator compartment.

In conclusion

Whether or not to replace granulated sugar with a natural honey product depends on the specific purpose. When it comes to losing weight, you can refuse this supplement on the menu, like most sweets.

Read: Diet and honey – can you combine

People with diabetes should be especially careful. In their case, the bee product is suitable only for medicinal purposes.


  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving metabolism if you drink honey water on an empty stomach;
  • low GI in properly selected varieties.

Negative points:

  • possible intolerance;
  • incompatibility with diet in large doses;
  • the likelihood of acquiring a counterfeit on the market.

Adding honey to baked goods, as well as to any hot drinks or meals, is not helpful. For medicinal purposes, a product that has not been heat treated at temperatures above 40 degrees is suitable.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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