Timo Potato Description

Potato Timo is a Finnish hybrid with good taste. After 55 days from the moment of planting, the tubers become suitable for consumption. The high-yielding variety is widely distributed among farmers in the territory of the former Soviet Union.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Features of the fruit
  4. Growing
  5. Soil preparation
  6. Seed preparation
  7. Planting <
  8. How to care for
  9. Hilling and weeding
  10. Fertilizing <
  11. Yield
  12. Harvesting
  13. Pests and diseases
  14. Conclusions

Описание картофеля Тимо

Potato description Timo

Variety characterization

Potato variety T it belongs to the early-ripening varieties of tableware. It is perfect for growing even in adverse conditions of the northern regions of Russia, although the yield here will be lower than in the southern regions. Potato Timo Khankkiyan perfectly adapts to any conditions. It tolerates drought well, and normally feels in a humid environment. Not whimsical to the features of the soil. Productivity and quality are improved in sandy soil.

The tendency to degenerate the variety is quite low, so the seed can be used for a long time without a change. Belongs to universal varieties. The qualitative characteristics of the fruits allows them to be used for cooking all kinds of dishes.After heat treatment, the tubers do not fall apart and do not lose their color.

Description of the plant


  • the bush is sprawling, the stem is straight;
  • large light green foliage;
  • inflorescences are compact;
  • bluish-violet flowers.
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Features of the fruit

Potatoes of this variety have the following qualities:

  • root crops of oval shape with a weight of 70 to 130 g;
  • peel is glossy, smooth;
  • on the cut, the creamy-yellow flesh;
  • the starch level in the fruits is 14.2%.

Growing potato

Potato Timo Khankkiyan belongs to unpretentious nightshade cultures. Not picky about the composition of the soil. It responds well to regular feeding. It is recommended to grow the crop in areas previously seeded with green manure: flax, winter, annual herbaceous plants.

Planting is carried out in mid-April, under favorable weather conditions. In the northern regions, the landing period is postponed to the end of May. The culture needs constant loosening of the soil.

Preparation of the soil

Standard soil preparation begins in the fall. Deep cultivation is carried out with the introduction of fertilizers. In the autumn, manure or combined vitamin formulations are usually added.

Почву необходимо удобрить

The soil needs to be fertilized

per month before planting, deep cultivation is again carried out and another portion of organic substances is introduced. Depending on the method of landing, markings are made. The planting method is selected by the type of soil. There are 3 methods:

  • smooth – the standard option for a shovel (planting depth 10 cm);
  • trench – used on light sandy soils (potato planting depth 12-15 cm);
  • ridge – used on heavy soils (embedment depth 15 cm).
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Often this type of potato is used in non-standard cultivation options. One of the interesting methods is growing in containers. The method allows to obtain from one bush near a bag of root crops. On low-fertile soils and small areas, it is recommended to grow Timo potatoes in the mound way. A circular embankment is made in a small area and several bushes are planted in a circle.

Seed preparation

The seed material requires preliminary treatment. After harvesting, tubers are immediately separated for planting. They are kept for several days in a sunny room so that they turn green. This move helps keep the tubers from mice. Approximately 30 days before planting, the tubers should be pulled out of the cellar and disinfected.

Root crops are kept in a warm room for several weeks.After about 21 days, sprouts will appear. At this stage, it is necessary to reject tubers that have not grown, as well as potatoes with thin filiform sprouts. To accelerate growth, soak planting material in a solution of superphosphate and nitrate. After this, the process of dusting with wood ash is carried out.


When the ground layer warms up to 8-10 ℃, you can start planting the crop in the ground. Before this, you need to plow the soil. It is very important that the earth is moist.

The tubers are laid so that the sprouts do not break when the holes fall into the soil if they are too long. After about 10-14 days, the first shoots will appear. From this point on, in order to increase productivity and improve quality indicators, you must follow the rules of care.

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How to care

The first thing to take care of is watering. Variety Timo Hankkian tolerates drought. In some regions it will be enough to water the crop three times. The main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out during flowering.

As a standard, the first watering is carried out during active vegetation. It is not necessary to fill the area immediately after planting, there is still enough spring moisture in the soil. For the second time, potatoes are watered in the flowering phase. Subsequently, they are guided by the dryness of the soil. 20-30 days before harvesting, watering is completely stopped.

Hilling and weeding

Растения нужно обязательно окучивать

Plants must be covered up

The procedure is carried out necessarily when planting material is planted to a depth of 5-10 cm. Hilling is not carried out at all when:

  • severe drought;
  • landing by comb method.

The procedure is usually carried out three times. After strong sprouts of 10 cm appear, they are sprinkled with 8 cm of earth. This procedure is necessary to protect plants from frost. When the shoots rise another 10 cm, perform the next stage of hilling. In the same period, soil loosening is carried out in the inter-row space.

Weeding should be carried out regularly after watering and precipitation. This avoids the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface. The higher the soil moisture level, the deeper the soil needs to be loosened.

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An important factor affecting the yield is the regular timely application of fertilizers. The crop is fertilized three times over the entire growth period. When the tops reach 10 cm, it is fed with organics. About 500 ml of liquid mullein will be needed on the bush. Top dressing is carried out after watering or rain.

At the time of budding, a second top dressing is carried out. At this point, it is recommended that potassium compounds or ash be added. Potassium helps speed up flowering.At the flowering stage, organics are introduced to accelerate the growth of the root system. To do this, add a glass of mullein and 2 tablespoons to 10 liters of water. superphosphates.


Finnish potatoes can be eaten as early as 50 days after planting. Harvest completely after 70 days. One tuber weighs about 130 g. The maximum yield is 330 centners per 1 ha.

The tubers are well stored, despite the fact that Timo Khankiyan is an early variety. Up to 90% of the crop is preserved. The potato retains its presentation for a long time, which allows it to be used for commercial activities. Attractive appearance is maintained even with mechanical damage.


The harvesting period is determined by the condition of the tops. If it begins to fade or turn yellow, you need to dig up a potato bush and carefully examine the tubers. A strong peel is a signal for action.

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After digging, the nightshade is left in the sun for 2 hours, and then sorted and put into boxes. It is not recommended to keep the potatoes in direct sunlight for longer, otherwise it will begin to produce toxic substances. In the drawers, the potatoes remain in a warm room for another month.

In the room, gradually reduce the air temperature to 2-4 ℃. After a month, the tubers should again be sorted and discarded unsuitable for storage. After that, you can lower the root crops throughout the winter into the cellar.In the vegetable storehouse, increased air humidity should be maintained at the level of 80-90%.

Pests and diseases

Variety description Timo Khankkiyan says that the plant is quite resistant to many diseases. However, experienced farmers do not think so. Among the reviews of gardeners, complaints are often found that the Finnish representative of nightshade is more likely to be attacked by a wireworm, and when re-grown, it quickly becomes infected with late blight. The species is not very resistant to the golden nematode.

There is no nightshade culture that Colorado beetles would not eat. To prevent the attack of pests and the appearance of fungi, it is recommended to disinfect tubers before planting. If you plan a second potato planting in a season, you need to take care of additional protection against late blight. Often, Phytosporin is used for these purposes.

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A description of the quality characteristics of Timo Khankiyan allows It can be grown in soil with any composition. The variety tolerates drought and high humidity. It is characterized by moderate resistance to late blight. Often used for growing in non-standard ways.

The highest yields are observed in the southern regions. A big advantage is high resistance to mechanical damage, preservation of presentation over a long period. During heat treatment, the potato does not change color and keeps its shape perfectly, which allows it to be used for cooking many dishes.

Among the shortcomings, gardeners note a low resistance to damage by a golden nematode and wireworm. In the northern regions, potatoes yield a low yield, approximately 200 kg per 1 ha. When re-cultivated in the middle lane, the risk of infection with late blight is significantly increased. However, if the seedlings are properly treated with insecticides, many problems can be avoided.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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