Why and how they drink water with honey

According to folk medicine, honey is eaten for various reasons – for treating the stomach and intestines, combating insomnia, strengthening the body in the cold season, normalizing metabolic processes, and eliminating vitamin deficiency. And this is just a small list of ailments or pathological conditions for which a bee product is recommended.

Is it possible to drink water with honey and is it a complete substitute for the use of the product in its pure form? It all depends on the goal. In addition, it is important to take into account the acidity of the gastric juice. According to its indicators, they determine what kind of water to take – cold, room temperature or warm.

The content of the article

  • 1 Why is an aqueous solution useful?
  • 2 About dosages
  • 3 About temperature
  • 4 About proportions
  • 5 Cleansing the body with lemon
  • 6 Slimming with cinnamon
  • 7 When reception is harmful

Why is an aqueous solution useful?

Any aqueous solution facilitates the assimilation of the bee product.

Honey and no water added is considered a fast carbohydrate. It contains simple sugars that do not require additional processing in the digestive system. Therefore, the chemical elements of honey are in the blood within 20-30 minutes.

It is believed that by dissolving it in water, a liquid is obtained that is close in chemical parameters to human blood plasma. Such a solution is absorbed even faster than pure honey.

Within a short period of time, the body receives important trace elements, vitamins, biologically active substances. It is also a replenishment of energy necessary for the work of muscles and brain.

To read:

How to boost immunity with honey – tonic

Consuming honey for colds

About dosages

Very often people who follow a diet or watch their weight are afraid to eat honey. These fears are not unfounded.

The honey product is high in calories. One hundred grams, depending on the variety, contains from 300 to 350 or more kilocalories.

However, an aqueous solution is a great way to control your calorie intake without sacrificing a healthy supplement..

A tablespoon without a top contains 20-25 kilocalories… And most of the recommendations boil down to diluting just a teaspoon of the honey product in water. Even after drinking honey water twice a day – on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening – you will not be able to exceed the calorie intake.

About temperature

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As for the choice of the temperature of honey water, it does not matter for people with a completely healthy gastrointestinal tract.

Unfortunately, inflammatory processes in the digestive system are common these days. Therefore, before taking an aqueous solution of honey, it is necessary to clarify the acidity of the gastric juice.

The rules here are simple:

Reduced acidity requires the use of a cool solution (below room temperature, but not ice cold, as when taking from a well or well). They drink it 15-20 minutes before meals.

With normal acidity you can drink a solution at room temperature about 30-45 minutes before a meal.

Increased acidity requires caution! The interval between the use of the honey solution and the meal is increased to one to two hours. And the solution itself should be pleasantly warm so as not to cause heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

The question of whether it is possible to drink honey with cold water is also relevant. Only here we are not talking about honey water itself, but about the use of a pure beekeeping product. After it is washed down with water, focusing on the acidity of gastric juice. Cold liquid is appropriate only with low acidity. With its normal indicators, there will also be no particular harm from low temperatures. But the increased acidity will certainly make itself felt by discomfort in the abdomen.

About proportions

Standard proportions are a teaspoon of honey product in a glass (200 ml) of water..

Such a solution is a general tonic, normalizing metabolic processes, as well as a source of energy in the morning.

Such a drink will also help with insomnia, if you drink it 20-30 minutes before bedtime. But warm milk is more effective in this case. If honey is taken, it is better to give preference to varieties with a high fructose content – acacia, lime.


Read: Drinking honey at night

Therapeutic proportions depend on the type of disease… There will be different recommendations for each of them:

  • with gastritis with low acidity – 30-60 grams per glass;
  • with gastritis with high acidity – 40-60 grams;
  • with peptic ulcer – from 40 to 60-80 grams;
  • for liver diseases – 20-25 grams;
  • for general strengthening of the body in the season of colds – two teaspoons.

To read:

Treating intestinal colitis with honey

Features of liver treatment with natural honey

Peculiarities of peptic ulcer treatment with natural honey

Features of the treatment of gastritis using natural honey

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and their treatment with honey

Cleansing the body with lemon


To get rid of toxins, increase immunity, normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to take honey solution with the addition of lemon juice.

For its preparation, it is taken:

  • 200 milliliters of warm water (preferably mineral water without gas or key unboiled);
  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • juice from half a lemon.

The solution is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. It is believed that it also eliminates heartburn, activates digestive processes, reduces appetite (important for losing weight), and normalizes acidity. Allows you to feel cheerful and energized.

Read more: Drinking natural honey on an empty stomach in the morning

For the morning intake, it is better to choose a variety with a high glucose content – sunflower or herb… It is he who will help to recharge with energy before a working day.

Slimming with cinnamon


Combined with cinnamon, the honey solution will be helpful when taken at night. It acts as a natural fat burner.

You will need:

  • a glass of boiling water;
  • half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • a teaspoon of honey product.

Cinnamon is brewed with boiling water. After cooling down, natural honey is put into a slimming drink, stirred and drunk half an hour before bedtime.

This kind of tea should certainly be warm, but not hot. High temperatures violate the chemical composition of the bee product – it loses its medicinal properties.

Read: Diet and honey – can they be combined?

When reception is harmful


There are conditions of the body in which the honey product is limited or excluded in any form.

Contraindications are as follows:

  • individual intolerance, congenital or acquired;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus (consultation with a doctor is required);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system in acute form – ulcer, nephritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc .;
  • exudative diathesis and dermatoses, characterized by the retention of carbohydrates in the skin.

In other cases, water with honey is a tasty and healthy drink. Taking it for 1,5-3 months leads to the normalization of digestive processes, acceleration of metabolism, and getting rid of excess weight. If there are no allergies or contraindications, honey water improves the condition of the skin, hair, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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