Diabetes mellitus and honey consumption

There are many articles on the Internet devoted to the topic of whether honey can be used for diabetes mellitus. Often diametrically opposite opinions are expressed in them – some authors are categorically against the use, others advocate a moderate daily intake after consulting a doctor.

Immediately, we note that the treatment of diabetes with honey can be safely attributed to the category of science fiction. Any sort of bee product increases blood sugar. A special strain for diabetics simply does not exist in nature.

The content of the article

  • 1 The composition of the bee product
  • 2 Absorption by the body
  • 3 Diabetes dosage
    • 3.1 Glycemic index
    • 3.2 Bread unit
    • 3.3 Conclusion
  • 4 Probable benefit
  • 5 Rules of Use

The composition of the bee product

Diabetes is a disease in which one should avoid not only excessive mental and physical exertion, but also eat right… Diet keeps your blood sugar in check. And in a state of prediabetes, it helps reduce the risk of developing the disease.

The main requirements are not to overeat (not to gain excess weight) and not to consume large amounts of carbohydrates, fatty foods.

What is natural honey? This is a set of simple sugars, represented in its composition by fructose (38%), glucose (31%), sucrose (about 1%) and other sugars (up to 9%). There is also an admixture of water, pollen.

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The total carbohydrate content is from 75 to 80%, depending on the variety. There is no cholesterol. Proteins are present in the order of 0,8 grams per hundred grams of bee products.

The main nutritional value is trace elements… There are about three hundred of them. Many of them are involved in the metabolic processes of the body, significantly speeding up metabolism.

The product contains manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, lithium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, osmium, and other elements.

The vitamin composition directly depends on the variety. There are more vitamins in multicomponent (polyfloral) varieties than in monofloral ones.


Read: Natural bee honey (chemical composition, calorie content, nutritional value)

In general, the vitamin component is insignificant. Most of all carotene, B vitamins, folic, pantothenic, ascorbic acid, potassium. Iron is present in significant quantities only in dark varieties, such as buckwheat.

Absorption by the body

Any honey, regardless of the way it is consumed (in the form of an aqueous solution or in natural form) is very easily absorbed by the body.


Simple carbohydrates are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, providing the body with quick energy. When overeating or lack of energy requirements, they are stored in the form of subcutaneous fat, as well as visceral (covering the internal organs) fat.

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Even a teaspoon of honey product increases blood insulin levels. If carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, this becomes a problem. Hyperglycemia requires an immediate response from the pancreas.

If a person is healthy, the released insulin helps to distribute the resulting sugar to various tissues of the body. The patient will need to take appropriate medications.

In the case of type 2 disease (relative insulin deficiency), drugs that can lower glucose levels act more slowly than desired. Therefore, an overdose of honey can be really dangerous.

Diabetes dosage

So is honey possible for diabetics? Here it is important to understand why this sweetness was needed in the diet. If as a treat, is it worth the risk? If for medicinal purposes, it is important to get recommendations from the attending physician and only after that introduce the honey product into your diet.


It is certainly useful in hypoglycemia when you need to raise your blood sugar as soon as possible. And it doesn’t matter which variety was used for this.

The average glycemic index (GI) of the product is from 50 to 70 units.

Glycemic index

It is easiest to determine if honey in type 2 diabetes is possible by the values ​​of the glycemic index. They depend on the level of fructose in it. This indicator is determined by the variety.

The safest varieties contain a minimum of glucose (about 20-25% of the total mass). But the percentage of fructose in them is higher. Her GI is 19 units. Taking into account all the components, the GI of such varieties will be in the range of 50-70 units.

A high level of fructose is indicated by the slow crystallization (sugaring) of the bee product. Also, it is found more in the product obtained in the northern regions, which are quite cool in terms of climate.


The following varieties are referred to as conditionally safe:

  • lime (on the market since mid-August);
  • chestnut (from the end of June);
  • acacia (from the end of June).

Two of them, lime and acacia, can be found in almost any bee products market.

Bread unit

The bread unit (XE) is a constant that allows you to correctly build a diet, taking into account the amount of carbohydrates consumed.


One grain unit is equal to 12 grams of a bee product – this indicator is taken into account when calculating the dose of insulin. The patient will receive the same amount of carbohydrates by eating 20-25 grams of bread. And no more than 20-25 units should be eaten per day.

Consuming honey in such harsh conditions is not always justified. Indeed, in his favor, you will have to sacrifice foods that contain fewer carbohydrates, but are more nutritious. For example, one small cutlet (one XE), a glass of milk (one XE), half a small roll (one XE).

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How much honey is there for diabetics:

  • the daily dose is set taking into account the recommendations of the doctor;
  • it should not exceed one tablespoon without a top;
  • average values ​​- 1-2 teaspoons per day with mandatory control of blood sugar.

When hyperglycemia occurs, the bee product falls under a complete ban!

Probable benefit

It is worth adding honey to your daily diet only for good reasons, namely, to promote health. If necessary:

  • improve sleep and relieve nervous irritability;
  • to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • ensure the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • to carry out the prevention of seasonal viral infections (colds);
  • help in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu.

There are no restrictions on the external use of a honey product except for individual intolerance (allergies). They can treat fungal skin lesions, poorly healing wounds, ulcers, abscesses. Apply honey to gargle.

Rules of Use


With diabetes, you can eat honey, strictly observing certain rules:

The first of them – there is no later than 12 noon… The product needs to be eaten before noon, when the body needs energy. In the evening, metabolism is reduced, and energy requirements are also noticeably lower than in the first half of the day.

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Rule two – only after eating! You cannot drink honey water on an empty stomach or eat a honey product before breakfast. This will most likely provoke a sharp jump in sugar. Reception after meals as a dessert will significantly slow down absorption into the bloodstream.

Rule three – mandatory control with a glucometer… The product is prohibited for use if the jump in sugar after the first intake exceeds 2-3 units. The first 5-10 measurements are made without fail, regardless of how you feel!

Rule four – do not exceed the dosage… A dose of 5 grams is considered relatively safe. Approximately so much honey product fits in one teaspoon without top. This is about 20 kilocalories, which is equal to half a bread unit.

Rule five – do not chase “special sorts”… Many of them are extremely difficult to obtain in their pure (monofloral) form. For this reason, the market name often does not correspond to the declared healing characteristics. Nectar collected from white acacia, lindens, chestnuts is relatively safe. The highest fructose content is in the acacia variety. It crystallizes more slowly than other types of bee products.

But there is no completely safe variety! All varieties of bee products have approximately the same chemical composition. With diabetes, honey is bound to harm health if the recommended dosages are not followed. Sugar values ​​must be strictly controlled and within the limits established by the doctor for a particular patient.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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