Athlete’s application for tomato

Every day, chemists and biologists improve and develop special stimulants for seedlings, with which you can significantly strengthen the immune system of the bush, which for some reason are not planted in the most favorable conditions for their cultivation. In addition, there are still various means for growth progression. There are a lot of them on the market, and one of the popular means of Athlete for Tomato.

  1. What is feeding
  2. In what cases is
  3. the effect of the drug
  4. advantages of treatment by the Athlete
  5. Proper use of
  6. Conclusion <

Применение Атлета для помидор

Application of the Athlete for the tomato

For which feeding is suitable

The peculiarity of such top dressing is that the product does not have a specific smell and has a higher percentage of effectiveness. In addition, most gardeners and gardeners know that it’s quite difficult to create all the necessary conditions and temperature for the fruit. The main thing is to properly water the bush.

All because one plant needs one temperature, a large amount of sunlight is important for another, and the third is important a large percentage of humidity and coolness. One bush lacks minerals, another nitrogen, and the third lacks moisture, especially this is often found when growing tomatoes.

In order to somehow tidy up the bushes and give them full conditions for good productivity, it is necessary to give the bush special stimulants for seedlings. Gardeners often use organic additives, but because of their unpleasant odor and relatively low efficiency, they depart from this.An athlete is a tool that has already managed to earn a positive reputation. The main thing is to use and use the product correctly.

In which cases is used

The athlete is used to protect the bush from any harmful and negative effects. Fertilizers experts recommend using for feeding seedlings of vegetable crops and any other decorative crops. They recommend using the correct irrigation system.

Thus, the drug helps to transfer the transplant process to the plant much easier, while accelerating the development of the bush and so that the root system is much better strengthened. Also, the drug does not allow tomatoes to grow much faster than the root system, because this can lead to early death of the bush.

With the help of the drug, vegetables will be much easier to tolerate drought and at the same time give a fairly good percentage of yield, and if use the product for ornamental plants, their flowering period will be significantly longer.

Experts advise using the product for:

  • shrubs of decorative type;
  • flowers that can be grow indoors;
  • vegetable varieties c.

Drug action

Обработка растения стимулирует его рост

Processing the plant stimulates its growth

Granular fertilizer is used both for greenhouses and open soils.The athlete must be diluted in water, fully follow the instructions on the package.

After the solution has been diluted in water, let it infuse for 5-10 minutes, then it must be added to the ground and treated with a plant. Experts recommend using this processing method for those plants that grew in greenhouses in wet and temperate climates. It is important to consider that the lighting is average.

With the help of such exposure and treatment, the bush and fruits begin to grow 2 times faster and consume much more nutrients. At the same time, the product has no negative consequences for the fruits and root system, and the trunk does not deform in any way.

Advantages of treatment by the Athlete

As soon as you start to fertilize your plants with such a preparation , immediately you can see the positive aspects of the drug.

  1. The stalk becomes much larger.
  2. The leaves on the bushes become larger in size.
  3. The root system develops 2 times faster.

As a result, the percentage of tomato yield increases significantly, and all because, thanks to Paraty and bush fruits begin to grow and develop much faster than before. The percentage of tie also increases.

Treatment with the drug does not affects bees and, of course, also poses no danger to humans.

Correct use

On average, 1, 6 ml is in one dose and before how to use for processing, the product is best diluted in 1 liter. water. Usually this is the norm for processing fruits, but when it comes to tomatoes, the concentration increases significantly. 1 ampoule per 300 ml of water.There are 2 ways to process the bush – to water the soil where seedlings are already growing or to spray.

Some gardeners are sure that watering tomatoes is much more effective than spraying. This is due to the fact that if you water the tomatoes, the fertilizer will immediately go to the soil, and if you spray it and after some time it rains, it will completely wash off the product and then you will have to process the leaves and fruits again.


Athlete is a unique tool that can simplify the cultivation of tomatoes and helps maintain a good percentage of yield. The main thing is to choose the right dosage and feed the bush on time. Watering the tomatoes must be done regularly.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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