Characteristics of Pasamonte cucumber

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetable crops, but picking up seeds for planting is not so easy even for experienced farmers. Pasamonte cucumber is of hybrid origin, allowing it to be grown even under adverse conditions.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bushes
  3. Description of the fruits
  4. Caring for the bushes
  5. Watering
  6. Fertilizing <
  7. Trimming <
  8. Diseases and pests
  9. Conclusion

The species has good resistance to drought and various diseases. The fruits have a good presentation and pronounced taste.

Character sticks of the variety

Pasamonte cucumbers are intended for cultivation in the middle climatic zone. The main characteristics of the variety are:

  1. Final fruit formation on the 45th day of ripening. The species is considered to be ripe.
  2. From 1 m² it is really possible to collect up to 15 kg of fruit.
  3. Zelentsy is suitable for preservation and daily use in food.

The culture can be grown both in open ground and and indoors, however, before planting, seeds are recommended to germinate. Most often, this species is grown using trellis. The frame allows the bushes to freely wander around and makes it easier to care for the crop.

The best time to plant a plant is at the end of May, when the temperature reaches 17 ° C.With the open type of planting, cucumbers must be covered with film material.

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Description of the bushes

The bushes have average weaving and ovary bundle shape. Lateral shoots are formed quickly, the bush should be pruned.

The culture has a female type of flowering. The variety is characterized by increased tying of cucumbers. The number of ovaries in one leaf sinus can reach from 2 to 3 pieces.

Description of the fruit

Pasamonte F1 cucumbers have certain standards for the harvest. Zelentsy possess the following qualities:

  • the length of the fruit reaches 9 cm;
  • the ratio of length to width is 3: 1;
  • the maximum weight is 120 g.

The shape of the cucumbers is cylindrical. The pulp does not contain voids or bitterness. The surface of the greens is tuberous, there are white spikes. Seeds are small or absent.

The color of the fruit is dark green with bright spots. Fruits are considered universal, but somewhat inferior to salad types. They are often used for salting. The variety is suitable for the cultivation of gherkins.

Care for the bushes

F1 series hybrids differ in minimal care requirements. However, for high yields, plants should be provided with the right conditions. This variety needs the following actions:

  • watering;
  • fertilizer;
  • hilling and trimming weaving.


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This variety is better not to overfill

The irrigation mode is regulated, depending on the stage of vegetation. Before the start of flower formation, 1 liter of water should be applied per 1 m² in case of drought and 2 liters in case of rainfall. During the formation of greenery, the plant requires more moisture, so the rate rises to 8 liters in dry weather and 6 liters after rain.

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This variety tolerates drought better than excess moisture. Frequent irrigation can lead to rotting of the root system.

Also, Pasamonte cucumbers are uncomfortable with the formation of an earth crust after watering. To avoid problems with the development of the plant, the area should be spud after irrigation. In this case, extreme care must be taken, since the root system of cucumbers is close to the surface of the earth. It is also better to carry out watering in the morning with warm water, since the variety does not tolerate cold.


Organic fertilizers should be used as fertilizer. Some mineral complexes can be prepared at home:

  • serum solution with iodine;
  • onion infusion;
  • fresh mullein or diluted chicken droppings.

The best way to fertilize is to dilute nutrients in water for irrigation.Usually, urea is used as a top dressing for cucumbers in proportions of 10 g per 10 liters of water.


Bushes of this variety need to be adjusted due to rapid growth. Excess lateral sprouts can cause deformation of greenbacks due to lack of sunlight.

The lashes are cut off during the period of active vegetation. In this case, it is necessary to preserve the main stem and initial shoots.

Diseases and pests

Seeds of hybrid origin have good resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. However, preventive action ultimately minimizes the risk of plant disease.

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Early ripening does not allow the lashes to be sprayed with potent chemicals, as this can lead to toxic greenery. To prevent diseases, it is better to use mixtures based on organic and mineral components:

  1. Powdery mildew is vulnerable to a solution in milk with the addition of iodine and soap. Such a liquid should be used to treat the leaves of bushes.
  2. To prevent gray root rot, water is used with the addition of baking soda.
  3. Bacteriosis will not touch the bushes treated with Trichopolum. 2 tablets of the drug are diluted in 1 liter of water.

The description says that when growing a vegetable in the open field, there is a high risk of losing part of the crop due to pests. The spider mite and slugs are especially dangerous for the culture.To kill harmful insects, you need to dig the area in the autumn and leave it to freeze.

Before germination, the seeds are pierced and treated with a mineral complex. It also reduces the risk of infection and improves yield.


Cucumber Pasamonte F1 is a self-pollinating variety of hybrid origin. This species has many advantages that attract both experienced agronomists and beginners.

Culture has good immunity and is unpretentious in leaving. The fruits are characterized by a long shelf life, so the variety is often grown for sale.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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