Description of varieties of cucumbers in the letter L

In almost every garden plot various varieties of cucumbers are grown. Quite often there are varieties of cucumbers with the letter L. As practice shows, mainly such varieties belong to hybrid crops.

  1. Legend <
  2. Lapland
  3. Lyubimchik <
  4. Lesha <
  5. Lisa <
  6. Swallow Levin
  7. Fierce bear
  8. Lord
  9. Lotos
  10. Recommendations for growing
  11. Care <
  12. Pests and diseases
  13. Conclusion <

Описание сортов огурцов на букву Л

Description of cucumber varieties in the letter L


The growing season is 40 days from the moment of planting. The height of the stem does not exceed 3 m. There is a high characteristic the bushiness of the bush, which helps it to hold on to the support and not deform. The leaves are medium sized, with 5 blades. The color of the leaves is dark green, with a glossy surface.

The fruits are characterized by medium size and a cylindrical shape.

  1. The fruit is 18-20 cm long and weighs about 140 g.
  2. The description indicates that the surface of the fruit is dull, without tubercles and rough patches.
  3. In the taste of bitterness not observed.
  4. The legend is considered a universal variety in use. Suitable for both fresh consumption and the preparation of preservation or fresh salads.


The height of the bush is 2 m. Lapland grows in greenhouses, and the growing season is 45 days.On the main stem there are a large number of shoots with antennae, due to which the grip with the support is improved. Large leaves are characterized by a dark green color and a smooth surface.

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Fruits of an emerald hue, with small stripes of white color. The length of the fruit is 9 cm, and the weight is 80 g. Also, the surface of the fruit is completely covered with small tubercles. Thanks to its sweet, pleasant taste, it is often used for preservation and salads. Also, many gardeners use this variety for fresh vegetable salads or for eating fresh.


Most often, Mamenkin’s favorite is found in the Lukhovitsy area. This crop is self-pollinated. Therefore, you can grow a crop even in a greenhouse. The bush of cucumbers Mamenkin pet reaches 2 m. The bushiness of the bush is average. The foliage is deep dark green. Fruit formation is observed on the 45th day after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  • length of cucumber Mamenkin pet is 12 cm;
  • the weight of ripened green stuff is 120 g ;
  • mother’s cucumbers are characterized by a dark green color;
  • the shape is cylindrical;
  • on the surface of the fruit there is a slight pubescence of white color.

The taste is pleasant, sweet. Fresh fruits are used or for the preparation of salads. Excellent tastes are preserved during canning or salting.


The growing season is only 38 days from the moment the first seedlings appeared. A hybrid of category f1 Lesha is characterized by an average height of the main stem, which is 170 cm. The bushiness of the bush is average. The leaves are saturated green. No pubescence on the surface.

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Fruits are large – weight is about 100 g. The average length of the ripened cucumber is 11 cm. The fruit has a rich emerald color.

The yield is quite high. With 1 sq.m. You can collect about 12 kg of selected products. The taste is pleasant, sweet. There is no bitterness in these fruits, even with minimal watering. It is used for salads, pickles or preservation for the winter.


В плодах сорта Лиза нет горечи

There is no bitterness in the fruits of the Lisa variety

Lisa is a mid-early hybrid of category F1. The growing season is 38-45 days from the moment of seedling formation. The height of the bush is not more than 2 m. The plant is moderate leafy, with large dull green leaves. The root system is perfectly developed and can reach a length of 20 cm.

The ripened cucumber has a cylindrical shape, with small rounded areas at the ends. Its surface is glossy, without pubescence or white tubercles. The average weight is 130 g, and the length of an individual fruit is about 14 cm. The flesh is crispy, sweet, without bitterness.Used for preparing vegetable dishes or for eating fresh.

Levin Swallow

Hybrid Levin Swallow is a gherkin variety. This variety belongs to bee pollinators, so it should be grown only in open ground. The vegetation period is 48 days, from the moment of the appearance of the first seedlings. The female flowering type prevails.

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The power of the main stem does not allow the plant to deform from the wind and a large number of large fruits. Leaves are medium sized, light green in color. The height of the bush is, on average, 175 cm.

Fruits are light green in color, with a tuberous surface. On the surface of the hillocks there is a small amount of white pollen. The weight of the cucumbers is 150 g, and their length is about 15 cm. The pulp is juicy, but not watery. The taste is pleasant, sweet. Even with minimal watering, bitterness is not observed. It is considered a universal species and is suitable for preparing any dishes.

Fierce Bear

This high-yielding variety from Gavrish belongs to self-pollinated varieties. Planting it is recommended in late winter or early March. From the appearance of the first shoots to the beginning of the formation of the fruit, 58 days pass. The fierce bear is characterized by a high powerful main stalk. Its height is 3-3.5 m. The type of flowering is female. About 3 ovaries can form in one node. Leaves are large and green.A small amount of light bands is observed on the leaves.

The length of the fruit is 14 cm, weight is about 160 g. The surface of the green leaf is completely covered with small tubercles and white pollen. Also, the fruits are covered with white stripes, which are observed only on one half of the cucumber. The taste is saturated sweet, without bitterness or acid. Versatility in use is noted.

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Cucumber Lord of category f1 belongs to the early high-yielding crops. Rapid growth of the main stem of the plant is noted. The height of the bush reaches 3 m. There is also an abundant amount of lateral shoots, which have antennae at their ends. The growing season is 50 days. Type of flowering, mainly female. A moderate amount of foliage has a rich light green hue.

Fruiting lasts for several months. The description indicates the green color of the fruit, which is covered with white tubercles and small bright stripes.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  1. The fruits are quite large, weighing up to 180 g.
  2. The length of a single green leaf is 16 cm.
  3. The pulp is juicy, pleasant to the taste.
  4. You can use the product for cooking fresh salads or canning for the winter period. Productivity is high, about 7 kg with 1 sq.m.


Lotus is ideal for cultivation in the eastern parts of the country.This variety belongs to bee-pollinated crops, therefore, cucumber is planted only in open ground. The height of the bush is about 3 m. The foliage of a rich dark green hue is powerfully developed.

The fruit is cylindrical in shape, large tubercles and rare strips of light shade are located on its surface. The length of the fruit is 12 cm and the weight is about 130 g. Excellent taste characteristics are noted during preservation.

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Growing recommendations

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Follow the guidelines

Typically, hybrid crops are grown in seedlings. First you need to sow seeds and get seedlings. The seeds of hybrids go through all the stages of preparation before they go on sale. Therefore, it is not necessary to disinfect the seeds or treat them with growth stimulants.

It is recommended to plant seeds in early February. For each seed, you need to use a separate container so as not to disturb the structure of the roots when picking. Planting depth is 2 cm. The optimum temperature for emergence of seedlings is about 15 ° C. It is important to note that the soil must be fertile and pre-treated with a manganese solution. This will kill all bacteria that multiply inside the soil.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place should be carried out only after the first pair of leaves is formed on the plant.It should also be noted that the soil should be heated to a temperature of 14 ° C. According to experts, the transplant should be carried out in early April. A distance of 40 cm must be maintained between rows and 50 cm between bushes. To grow powerful, well-developed plants, the distance should be increased by 10-15 cm.


First of all, it is necessary to ensure timely watering of cucumber culture. It should not be frequent, with an interval of 3-4 days. Water the crop only with warm water and exclusively in the morning. This reduces the risk of moisture evaporation by the sun.

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Feeding should be carried out 3 times during the entire growing season.

  1. The first feeding is carried out a week after planting at a permanent place. During this period, it is advisable to use mineral fertilizers in the form of potassium or magnesium. These substances will help the ovaries to form correctly.
  2. The second top dressing, using phosphorus fertilizers, is carried out at the time of formation of the fruits. Phosphorus helps the fruit to pour well and form a pleasant sweet taste.
  3. The third feeding, using organic matter (humus or bird droppings), is carried out a week before the harvest.

Do not forget about the constant loosening of the soil, the removal of weeds and garter plants. Since a large number of large fruits are formed on the bushes, a garter is necessary in order to protect the bush from breaking off and deformation.

Pests and Diseases

Hybrids of category F1 are believed to have high immune systems. Experts are convinced that these cultures are not exposed to such common diseases as powdery mildew, brown spotting, cladosporiosis or bacteriosis. Therefore, a gardener can save not only money, but also his own time for treatment.

The only drawback of hybrids is their exposure to parasites. They are especially common when non-compliance with the rules of care. For example, most parasites develop in weeds. Therefore, it should be remembered that weeds should be cleaned once a week. If aphids or spider mites occur, use copper-containing preparations, for example, Oksikhom.

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To determine the choice of a variety, use our recommendations, which contain the best varieties for the letter L.Hybrids have strong immunity and excellent yield.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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