Description of tomato Maroussia

Not a single summer season passes without planting tomatoes. One of the most common varieties is Maroussia tomato. It has excellent appearance and taste.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages <
  5. Growing rules
  6. Care <
  7. Diseases and pests
  8. Conclusion <

Описание томата Маруся

Description of the tomato Maroussia

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Maroussia was bred by Russian breeders relatively recently, the breeding year is 2007.

Tomato Maroussia was created specifically for cultivation In all regions of the country, in cold climates, planting is carried out in greenhouses or under foil, and in regions with a temperate climate, cultivation in open areas is possible.

Plant Description

Variety Maroussia tomato ripens in an average amount of time. It is believed that the growing season is about 100 days. The bush is of a determinant type, grows up to 100 cm. Tomato Maroussia tends to form fruits in the form of a bunch of grapes.

According to the description, the leaves of the bush are medium-sized, saturated dark green in color. It is not necessary to form a bush in 1 stalk: it copes with this task perfectly.

A variety of tomatoes also has a high resistance to various diseases.

Description of the fruit

According to the description, the fruits are small. On average, the weight of one ripened fruit is about 150-180 g. The shape of the fruit is oval, a bit like a plum. The fruit color is saturated red, without stripes or flaws.

The pulp is juicy, non-watery, even though the amount of dry matter in the pulp is minimal. The taste is sweet, with a slight acidity. Productivity is high: about 7 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush. Tomatoes of the Maroussia variety are universal species.


The main characteristics of Tomatoes Maroussia include the following characteristics:

  • high resistance to disease;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • heat tolerance;
  • high yields;
  • the possibility of long-term transportation and storage.

Maroussia tomatoes have no particular flaws.

Growing rules

Всходы высаживают через 2 месяца

Shoots are planted in 2 months

First of all, seeds are planted to obtain seedlings. It is believed that the ideal time to plant seeds is 2 months before planting seedlings in open soil. All seeds should be placed in separate containers, the distance between which is about 40 cm. Germination occurs at a temperature of 16 ° C.

Landing in the open ground is carried out only after the evening frosts end. Before planting seedlings, the soil is fed with minerals with a high content of phosphorus and potassium compounds. Planting is carried out on the principle that a distance of 50 cm is maintained between the holes and rows.

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Tomatoes require minimal care. It consists in regular weeding of beds, loosening the soil, removing weeds and watering. Watering is carried out in the evening and exclusively with water at room temperature: this prevents the roots from rotting when exposed to high temperatures.

Fertilizing is carried out infrequently: 2 times a month. For these purposes, it is recommended to use minerals with phosphorus and potassium. Organic substances can be discarded.

Diseases and pests

This species resists diseases well.

Sometimes tomatoes crack due to improper watering.

From aphids helps a solution of manganese, which is treated with each damaged bush. Sometimes in the fight against the bear they use folk methods: lime. If we consider chemical methods of control, then the Regent comes to the rescue.

To get rid of the greenhouse whitefly, recommend using Confidor. So that the slugs do not affect the plant, it is treated with tobacco dust mixed with ash. From the presence of ticks, Karbofos helps.


Cultivation is a real pleasure for every gardener. If all the care activities are carried out correctly, incredible results can be achieved in the field of agronomy.The main thing is to follow all instructions and regularly conduct a visual inspection of the bush for parasites and diseases.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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