Characteristics of tomato variety Gift

Gift tomato variety has been popular among gardeners for several years. Most use these beautiful fruits for commerce, but some are grown for personal consumption. Tomatoes of this variety are well transported and do not lose their properties during processing.

  1. Description of the tomato variety Gift
  2. Characteristic of fruits
  3. Advantages of the Gift
  4. Disadvantages <
  5. Cultivation <

Характеристика томата сорта Подарочный

Characteristics of the tomato variety Gift

Description of the tomato variety Gift

Most of the tomatoes sold in stores are hybrid, but Gift is not one of them. And also tomato Gift does not have F1 hybrid varieties of the same name.

The variety of garden tomato Gift is suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. Gift tomato is mid-season. From the moment of planting the seeds and until the fruit fully ripens, it takes at least one hundred days. The plant is determinant and limits its height to the growth of the stem . Does not exceed eighty centimeters. The leaves of tomato Gift are middle, light green in color, with a characteristic shape for these plants.

Gift tomato cannot be attributed to standard plants, at the base of the bush there are many stepsons of a full-fledged appearance. With proper care for stepsons, you can increase productivity. Plants of this variety are intended for cultivation in the open ground. They are well tolerated and growing in greenhouses or film tunnels.They have high resistance to various diseases and are not susceptible to attack by pests. Gift is adapted to high temperatures and drought, therefore it is most often cultivated in the south of the country.

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But despite his love of the hot climate and the sun, the tomato variety Gift is well tolerated by insufficient lighting and low air temperature. The description of the plant says that it was created by breeders for cultivation in various regions of the country. And the numerous reviews of summer residents and their love for this variety of tomatoes indicate stable crops both in Siberia and in the middle lane, and in the South.

Characteristics of the fruit

Description and the characteristic of this nightshade allows us to evaluate it as an ideal choice for both home and farm cultivation:

  1. Harvested from mid-July to late August, as this variety of tomatoes is mid-season.
  2. Gift tomato has smooth, isosceles fruits without ribs. The tomato is round in shape and its color is bright red. Unripe tomato has a greenish tint.
  3. The fruit mass is large, it varies from 100 to 150 grams, depending on cultivation conditions. They are distinguished by excellent taste – the tomato of this variety is sweet, has only a slight acidity.
  4. The description of the composition of the fruits says that they have a low level of dry matter.Therefore, they never crack and retain their freshness for a long time.

Gift tomato has an average yield of up to 5 kilograms of fruit from one square meter. It is best to eat fresh fruits, or use them to make a tomato. Tomatoes of this variety are not suitable for corking, since during the heat treatment the skin is very cracked and the flesh breaks up into small segments.

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Advantages of the Gift

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Fruits are an advantage of this variety

Tomatoes of this variety have the following positive qualities:

  1. Resistance to damage by various pests and diseases.
  2. Resistance to cultivation, vegetation and fruiting in hot climates. Therefore, this variety of tomatoes is so popular in the South.
  3. The beauty of the fruit. All tomatoes on the brush are the same shape, smooth and even. That is why this variety was called Gift.
  4. The ability to maintain a presentation for a long time. Most gardeners prefer to grow this variety of tomatoes for sale, as it is well transported, does not cake and during storage does not lose its taste.

The description of this variety of plants says that one of distinctive features is the formation of inflorescences.The first inflorescence is formed above the ninth leaf, and all the rest are located every three leaves. There are no articulations at the stalks.


And the disadvantages of the Gift can be attributed only to one point – cracking of tomatoes with a sharp change in soil acidity. This variety of plants does not have other negative aspects, and this is why it is popular among many gardeners around the world.


Cultivation of a plant begins with planting seedlings. Since this is a non-hybrid variety, seeds can be purchased both in the store and harvested from fresh fruits with your own hands. Before planting in the ground, your own seed preparation must be calcined in the oven, and the store planting material should be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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Prepared seeds are planted both in open ground and in small containers for seedlings. Seeds are planted in late March, and after the seedlings have two main leaf, prepared for planting in open ground.If the seeds are immediately planted in open ground, then do not bypassed in mid-April.

For this variety it is very important to observe the distance between the bushes: it must be at least eighty centimeters. Although the tomatoes of this variety can not be attributed to universal, in the Register of garden and garden plants it says that they are suitable for growing throughout the country.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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