Description of tomato sunrise

It is very important for every gardener to know that he has the best specimen of a certain species or type of variety. Everyone chooses the best quality and excellent type for themselves, especially for tomatoes. It should be a variety that gives a large percentage of yield, has excellent taste and immunity. The tomato variety Sunrise is suitable for this description.

  1. Variety description
  2. Advantages of the variety
  3. Deficiencies <
  4. How to plant
  5. Cultivation of the variety
  6. Disease Prevention

Описание томата Санрайз

Description of tomato Sunrise

Variety description

What is it a tomato from the Sunrise variety? Tomato Sunrise f1 is a first-class hybrid. Recently, many experienced gardeners have more and more preferred hybrids. Universally versatile, they are perfect for any type of activity and after harvesting you can do anything you like. According to the description of the variety, Sunrise tomato is a completely Dutch work of local geneticists. They tried to develop just such a variety of tomatoes that could give a high percentage yield even under extreme living conditions.

The yield of tomato Sunrise is amazing – they can give from 5 to 8 kg, sometimes this figure can increase up to 10. Everything will depend on the conditions in which the bush will be kept s.

Tomato Sunrise f1, according to the description of the variety and reviews, refers to those varieties that are sung early. From the time of planting to the time of harvesting, only 64 -75 days will pass. This is a very good result.You can grow this type of plant, as in the open ground, in the same way as a greenhouse. Tomato Sunrise f1 according to the variety description is not tall plants, the bushes are very compact, belong to the determinate types, it is also necessary to pinch plants to the first brush.

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Tomato Sunrise is very resistant to various diseases, especially to such as:

  • alternariosis (stem cancer);
  • spotting of a gray type on the leaves;
  • verticillin wilt.

The plant is absolutely not whimsical, does not require a special place or care, the most important thing is not to forget to water it, and from time to time to fertilize the earth with calcium and humus.

Advantages of the variety

According to reviews of many gardeners, it is safe to say that such a variety of tomatoes has a lot of positive qualities, and universal:

  • stable immunity to many diseases and pests;
  • excellent percentage of yield;
  • compact bush;
  • fast precocity;
  • unpretentiousness in care and growing.


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The plant needs a garter

Despite the general positive picture, there is also Inusa.

  1. Sometimes they notice that very small bushes can grow from some bushes, they can’t cope with their task, and already in the middle of ripening they dry up and die because their root system is very weak and cannot for itself get the necessary nutrients.
  2. Tomatoes of this type can sometimes show their bad side when transplanting, if they are not prepared for this. Before transplanting tomatoes into open soil or even a greenhouse, you need to treat the roots with a solution and add fertilizer there, and you also need to take seedlings out into the street, in the sun a few days before planting, so that the leaves get used to it.
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Also, according to experts, tomatoes sometimes need to be tied, as the fruits can weigh too much, and the branch may simply not cope with the load that it was given. Usually they attach a stick to the stem, and various branches are attached to it so that they do not break under the pressure of tomatoes, since then the whole branch and fruits on it will disappear.

How to plant

As mentioned earlier, the yield of the tomato sunrise is impressive. If you take care correctly, then you can get high-quality fruits within a few months. Considering the fact that all plants of this species are quite small, Sunrise tomato f1 can be planted 8 bushes per 1 m2 according to reviews and description.

For ordinary tomatoes, this would be very thick, since the standard is 4 bushes on 1 m2.In addition, gardeners deduced the ideal size of the dimple for planting – it is 50 by 50 cm. The roots can completely grow into the ground and not crawl out; in addition, when watering, the water will quickly reach the roots and give it the necessary minerals.

Growing a variety

Tomato Sunrise is a hybrid variety, so its seeds can only be purchased. Since they already come with stable immunity, you do not need to process them for prevention before disembarkation. Unless you can handle the roots yourself immediately before transplantation from various parasites that live in the ground and can somehow harm them. It is necessary to plant bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

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All fruits are round and large, when fully ripe, they have a bright saturated red color, this indicates that it is already possible to collect the fruits. By taste characteristics, the variety is very soft, juicy and with a slight tint of acidity. If the tomatoes are not ripe yet, then they will be tight and tough.

One fruit weighs from 210 gr. and up to 233 gr. After you have harvested, you can use such a variety for anything: cut it into a salad, preserve it, and make juice from it.

Disease Prevention

Tomato Sunrise f1 reviews of professionals say that it is a hybrid that can very rarely be infected with a disease.Most often, it can be sunburn due to the fact that the plant did not prepare for it in time and a sharp change in climate.

Tomato Sunrise F1. AgroElite

In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering and give as much fertilizer as possible. It is desirable that calcium be present there.Also, from midges and problems with the leaves, you can prepare a garlic solution – for 1 liter of water 0.5 kg of crushed garlic. Squeeze leaves periodically.

F1 – resembles from cherry tomatoes. The tomato variety Sunrise is a unique type that can perform several tasks. The most important thing is proper planting and care, and then you will have a large percentage of yield, and the food product is fresh, which can be stored for a long time.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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